Thursday 30 May 2024

Denmark Patronages Review (2024)

Portrait of King Frederik rereleased for use by Patronages
Photo: Dennis Stenild

As part of Queen Margrethe II's abdication and King Frederik X's accession, all of the Denmark Royals Patronages have been reviewed. Before the review, the Denmark Royals held a total of 258 Patronages. After the review, they hold a total of 140, with 13 being new patronages not held by another royal before. 

Each patronage has been agreed to a 5 year term and then will be reviewed and possibly renewed. 

King Frederik X

  • New Patronages
    • Copenhagen Climate Ministerial 
    • Danish Architecture Center
    • Léonie Sonning Music Prize 
    • Kolturplanen on the Faroe Islands
    • North Atlantic House 
    • The Brain Prize
  • Patronages passed down from Queen Margrethe II
    • American-Scandinavian Foundation 
    • The Danish Bible Society 
    • Sports Confederation of Denmark (DIF) 
    • The Greenlandic House 
    • The Royal Danish Geographical Society
    • The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters
    • Foreningen til lærlinges uddannelse 
    • Danish Church Abroad/Danish Seamen’s Church 
    • Det Kgl. Vajsenhus 
    • DGI 
    • The NORDEN Association 
    • Katuaq – Greenland Cultural Centre
    • Royal Danish Yacht Club 
    • The Anglo-Danish Society
      • Patrons:
        • Denmark 
          • Queen Margrethe II (?-2024)
          • King Frederik X (2024-Present)
        • UK
          • Queen Elizabeth II (?-2022)
          • King Charles III (2024-Present)
  • Patronages kept
    • The Danish Red Cross
      • Previous Patrons:
        • Prince Henrik (?-2018)
    • Copenhagen Royal Chapel Choir 
    • Bloddonorerne Danmark
      • Previous Patron:
        • Prince Henrik (?-2008)
    • Danish Design Center
    • DenmarkBridge
    • Save the Children Denmark
    • State of Green
    • Naval Officers Association

Queen Mary

  • New patronages
    • Independent Research Fund Denmark
    • Danish Hospital Clowns
    • WeShelter
    • The Danish Nature Fund
    • UNEP (UN Environment Programme) Patron of Biodiversity
  • Patronages passed down from Queen Margrethe II
    • The Royal Danish Academy of Music
    • Danish Cancer Society
    • Diakonissestiftelsen
  • Patronages kept
    • The Danish Nature Fund
    • Danish Mental Health Fund
    • Maternity Foundation 
    • The Children’s Aid Foundation
    • Danish Refugee Council 
    • The Danish National Center for Grief
    • Danish National Girls’ Choir 
    • Global Fashion Agenda 
    • The Danish Heart Foundation 
    • The Christmas Seal Foundation 
    • YMCA Soldier Mission
    • Mødrehjælpen 
    • Danish Kidney Association 
    • SIND – The Danish Association for Mental Health 
      • One of first patronages
    • Rare Diseases Denmark 
    • UNFPA (UN Population Fund) 
    • WWF Denmark
      • Previous Patron 
        • Prince Henrik (1972-2018)

Queen Margrethe II

  • Patronages Kept
    • ARoS 
    • Den Gamle By
    • Det Classenske Fideicommis
    • The Danish Institute in Rome
    • Diakonissehuset Sankt Lukas Stiftelsen
    • Ebbe Munck Memorial Foundation
    • GeoCenter Møns Klint
    • The Danish Rheumatism Association
    • Glas – The Museum of Glass Art
    • International Association for Classical Archaeology 
    • The Jelling Project
    • Moesgaard Museum 
    • Nyborg Castle – Medieval Christiansborg
    • The Rungstedlund Foundation 
    • Lejre Land of Legends 
    • Danish Multiple Sclerosis Society 
    • Selskabet for Kirkelig Kunst 
    • Sofieskolen 
    • Vallø Stift 
    • Vemmetofte Kloster 

Prince Joachim 

  • Patronages Kept
    • AQUA Aquarium and Wildlife Park 
    • CARE Danmark
    • Chakoten – Danish Military History Society 
    • Copenhagen Goodwill Ambassadors
    • Danish Museum of Science & Technology
    • Danish Veteran Association and Veteran Support
    • The Denmark Society 
    • Danish Heraldry Society
    • The Danish String Competition
    • The Danish Boys Choir 
    • The Danish Diabetes Association
    • Europa Nostra Danmark
    • Fjord&Bælt 
    • Friends of The Museum of Danish Resistance Foundation 
    • Grænseforeningen
    • Central Organisation for Reserve Personnel in Denmark (HPRD)
    • Hærvejsmarchen 
    • Museum Sønderjylland
    • Orders and Medals Society of Denmark 
    • Schackenborg Foundation 
    • Training Ship Danmark 
    • South Jutland Symphony Orchestra
    • Young Scientists
    • The Wadden Sea Centre
    • Aalborg Zoo

Princess Marie 

  • New Patronages 
    • Prins Henrik School 
    • Stop Wasting Food
  • Patronages passed down from King Frederik 
    • The Danish Dyslexia Association
  • Patronages passed down from Queen Mary 
    • Hjernesagen
  • Patronages passed down from Prince Joachim
    • The National Culinary Team of Denmark
  • Patronages Kept
    • AIDS-Fondet 
    • Alliance Française in Denmark
    • Autism Denmark
    • Copenhagen Cooking
    • The Danish National Commission for UNESCO 
    • The Danish Student House in Paris 
    • The Danish Epilepsy Association 
    • DanChurchAid
    • The Kattegatcentre  
    • Le Souvenir Français Den Danske Komité
    • Prix littéraire des ambassadeurs francophones
    • Schackenborg Foundation 
    • Tønder Festival

Princess Benedikte

  • Patronages Kept
    • The Alzheimer Association 
    • Ballettens Venner 
    • CP Danmark – The Danish Association of Cerebral Palsy
    • Danish YWCA in London
    • Danish Equestrian Federation 
    • Dansk Varmblod
    • The Green Girl Guides Denmark 
    •  The German-Scandinavian School
    • The Danish Scout Corps 
    • Elsass Foundation 
    • The Association for Eating Disorders and Self-Harm 
    • Frihedskampens Veteraners Mindefond
    • Hellebro 
    • Hestens Værn
    • The I.P. Nielsen Foundation in memory of Queen Ingrid
    • Margrethe-Skolen - Scandinavian Academy of Fashion Design
    • OK Fonden
    • Olave Baden-Powell Society
    • The Danish Osteoporosis Association
    • Parasport Danmark
    • Princess Benedikte Institute 
    • Copenhagen Girls’ Choir 
    • The SOS Children’s Villages
    • World Breeding Federation for Sport Horses
    • World Guide Foundation

Friday 17 May 2024

80th Anniversary of D-Day - Royal Attendance at Events in Normandy, France

Vladimir Putin at celebrating the 70th anniversary of D-Day (2014-06-06; 05)
Group Photo of Heads of State during 70th Anniversary of D-Day Events, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

On June 6th, 1994, the "Allies" launched their invasion of Normandy, France by water and air. The battle of Normandy lasted over 2 months. The term "D-Day" is a military designation used to denote the day on which a combat attack or operation is set to begin. The "D" simply stands for "day." 

D-Day was a important event as it was a turning point in World War II that led to the liberation of Western Europe from Nazi occupation.  

June 5th 

  • Smaller/Country Specific Events
    • Royal British Legion Service of Commemoration at Bayeuz War Cemetery
      • Attending: 
        • Princess Anne of UK & Sir Tim Laurence 
    • Service of Remembrance at Bayeuz Cathedral
      • Attending: 
        • Princess Anne of UK & Sir Tim Laurence 

June 6th 

    • Main Events
      • International Commemorative Ceremony on Omaha Beach
        • Attending: 
          • King Philippe & Queen Mathilde of Belgium
          • King Frederik of Denmark
          • Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg 
          • Prince Albert of Monaco
          • King William-Alexander & Queen Maxima of the Netherlands
          • Crown Prince Haakon of Norway
          • Prince William of UK
      • Reception by French President Macron 
        • Attending: 
          • King Philippe & Queen Mathilde of Belgium
          • (I would expect most of the Royals attending the Ceremony earlier)
    • Smaller/Country Specific Events
      • Royal British Legion Commemorative Event at British Normandy Memorial 
        • Attending: 
          • King Charles & Queen Camilla of UK
      • Canadian Commemorative Ceremony at Juno Beach Centre
        • Attending: 
          • Prince William of UK
      • Ceremony at the Danish monument outside of Sainte Marie du Mont
        • Attending:
          • King Frederik of Denmark

Tuesday 14 May 2024

English Translation of King Harald of Norway's Speech at Denmark State Banquet (2024)

Notes by Gert's Royals in [Bold]. 
Your Majesties
President of the Storting [Parliament]
Supreme Court
Justice Your Excellencies

Dear Guests,
Dear Frederik and Mary,

It was a big moment for all of us when you, Frederik, went out on the balcony on 14 January. It was touching to experience the warmth and joy that connected you and the Danish people together at that moment.

[Referring to the Accession Proclamation & Family balcony appearance during Abdication/Accession Events.]

This moment I hope you will carry with you as a strength throughout your kingship. But the support of the people alone cannot carry a king. You also need to live in love with those closest to you.

So when you were joined by your family on the balcony on this very special day, I hope you felt the strength needed. For family is perhaps your most important support device. At least that's what I've experienced.

Dear Mary, you took on a big task when you went and fell in love with this sporty Dane. You gave up a lot that was safe and familiar. You made Denmark and the Danes your own heartland and heartland. I know that you have also been a great support for our beloved Queen Margrethe.

Just today the two of you have been married for 20 years - surely that deserves a round of applause? We think it's very nice that you chose to celebrate your wedding anniversary here with us tonight!

During these years you have raised four wonderful children together – Christian, Isabella, Vincent and Josephine. The Crown Prince couple and Princess Ingrid Alexandra joined in celebrating Prince Christian, who has now become Crown Prince, at his 18th birthday last year.

["The Crown Prince Couple" refers to Crown Prince Haakon & Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway. Princess Ingrid Alexandra is their daughter and is heir to the heir.]

The Queen and I are grateful that the close ties of family and friendship between our two families are also continued through new generations. It means a lot to all of us, I think.
And of course we expect that you too will continue the tradition of spending lots of time in the Norwegian mountains and embracing the somewhat peculiar Norwegian sport of cross-country skiing!   

Your Majesties, 
Dear Guests,
32 years have passed since the Dannebrog last sailed into the Oslofjord on a state visit. Their visit coincides with us celebrating the 400th anniversary of the reconstruction of the city of Oslo, initiated by Danish King Christian Kvart after the great city fire. For 300 years, the Norwegian capital was named after the Danish king. So we have traces of you Danes everywhere!

[Dannebrog is the Denmark Royal Yacht, which King Frederik & Queen Mary travel on to get to Norway. King Harald is referencing to the 1992 State Visit made by Queen Margrethe & Prince Henrik]

The fact that you came by sea is a reminder that the sea connects our two countries. This affects much of our history both as nations, as people and families.

Every day, Danes and Norwegians board the Danskebåten, as we call it - you call it the Oslobåten, right? - in giddy anticipation of the delicious life in Denmark: Amusement parks and Smørrebrød sandwiches, beautiful architecture - and a particularly nice people. Nowadays, when the Norwegian krone is weaker to the Danish one, it is possibly at least as nice to be Danish in Norway..!
[Danskebåten "Danish Boat" /Oslobåten "Oslo Boat" is the Ferry between Copenhagen, Denmark & Oslo, Norway. How you refer to the Ferry depends where you are from.]
[Norwegian krone is Norway's Currency. People generally like to travel to countries with "weaker" currency, as it is less expensive.]

The sea that connects us is of great importance to us all. In the sea lie hope and opportunities for the future. It is our shared responsibility to take care of the sea that gives us so much. Keeping the sea fresh is one of the great tasks of our time.

Dear Friends,
In the face of external threats, we search together, and become more aware of what unites us. The Nordic community of values ​​has become even stronger after Russia invaded Ukraine. Every day we are reminded of the value of peace and freedom. And about protecting our liberal democratic system of government.

The Nordic countries are now united in a common defense alliance. Our history, our close political ties, shared values ​​and common language are resources we must manage well.
We will constantly be put to the test - and then it is important to stick to our values ​​- secure in our own position.

[The "common defense alliance" the Nordic countries are united in likely refers to NATO. Sweden & Finland were the final Nordic countries to join NATO, and did so in the last 13 months].

Your Majesties, Dear Frederik and Mary,
It is a great pleasure to have you visit. I wish you all the best for your important work. Both to you and to all of us, I want to say:
Find your own party - and spend time tending to what is most important in life. 
We raise a toast to King Frederik and Queen Mary, and to the warm relationship between Denmark and Norway.

Monday 13 May 2024

Denmark State Visit to Norway

Photo: Liv Osmundsen, The Royal Court

Tuesday May 14th 

  • Welcome ceremony at Honnøbryggen in Oslo. (11 AM)
    • Attending:
      • King Frederik & Queen Mary of Denmark
      • King Harald & Queen Sonja
      • Crown Prince Haakon & Crown Princess Mette-Marit
  • Reception at Royal Palace (11:45 AM)
    • Exchange official gifts

  • Wreath-laying at the National Monument at Akershus Fortress (12:30 PM)
    • Attending:
      • King Frederik & Queen Mary of Denmark
      • Crown Prince Haakon & Crown Princess Mette-Marit
  • Meeting with Storting President Masud Gharahkhani (12:50 PM)
  • Lunch at Kongsgården (1:45 PM)
    • Attending:
      • King Frederik & Queen Mary of Denmark
      • King Harald & Queen Sonja
      • Crown Prince Haakon & Crown Princess Mette-Marit
        • Princess Ingrid Alexandra
  • Visit Oslo Science City and MiNaLab (4 PM) 
    • Attending:
      • King Frederik & Queen Mary of Denmark
      • Crown Prince Haakon & Crown Princess Mette-Marit
  • State Banquet at Oslo Royal Palace (8 PM)
    • Attending:
      • King Frederik & Queen Mary of Denmark
      • King Harald & Queen Sonja
      • Crown Prince Haakon & Crown Princess Mette-Marit
      • Princess Astrid
    • Speech by 

Wednesday May 15th 

  • Visit Østmarka National Park (10 AM)
    • Attending:
      • King Frederik & Queen Mary of Denmark
      • Crown Prince Haakon & Crown Princess Mette-Marit
  • Meeting with Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre (12:20 PM)
  • Government's lunch at Akershus Castle (1 PM)
    • Attending:
      • King Frederik & Queen Mary of Denmark
      • King Harald & Queen Sonja
      • Crown Prince Haakon & Crown Princess Mette-Marit
  • Architecture walk at Waterfront (3:30 PM)
    • Attending:
      • King Frederik & Queen Mary of Denmark
      • Queen Sonja
      • Crown Prince Haakon & Crown Princess Mette-Marit
  • Return Reception on Royal Yacht Dannebrog (7 PM)
    • Attending:
      • King Frederik & Queen Mary of Denmark
      • King Harald & Queen Sonja
      • Crown Prince Haakon & Crown Princess Mette-Marit

Sunday 12 May 2024

List of Royal Warrent Holders / Purveyors to the Court


Royal Warrant signs for The Queen Mum, Prince Charles & Queen Elizabeth II
Photo Credit: Colin Smith / Royal Appointment Signs, Ballater. (1994)

A Royal Warrant (or the title "Purveyor to the Court") is given to a business to recognize them as someone who provides goods or services to the Royal Household. The business is then allowed to display the Royal coat of arms (or crown) and advertise that they have Royal Customers.


Photo Credit: By Oxiq [CC0], from Wikimedia Commons

King Charles & Queen Camilla gives out Royal Warrants to businesses that have supplied them (or their household/office) with goods or services for at least 5 out of the last 7 years.

(During Queen Elizabeth II's reign, Royal Warrants were given out by Queen Elizabeth, Prince Philip, Prince Charles & The Queen Mum.)

The Warrant holders are then allowed to say "By Appointment to" and display the Royal coat of arms on their products, stationery, advertisements, etc.

Full list of Royal Warrant Holders:


"Warrant Holder of the Court of Belgium" (Gebrevetteerd Hofleverancier van België/Fournisseur breveté de la Cour de Belgique) is a title given out by King Philippe & Queen Mathilde to businesses that have supplied them (or their household/office) with goods or services for at least 5 years.

List of Royal Warrant holders: (Updated every November)

Royal Warrant holder Rules:

Photo Credit: By Oxiq [CC0], from Wikimedia Commons

Royal Warrants are given out by King Frederik to businesses that have serviced the Royal House for 10-15 years and are well-established, economically solid and of good public reputation

The Royal Warrant is granted to a single person in a company, opposed to the company as a whole. The businesses are granted the title "Purveyor to His Majesty The King." (Until 2008, there was also the title "Purveyor to the Royal Danish Court," which was given to larger companies supplying the Royal Household. ) 

New Royal Warrants are granted on the King's Birthday. 

List of Royal Warrant Holders:


Netherland Purveyor to the Court Sign
Photo Credit: Suedwester93
[Public domain], from Wikimedia Commons

The title "Purveyor to the Court" (Hofleverancier) is given out to businesses that have been in business for 100 years and have a good track record, and it is 0nly given to small or medium-sized companies. 

The companies are not required to supply the court to receive this title.

List of Royal Warrant Holders:


The Spain Royal Family no longer gives out the title "Purveyor of the Royal House" (Proveedor de la Casa Real). 


Photo Credit: Holger.Ellgaard
[CC BY-SA 3.0 ], via Wikimedia Common
Royal Warrants are given out by King Carl Gustad and Queen Silvia for regular service to the Royal Court. The warrant is usually given to the managing director of the company, not the company itself. 

List of Royal Warrant Holders:

Royal Warrant F.A.Q.:

Wednesday 1 May 2024

Denmark State Visit to Sweden (2024)

Vasaorden 3
Sweden Royal Barge, Vasaorden
where welcome with Crown Princess Couple will take place
Atlantic Chef, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

It is a tradition of Scandinavian Monarchies (Denmark, Norway & Sweden) to make a state visit to other monarchies at the start of their reign. 

Swedish royals unless otherwise mentioned. 

Monday 6 May

  • Arrive in Stockholm via Royal Yacht Dannebrog
  • Welcome at the the Royal Barge, Vasaorden 
    • Canon salute from Kastellholmen and Skeppsholmen.
    • Attending:
      • King Frederik & Queen Mary of Denmark 
      • Crown Princess Victoria & Prince Daniel
  • Official welcome ceremony at Skeppsbron street below the Royal Palace (10:45 AM)
    • Inspect Life Guards
    • Live Stream by Sveriges Television 
    • Attending:
      • King Frederik & Queen Mary of Denmark 
      • King Carl Gustaf & Queen Silvia
      • Crown Princess Victoria & Prince Daniel
  • Reception in the Hall of State at the Royal Palace
    • King & Queen of Denmark Greet Representatives of Riksdag (Parliament), the Government and official representatives of Sweden 
    • King & Queen of Sweden greet Danish Delegation
  • Press Conference 
    • King Frederik and King Carl Gustaf give official statements
    • Attending:
      • King Frederik & Queen Mary of Denmark 
      • King Carl Gustaf & Queen Silvia
  • Luncheon for Royal Guests at Royal Palace (Noon)
    • Attending:
      • King Frederik & Queen Mary of Denmark 
      • King Carl Gustaf & Queen Silvia
      • Crown Princess Victoria & Prince Daniel
    • Accompanying ministers and representatives from the Danish delegation attend a luncheon hosted by Minister for Foreign Affairs Tobias Billström at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
  • Meeting with the Speaker of the Riksdag (Parliament) at the Riksdag (Parliament Building). (1:45 PM)
    • Attending:
      • King Frederik & Queen Mary of Denmark 
  • Meeting with Sweden's Prime Minister at Rosenbad (PM's Office) (2:35 PM)
    • Attending:
      • King Frederik & Queen Mary of Denmark 
  • Visit to the Royal Institute of Technology (3:30 PM)
    • Attending:
      • King Frederik & Queen Mary of Denmark 
  • State Banquet at Royal Palace (7:30 PM)
    • Live Stream by Sveriges Television 
    • Speeches by 
      • King Frederik of Denmark
      • King Carl Gustaf
    • Attending:
      • King Frederik & Queen Mary of Denmark 
      • King Carl Gustaf & Queen Silvia

Tuesday May 7th

  •  Visit Stockholm Marine Regiment (9:45 AM)
    • Attending: 
      • King Frederik of Denmark
      • King Carl Gustaf
  •  Visit Prins Eugen’s Waldemarsudde Museum (11:20 AM)
    • Attending: 
      • Queen Mary of Denmark
      • Queen Silvia
  • Lunch hosted by the Chair of Stockholm City (12:30 PM)
    • Attending:
      • King Frederik & Queen Mary of Denmark 
      • King Carl Gustaf & Queen Silvia
      • Crown Princess Victoria & Prince Daniel
      • Prince Carl Philip & Princess Sofia
  • Visit Forskaren, a newly constructed building in Hagastaden designed as a hub for knowledge exchange and cooperation between world-leading actors in the field of life sciences. (2:25 PM)
    • Attending:
      • King Frederik & Queen Mary of Denmark 
      • King Carl Gustaf & Queen Silvia
  • Visit Nordiska museet (Nordic Museum) (3:50 PM)
    • Attending:
      • King Frederik & Queen Mary of Denmark 
      • King Carl Gustaf & Queen Silvia
      • Crown Princess Victoria & Prince Daniel
  • "Return Event" Reception aboard the Royal Yacht Dannebrog (6 PM)
    • Attending:
      • King Frederik & Queen Mary of Denmark 
      • King Carl Gustaf & Queen Silvia
  • Farewell ceremony at Royal Palace (8:15 PM)
    • Attending:
      • King Frederik & Queen Mary of Denmark 
      • King Carl Gustaf & Queen Silvia