Tuesday 14 May 2024

English Translation of King Harald of Norway's Speech at Denmark State Banquet (2024)

Notes by Gert's Royals in [Bold]. 
Your Majesties
President of the Storting [Parliament]
Supreme Court
Justice Your Excellencies

Dear Guests,
Dear Frederik and Mary,

It was a big moment for all of us when you, Frederik, went out on the balcony on 14 January. It was touching to experience the warmth and joy that connected you and the Danish people together at that moment.

[Referring to the Accession Proclamation & Family balcony appearance during Abdication/Accession Events.]

This moment I hope you will carry with you as a strength throughout your kingship. But the support of the people alone cannot carry a king. You also need to live in love with those closest to you.

So when you were joined by your family on the balcony on this very special day, I hope you felt the strength needed. For family is perhaps your most important support device. At least that's what I've experienced.

Dear Mary, you took on a big task when you went and fell in love with this sporty Dane. You gave up a lot that was safe and familiar. You made Denmark and the Danes your own heartland and heartland. I know that you have also been a great support for our beloved Queen Margrethe.

Just today the two of you have been married for 20 years - surely that deserves a round of applause? We think it's very nice that you chose to celebrate your wedding anniversary here with us tonight!

During these years you have raised four wonderful children together – Christian, Isabella, Vincent and Josephine. The Crown Prince couple and Princess Ingrid Alexandra joined in celebrating Prince Christian, who has now become Crown Prince, at his 18th birthday last year.

["The Crown Prince Couple" refers to Crown Prince Haakon & Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway. Princess Ingrid Alexandra is their daughter and is heir to the heir.]

The Queen and I are grateful that the close ties of family and friendship between our two families are also continued through new generations. It means a lot to all of us, I think.
And of course we expect that you too will continue the tradition of spending lots of time in the Norwegian mountains and embracing the somewhat peculiar Norwegian sport of cross-country skiing!   

Your Majesties, 
Dear Guests,
32 years have passed since the Dannebrog last sailed into the Oslofjord on a state visit. Their visit coincides with us celebrating the 400th anniversary of the reconstruction of the city of Oslo, initiated by Danish King Christian Kvart after the great city fire. For 300 years, the Norwegian capital was named after the Danish king. So we have traces of you Danes everywhere!

[Dannebrog is the Denmark Royal Yacht, which King Frederik & Queen Mary travel on to get to Norway. King Harald is referencing to the 1992 State Visit made by Queen Margrethe & Prince Henrik]

The fact that you came by sea is a reminder that the sea connects our two countries. This affects much of our history both as nations, as people and families.

Every day, Danes and Norwegians board the Danskebåten, as we call it - you call it the Oslobåten, right? - in giddy anticipation of the delicious life in Denmark: Amusement parks and Smørrebrød sandwiches, beautiful architecture - and a particularly nice people. Nowadays, when the Norwegian krone is weaker to the Danish one, it is possibly at least as nice to be Danish in Norway..!
[Danskebåten "Danish Boat" /Oslobåten "Oslo Boat" is the Ferry between Copenhagen, Denmark & Oslo, Norway. How you refer to the Ferry depends where you are from.]
[Norwegian krone is Norway's Currency. People generally like to travel to countries with "weaker" currency, as it is less expensive.]

The sea that connects us is of great importance to us all. In the sea lie hope and opportunities for the future. It is our shared responsibility to take care of the sea that gives us so much. Keeping the sea fresh is one of the great tasks of our time.

Dear Friends,
In the face of external threats, we search together, and become more aware of what unites us. The Nordic community of values ​​has become even stronger after Russia invaded Ukraine. Every day we are reminded of the value of peace and freedom. And about protecting our liberal democratic system of government.

The Nordic countries are now united in a common defense alliance. Our history, our close political ties, shared values ​​and common language are resources we must manage well.
We will constantly be put to the test - and then it is important to stick to our values ​​- secure in our own position.

[The "common defense alliance" the Nordic countries are united in likely refers to NATO. Sweden & Finland were the final Nordic countries to join NATO, and did so in the last 13 months].

Your Majesties, Dear Frederik and Mary,
It is a great pleasure to have you visit. I wish you all the best for your important work. Both to you and to all of us, I want to say:
Find your own party - and spend time tending to what is most important in life. 
We raise a toast to King Frederik and Queen Mary, and to the warm relationship between Denmark and Norway.

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