[Notes added by Gert's Royals are in italics]
Mr Speaker,
Honorable Members,
Today we gather to start a new parliamentary year.
We live in troubled times. The Russian aggression against Ukraine is now in its third year and the conflict in the Middle East is very serious. The development leads to almost unimaginable human suffering and widespread destruction.
These conflicts affect all of us.
For Sweden, a new era in security policy has begun with its entry into NATO. Membership was decided by broad political consensus. It strengthens our defense capability and paves the way for even closer cooperation with our Nordic neighbors and other allies.
[Sweden joined Nato in March]
NATO's primary purpose is to secure peace. Sweden can play an important role in this. Our membership gives us increased opportunities to promote freedom and international security. It is not just a question of what we can get, but of what we can give – a protection, a support and a voice for the values we cherish. And we should be proud of that.
Med detta ansvar kommer också skyldigheten att försvara demokratin. Så att framtida generationer får åtnjuta samma fri- och rättigheter som vi gör idag.
Honorable Members,
In January 1975, I opened the National Assembly for the first time according to the order prescribed in the then completely new Instrument of Government. It is based on the principle that all public power in Sweden comes from the people. Fifty years latter, we can state that it has served us well.
[The 1974 Instrument of Government lays out the basic principals of the Sweden Government. They replaced the 1809 Instrument of Government.]
But there is no shortage of challenges. The unrest in our surrounding world, climate change, financial pressures, strained healthcare and gang crime. Difficulties that require political balances, where different societal interests must be balanced against each other.
What you decide in this chamber will affect the Swedish people for many years to come. My hope and conviction is that you have respectful debates, that you listen to each other, and that you make the best decisions for Sweden.
With these words, I wish you strength, courage and wisdom for the coming parliamentary year.
I hereby declare the 2024/25 National Assembly open.