Thursday 30 May 2024

Denmark Patronages Review (2024)

Portrait of King Frederik rereleased for use by Patronages
Photo: Dennis Stenild

As part of Queen Margrethe II's abdication and King Frederik X's accession, all of the Denmark Royals Patronages have been reviewed. Before the review, the Denmark Royals held a total of 258 Patronages. After the review, they hold a total of 140, with 13 being new patronages not held by another royal before. 

Each patronage has been agreed to a 5 year term and then will be reviewed and possibly renewed. 

King Frederik X

  • New Patronages
    • Copenhagen Climate Ministerial 
    • Danish Architecture Center
    • Léonie Sonning Music Prize 
    • Kolturplanen on the Faroe Islands
    • North Atlantic House 
    • The Brain Prize
  • Patronages passed down from Queen Margrethe II
    • American-Scandinavian Foundation 
    • The Danish Bible Society 
    • Sports Confederation of Denmark (DIF) 
    • The Greenlandic House 
    • The Royal Danish Geographical Society
    • The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters
    • Foreningen til lærlinges uddannelse 
    • Danish Church Abroad/Danish Seamen’s Church 
    • Det Kgl. Vajsenhus 
    • DGI 
    • The NORDEN Association 
    • Katuaq – Greenland Cultural Centre
    • Royal Danish Yacht Club 
    • The Anglo-Danish Society
      • Patrons:
        • Denmark 
          • Queen Margrethe II (?-2024)
          • King Frederik X (2024-Present)
        • UK
          • Queen Elizabeth II (?-2022)
          • King Charles III (2024-Present)
  • Patronages kept
    • The Danish Red Cross
      • Previous Patrons:
        • Prince Henrik (?-2018)
    • Copenhagen Royal Chapel Choir 
    • Bloddonorerne Danmark
      • Previous Patron:
        • Prince Henrik (?-2008)
    • Danish Design Center
    • DenmarkBridge
    • Save the Children Denmark
    • State of Green
    • Naval Officers Association

Queen Mary

  • New patronages
    • Independent Research Fund Denmark
    • Danish Hospital Clowns
    • WeShelter
    • The Danish Nature Fund
    • UNEP (UN Environment Programme) Patron of Biodiversity
  • Patronages passed down from Queen Margrethe II
    • The Royal Danish Academy of Music
    • Danish Cancer Society
    • Diakonissestiftelsen
  • Patronages kept
    • The Danish Nature Fund
    • Danish Mental Health Fund
    • Maternity Foundation 
    • The Children’s Aid Foundation
    • Danish Refugee Council 
    • The Danish National Center for Grief
    • Danish National Girls’ Choir 
    • Global Fashion Agenda 
    • The Danish Heart Foundation 
    • The Christmas Seal Foundation 
    • YMCA Soldier Mission
    • Mødrehjælpen 
    • Danish Kidney Association 
    • SIND – The Danish Association for Mental Health 
      • One of first patronages
    • Rare Diseases Denmark 
    • UNFPA (UN Population Fund) 
    • WWF Denmark
      • Previous Patron 
        • Prince Henrik (1972-2018)

Queen Margrethe II

  • Patronages Kept
    • ARoS 
    • Den Gamle By
    • Det Classenske Fideicommis
    • The Danish Institute in Rome
    • Diakonissehuset Sankt Lukas Stiftelsen
    • Ebbe Munck Memorial Foundation
    • GeoCenter Møns Klint
    • The Danish Rheumatism Association
    • Glas – The Museum of Glass Art
    • International Association for Classical Archaeology 
    • The Jelling Project
    • Moesgaard Museum 
    • Nyborg Castle – Medieval Christiansborg
    • The Rungstedlund Foundation 
    • Lejre Land of Legends 
    • Danish Multiple Sclerosis Society 
    • Selskabet for Kirkelig Kunst 
    • Sofieskolen 
    • Vallø Stift 
    • Vemmetofte Kloster 

Prince Joachim 

  • Patronages Kept
    • AQUA Aquarium and Wildlife Park 
    • CARE Danmark
    • Chakoten – Danish Military History Society 
    • Copenhagen Goodwill Ambassadors
    • Danish Museum of Science & Technology
    • Danish Veteran Association and Veteran Support
    • The Denmark Society 
    • Danish Heraldry Society
    • The Danish String Competition
    • The Danish Boys Choir 
    • The Danish Diabetes Association
    • Europa Nostra Danmark
    • Fjord&Bælt 
    • Friends of The Museum of Danish Resistance Foundation 
    • Grænseforeningen
    • Central Organisation for Reserve Personnel in Denmark (HPRD)
    • Hærvejsmarchen 
    • Museum Sønderjylland
    • Orders and Medals Society of Denmark 
    • Schackenborg Foundation 
    • Training Ship Danmark 
    • South Jutland Symphony Orchestra
    • Young Scientists
    • The Wadden Sea Centre
    • Aalborg Zoo

Princess Marie 

  • New Patronages 
    • Prins Henrik School 
    • Stop Wasting Food
  • Patronages passed down from King Frederik 
    • The Danish Dyslexia Association
  • Patronages passed down from Queen Mary 
    • Hjernesagen
  • Patronages passed down from Prince Joachim
    • The National Culinary Team of Denmark
  • Patronages Kept
    • AIDS-Fondet 
    • Alliance Française in Denmark
    • Autism Denmark
    • Copenhagen Cooking
    • The Danish National Commission for UNESCO 
    • The Danish Student House in Paris 
    • The Danish Epilepsy Association 
    • DanChurchAid
    • The Kattegatcentre  
    • Le Souvenir Français Den Danske Komité
    • Prix littéraire des ambassadeurs francophones
    • Schackenborg Foundation 
    • Tønder Festival

Princess Benedikte

  • Patronages Kept
    • The Alzheimer Association 
    • Ballettens Venner 
    • CP Danmark – The Danish Association of Cerebral Palsy
    • Danish YWCA in London
    • Danish Equestrian Federation 
    • Dansk Varmblod
    • The Green Girl Guides Denmark 
    •  The German-Scandinavian School
    • The Danish Scout Corps 
    • Elsass Foundation 
    • The Association for Eating Disorders and Self-Harm 
    • Frihedskampens Veteraners Mindefond
    • Hellebro 
    • Hestens Værn
    • The I.P. Nielsen Foundation in memory of Queen Ingrid
    • Margrethe-Skolen - Scandinavian Academy of Fashion Design
    • OK Fonden
    • Olave Baden-Powell Society
    • The Danish Osteoporosis Association
    • Parasport Danmark
    • Princess Benedikte Institute 
    • Copenhagen Girls’ Choir 
    • The SOS Children’s Villages
    • World Breeding Federation for Sport Horses
    • World Guide Foundation

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