Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Prince Albert of Monaco's New Years Eve Speech - English Text (2024)

[The speech was originally given in French. The following text is from the English subtitles.]

My Dear Compatriots, Dear Residents, Dear Friends,

As the year 2024 draws to a close this is a special moment to address you, with all the respect and affection I have for each and every one of you. The past year has been marked by challenges, but also by numerous successes and an unwavering solidarity that characterizes our Monegasque community. 

At times like this, as we turn one page to write the next, I want to pay tribute to your commitment, your resilience, and your spirit of brotherhood. In Monaco we are fortunate to live in a prosperous country where values of respect, openness and responsibility come together harmoniously.  

But this privilege comes with a responsibility: to continue building a sustainable and progressive future for generations to come. 

I want to express my gratitude to all those who work daily to enhance the Principalities influence: the institutions, businesses, associations, as well as each Monegasque and resident who, through their action contributes to the common good. 

The coming year will bring new projects, opportunities to strengthen our environmental commitments, to increase our solidarity towards the most vulnerable, and celebrate our shared identity. Together, with determination and grounded in the values the unite us, we will continue to meet the challenges ahead. 

In this special moment, my thoughts are also with those whom this year is more difficult, to those who are suffering. To them I send a message of hope and encouragement. Know that you are not alone and that Monaco is a united family. 

May this New Year be. for all of you a year of happiness, health, peace, and success in your endeavors. 

To you dear Monegasques Dear Residents, and all those who contribute to making our Principality a home of harmony and innovation, I you a bright and promising 2025. 

In this season of celebration and sharing, our children join us in extending out best wishes to you. 

May this New Year bring happiness, health, and success to all of those you hold dear.

[Together with Princess Charlene, Crown Prince Jacques & Princess Gabriella, the same line repeated in 3 languages]

Bonne année [French]

Happy New Year [English]

Bon Anu Nevu. [Monégasque]

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