Saturday, 31 December 2022

King Harald of Norway - New Years Speech 2022 (English Translation)

English Translation by Gert's Royals

We humans need to know that we can do something to make life as good as possible - both for ourselves and for the people we love. This is especially important in troubled times, when we are faced with challenges that alone are difficult to do anything about. One can easily feel powerless.  

But that is why, we have to look up to gain perspective. And recognize that we need each other. It reminds us that we are not alone. It strengthens us. And that gives hope.

This year's message on World Mental Health Day was precisely this: Vi trenger hverandre – løft blikket! Look up - We need each other! I hope we can also carry that with us into the new year.

On an evening like this, we may realize that the lives we all lead are very different:

Many have everything they need - and more. Others are struggling to make their everyday lives fit together, and are worried about the future. Some are with many people tonight, while others are alone. One can also feel lonely in the middle of a group. Some have lost a loved one this year and are struggling to find their way forward.

Others have experienced the joy of becoming more numerous. Some celebrate the New Year in Norway for the first time, while others mark the evening abroad. Many are where they want to be, while others miss and yearn. In any case, we are a large community of people who are connected by invisible ties.

We have put behind us a year full of drama - which we are still in the middle of.

With Russia's brutal warfare in Ukraine, a new seriousness has come over our part of the world. Many are worried, both here in Norway and in our European community. At the same time, we see how Norwegians contribute both through humanitarian work and in other ways, to help people in need.

This makes me both proud and happy.  

All over our country, people have new neighbours. Refugees are now establishing their new lives in Norway in the hope of security and well-being - with good help from many who want them to settle. I hope that everyone who gets to make a new home in Norway will experience the warmth and safe harbor they want for themselves and their loved ones.

We who are alive today have grown up in a privileged age where much has gone the right way - both in the world and in Norway. During this time, more and more people have come out of extreme poverty, and there have been more democracies.

We have almost expected the world to continue moving forward. Unfortunately, we cannot take this for granted. Over large parts of the world, we now see that democratic freedoms are being weakened. Poverty is increasing again. Many are refugees due to war, conflict and climate.

And the climate change is now the most serious issue. We must do everything we can to protect our earth. Both to protect people's homes, and to preserve the wonderful nature where all living things are connected.

This is truly an area where we need each other. Because we are all equally dependent on our earth. And climate change does not stop at national borders. I sincerely hope that we will now be able to act in line with the seriousness of the situation.

In Norway, we have had a steady increase in prosperity over the past decades.

Still: Today, many are worried about the future. I feel for everyone who is now experiencing new burdens - after two difficult years of the pandemic. I hope for better times for everyone who is struggling and worried.

It's a time to see each other now.

Imagine if we could all ask a person who we encounter every day: What can I do for you?

Think what good experiences and moments that could lead to! It costs nothing, just a little everyday courage and extra consideration.

Perhaps this question could be a lantern we carry with us through the new year to give each other some light on dark evenings? In the long run, it is simply in the best interests of all of us that everyone has the best possible situation.

I want to send a special greeting to our young people tonight.

Remember that each one of you has something completely unique and valuable that is only yours, that is only you. Something nice that you can use for the good of yourself and those around you.  

And then there is nothing sick or abnormal about being in pain for periods, being sad and feeling that you are not enough. That's how it is for all of us - throughout our lives.

It is perhaps extra important to say this tonight - when there is war in Europe, more difficult times in Norway, and people are struggling: Both the history of the world, the history of Norway and the life stories of individuals are full of stories about falling - and getting up again. This is the rhythm of history and life itself.

We fall, and we rise. Again and again.

But we rarely do it alone. We need each other.

And we must look up. Both out of the country, in solidarity with other people. And in our own lives.

To meet the gaze of others who need us. But also to seek the gaze of those who can help when we ourselves need it. It is a strength to be able to ask for help when we need it.

Dear all,

Over the past year we have experienced a new unity in the West and Europe. Across other dividing lines, we have managed to stand together in a community of values ​​and security. Our part of the world has recognized that we need each other. That we are both stronger and safer together. It gives hope in the situation we are in now, and for the future.

In Norway, we have also been reminded of our people's government and the values ​​on which we build our society. We have been reminded of the value of our democratic freedoms. What it means to be able to say what we mean without risking our own lives. To be able to believe in what we want. And above all: How good it is to live in a country of peace. 

Our democracy begins here:

With the trust that we want each other well. That we work for a common good, which embraces as many people as possible. And with the ability to empathize with other people's lives, who have it differently than ourselves.

To achieve this, everyone must experience being listened to.

I believe in talking together. To take time to try to understand - and take each other in the best sense. It can be tiring, but it's worth the effort in the long run. In this way, we can preserve and strengthen the Norway we have built together.

And everyone can contribute:

By recognizing that we need each other - both in the world and in everyday life. By looking up. And by asking: What can I do for you?

I wish everyone a very happy New Year!   

Back to King Harald's New Years Speeches - Main Page

Prince Albert of Monaco - 2022 New Years Speech (English Transcription)

Transcription by Gert's Royals. [Notes added by Gert's Royals are in Brackets]

Dear Compatriots, Dear Residents, Dear Friends. 

2022 has been a year of tribulations for all those affected by war, oppression, violence, and intolerance in our troubled world. The Princess and I offer them all our support, compassion, and affection. Our thoughts are also with those afflicted by illness, or who have seen loved ones suffering, reminding us not just how fragile life is, but sometimes also, how resilient we can be when faced with adversity. 

The protracted Covid-19 health crisis, the end of which is now in sight, has tested us at length. Edmond Rostand wrote that "it is at night that faith in light is admirable!"  

[Edmond Rostand was a French Poet.]

But we might suitably add that it is in the light of the dawn and perhaps especially at Christmas time that we are able to discern outstretched hands. That is why, in 2023, we will continue to reach out our hands to mobilise our efforts and to devote all our energy to the cause of peace, mutual acceptance, and solidarity.  For the sake of our children, we must imagine and fashion a reconciled, balanced world. 

A world that is also more respectful of nature. Be assured of my commitment to preserving our planet, and in particular its biodiversity, whether on land or at sea. We can be satisfied with the new agreement reached a few days ago at COP 15 on Biological Diversity in Montreal. 

[COP 15 refers to the 15th UN Biodiversity Conference in Montreal, Canada. COP stands for "Conference of the Parties." There are multiple COPs,  one for each UN Convention, and is attended by all the countries that have signed that UN Convention. Not be confused with the COP 27th (on Climate Change) held in Egypt UN that was mentioned in many other Monarch's Christmas/New Years Speeches. ]

It is my strong belief that each of us can play our part. We are all concerned. We are all capable. We each hold a piece of that collective power which, alone can change the world for the better. 2023 will be a year of elections in our country, both national and municipal elections. These are essential moments for the balance of our institutions, and demonstrate, if further proof were needed, the vitality of our democracy. I have no doubt that the men and women entrusted with new responsibilities, will be keen to play an active role in upholding the State of law, supported by the confidence and passion that have enabled us to build our history and look forward to the future. 

2023 will also be a year of celebrations, with commemorations to mark the centenary of the birth of my father, Prince Rainier III, the "Builder Prince" in so many areas. He made Monaco a modern and dynamic constitutional monarchy, outward-looking and active on the international stage. 

2023 will mark the 30th anniversary of the Principality joining the United Nations. And I want to reaffirm my strong belief in multilateralism and respect for our international commitments. The challenges we face today are global, and require global responses: The climate and energy crises, the fight against terrorism, money laundering and corruption, the fight against famine, the struggle for gender equality, and so on. In this respect, our resolute commitment as part of the Council of Europe, and in the ongoing talks on closer relations with the Europen Union, are crucial priorities for the future of our country.  I know that I can count on the Monegasque community, our residents and our partners, to continue and reinvent our economic and social model. 

"Tomorrow" is not a vain word, but the future prospect of our common desire. 

Bonne Nouvelle année. Happy New Year. Bon Anu Nevu.

[Prince Albert, Princess Charlene, Crown Prince Jacques, & Princess Gabriella together at the end said Happy New Year in French, English and Monegasque.]

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Pope Benedict XVI - Funeral (Jan 2023)

Funeral square shot

Pope Benedict XVI passed away on December 31st, 2022.  Pope Benedict was head of the Catholic Church and sovereign of the Vatican from 19 April 2005 until his abdication on 28 February 2013.


  • Monday, Jan - Thursday, Jan 5th
  • At St. Peter’s Basilica


  • Thursday, Jan 5th (9:30 AM Local)
  • At St. Peter’s Square
  • As Benedict was Pope Emeritus, the funeral will be simpler than that of past Popes. It will not be a formal State Occasion, and only Italy & Germany (where Benedict was born) have been invited to send official delegations. Others will attend in a “Private capacity.”
  • Live Streams 
Royals Attending Funeral
Catholic Royals are denoted with an asterisk *
  • Current Monarchy
    • Monarchs & Consorts (Including Former)
      • King Philippe * & Queen Mathilde of Belgium*
      • Queen Sofia of Spain*
    • Extended Family
      • Prince Stefan of Liechtenstein
        • Stefan is 4th Cousin once removed from the Liechtenstein Monarch & serves as Liechtenstein’s Ambassador to the Vatican. 
  • Former Monarchies
    • Princess Clotilde of Savoy, Princess of Venice*
    • Princess Vittoria of Savoy*

Pope Benedict XVI - Condolence Messages from Royals

Pope Benedict XVI Blessing

Condolence Messages from Monarchies, following the death of Pope Benedict XVI.  

(Monarchies that are Catholic are marked with an Asterisk*.)

Current Monarchies


  • King Hamad

HM the King offered sincere condolences and sympathy to His Holiness Pope Francis, the family and relatives of the deceased and all friendly countries, wishing the late Pope mercy and forgiveness.

HM King Hamad commended the efforts exerted by the late Pope Benedict XVI to promote the culture of peace, love and peaceful coexistence among peoples all over the world.

  • Crown Prince Salman 

His Royal Highness offered sincere condolences to His Holiness Pope Francis, the family of the deceased, and all friendly countries. 

 His Royal Highness highlighted the efforts and contributions of the late Pope Benedict XVI to foster peace, love and coexistence among people all over the world. 


  •  Belgium Monarchy

Heartbroken by the passing of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. Our thoughts are with his loved ones and with all Catholics who are grieving today.  


  •  Amir Nawaf 
His Highness the Amir Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah sent a cable of condolences to Pope Francis of the Vatican on Monday, over the death of Pope Benedict XVI.

His Highness the Amir hailed the contributions and role of the late pope in spreading and promoting the culture of tolerance, amity and peace.


  • Grand Duke Henri

Most Holy Father, 

The Grand Duchess and I are very saddened by the announcement of the death of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI. Intelligence and gentleness are the two words that spontaneously come to mind as he relentlessly pursued his mission as pastor and teacher, even after his resignation from the papal throne in 2013.

We offer you our most sincere condolences and, through you, to the entire Christian community. 



  • King Mohammed VI 
I have received with deep grief the news of the death of His Holiness Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. May God accept him with an abundance of mercy and forgiveness in his highest kingdom.


  • King Harald

Your Holiness,

I was deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. On behalf of myself and the people of Norway, I send you my deepfelt condolences. My sympathy is with all Catholics on this sad occasion.


Harald R


    •  Spain Monarchy

    Benedict XVI led the Catholic Church with an extraordinary vocation of service, humility, dedication and love. We keep, with deep feeling, the fondness with which he always distinguished Spain with his visits to Valencia, Santiago de Compostela, Barcelona and Madrid.


    • King Charles 

    Your Holiness, I received the news of the death of your predecessor, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, with deep sadness.

    I remember with fondness my meeting with His Holiness during my visit to the Vatican in 2009.

    His visit to the United Kingdom in 2010 was important in strengthening the relations between the Holy See and the United Kingdom.

    I also recall his constant efforts to promote peace and goodwill to all people, and to strengthen the relationship between the global Anglican Communion and the Roman Catholic Church.  

    My wife and I send you our continued good wishes for your own pontificate.


    Former Monarchies


    • Margareta 

    The Royal Family of Romania learned the sad news of the passing of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI.

    King Mihai I, together with the Custodian of the Crown Margareta and Prince Radu, took part, in February 2013, at the Vatican, at St. Peter's Basilica, in a religious ceremony presided over by Pope Benedict XVI, on the occasion of the 900th anniversary from the recognition of the Sovereign Order of Malta.

    Her Majesty the Custodian of the Crown sends her condolences to the Catholic faithful in Romania, the Republic of Moldova and the whole world.

    May God rest him in peace! 

    Back to Pope Benedict's Funeral - Main Page 

    Monday, 26 December 2022

    King Carl Gustaf of Sweden's 2022 Christmas Speech (English Translation)

    Photo: Sven-Åke Visén, SVT

    (Translation by Gert's Royals. [Notes added by Gert's Royals are in brackets])

    Dear Swedes, at home and abroad, and everyone in Sweden

    From the Stockholm Royal Palace to Ukraine is only a hundred miles as the crow flies.

    Christmas is also celebrated there. But for many who live there, it is dark, cold and difficult. Parts of society's infrastructure are knocked out. People have been killed, injured and subjected to terrible suffering.

    The first time I was in Ukraine, it was still part of the Soviet Union. The Queen and I then visited Saint Sophia Cathedral, in Kyiv, where the Swedish Princess Ingegerd is buried.

    Ingegerd was the daughter of the Swedish King Olof Skötkonung in Sigtuna. She was married off to Grand Duke Yaroslav of Kyiv in 1019, and was later known as Saint Anna. She became a historical figure and is still today a link between our countries.

    During a later visit to Ukraine, a state visit in 2008, we traveled to Gammalsvenskby, a small community in the southern part of the country.

    Ever since the 18th century, the village has been home to Swedish descendants with roots from the then Swedish Dagö, in present-day Estonia. Through the centuries, they have endured severe trials: wars and forced displacements. Nevertheless, they have managed to preserve their Swedish traditions.

    [Dagö is the Swedish name of the island Hiiumaa in Estonia. Estonia was under Sweden's rule from 1561–1710. In 1780-1781, under Russian rule, Swedish farmers were deported from Dagö/Hiiumaa, Estonia to Gammalsvenskby, Ukraine.]

    In the [Gammalsvenskby] village church, we were greeted by a choir singing hymns in ancient Swedish, with texts and melodies that have been passed down from generation to generation. It is a strong memory, which I have carried with me ever since.

    The Russian aggression against Ukraine has hit the village hard. The road I inaugurated at the state visit has been destroyed. Electricity, water and fuel are in short supply.

    It's hard to think about this. Therefore, today I want to send a special greeting to the residents of Gammalsvenskby:

    My thoughts and those of my family are with you - and with all your fellow countrymen.

    Before us now lies 2023. A special year, in more ways than one.

    We are facing significant challenges as a country. This will affect many, especially those with limited income. And it will make demands on all of us. As citizens, and as fellow human beings.

    At New Year, Sweden takes over the presidency of the EU's Council of Ministers. An important and responsible task for our country.

    Next year is also an anniversary year: On June 6, it will be 500 years since Gustav Vasa was elected king. And in September, I myself have had the privilege of being Sweden's head of state for 50 years. Yes, that's a long time!

    On the occasion of the anniversary, the Queen and I will visit all of Sweden's counties. After almost half a century of traveling to different parts of our country, I know that each county has its own character, nature and history. It is a rich diversity, where each part contributes to building a whole. We look forward to these visits, and to meeting all of you, young and old, around the country. 

    My hope is that many of you will participate. Because this anniversary is about Sweden. About Sweden through the time.

    Ever since I was a child playing with model trains, I have been fascinated by technological inventions and advances. It has always been natural for me to look ahead, towards the horizon.

    During the 500 years that have passed since Gustav Vasa became king, our country has had an absolutely outstanding development. And during the half century that I have been king, I have often been filled with pride when I have seen how Swedish ideas and innovations make life better for many people. Both here in Sweden and out in the world, where Swedish products often have a good reputation.

    This positive development and progress is part of what we celebrate in 2023.

    But, an anniversary can also be a good opportunity for reflection and gratitude.

    The fields we harvest. The forests we build our houses from. The trees we get our Christmas apples from. For generations, people have planted and sown, taken care of forests and land - and passed it on to us to manage.

    In the same way, you can look at art, language, architecture. The technological and medical development. Everything that we can achieve today – perhaps even take for granted – is based on a foundation laid by others.

    Today, on the morning of Christmas Day, Julotta was celebrated in hundreds of Swedish churches. The hymns sung there have been sung by many before us. They are part of our history and cultural heritage. Of what binds us together and which belongs to everyone in Sweden.

    [Julotta is the name of the early morning Christmas Service that is traditionally held before dawn. ]

    I therefore choose to end this Christmas greeting with a few lines from "Härlig är jorden" - a hymn that was sung during our visit to Gammalsvenskby, and which I myself like very much. It is often sung at funerals, but also at Christmas time, and it has a safe and comforting message.

    ”Tidevarv komma, 

    tidevarv försvinna, 

    släkten följa släktens gång. 

    Aldrig förstummas 

    tonen från himlen 

    i själens glada pilgrimssång.”


    "Eras come 

    and Eras go,

    one generation follows another.

    Music sounds, 

    unceasing, from Heaven,

    the happy songs of souls on their pilgrimage."

    Regardless of how you celebrate your Christmas, I hope it can give you a moment of peace and quiet and reflection. And that you can fast on what gives you joy and hope.

    Let's all give a thought to those who need it most, and take care of each other - this Christmas and in the year to come.

    Together with my family, I want to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2023!

    Back to King Carl Gustaf Christmas Speeches -  Main Page

    Saturday, 24 December 2022

    Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg - 2022 Christmas Speech (English Translation)

    (Translation by Gert's Royals based on both the Luxembourgish & French Text. [Notes added by Gert's Royals are in brackets])

    My fellow citizens,

    After a difficult 2021, 2022 will not have been an easy year either.

    The environment remains under intense pressure. The results of the recent COP in Egypt are disappointing for many of us. The final agreement helped to mitigate the damage caused by climate change for the most vulnerable countries, but it was not possible to achieve concrete progress in terms of reductions in CO2 emissions and the renunciation of fossil fuels.

    ["COP in Egypt" refers to the UN Climate Change Conference. COP stands for "Conference of the Parties" and is attended by all the countries that have signed the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.]

    Furthermore, military conflicts around the world have increased in intensity; millions of people continued to flee their countries in search of refuge.

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine, a brutal war of aggression, calls into question everything on which we, since 1945, have built our peaceful coexistence: resolving conflicts through dialogue and not through violence. The consequences of this war have a negative impact worldwide.

    [1945 refers to the end of WWII]

    At the same time, in Iran as in Afghanistan, women and young girls are mistreated, mercilessly repressed, and sometimes even murdered. Particularly in Afghanistan, they remain the victims of a societal conception desperately rooted in the Middle Ages. 

    Helping them, giving them a voice, and supporting them, is a cause that is very close to my heart as well as the Grand Duchess.

    What does all this mean?

    Are we just going through a tough time, or do we need to prepare to change our ways?

    It is legitimate to ask the question because, rarely in our recent history, have we found ourselves faced with so many worrying developments.

    My Fellow Citizens,

    Despite everything, I am convinced, after all the years I have served this country as head of state, that Luxembourg has the means to cope in these difficult times. From experience, I know that we have the ability to use our strengths to adapt to a new situation.

    Our constant commitment to peace in Europe is one of our main strengths. As difficult as it was, we drew a line during the Second World War to build a peaceful Europe and a fairer world order through the establishment of the United Nations.

    We also very quickly acquired the certainty that the defense of our interests and our security would be infinitely better ensured as a member of the European Union as well as of NATO, rather than having to assume them alone.

    Luxembourg is an open country that has been able to offer a stable living environment to a considerable number of people, thanks to the close cooperation that we have established with Germany, Belgium, and France within the framework of the Greater Region.

    Our society works according to the principle of coexistence. Coexistence, in this case, means a peaceful coexistence of people from over 170 countries.

    [Recent census data shows there are people living in Luxembourg from over 170 different nationalities.]

    But living together is also based on an equitable distribution of national wealth, and constant attention to prevent the gap between rich and less rich from widening, particularly in times of crisis.

    Nevertheless, there are many people in this country who are not doing well economically and who risk falling into poverty. The current situation makes it more and more difficult for many people to make ends meet. They need further support.

    It is all the more important that our social model is inclusive, offering everyone their rightful place to flourish and find their way.

    We have the privilege of living in a democratic country that calls on its citizens to express themselves regularly and vote and thus help shape our society.

    The Luxembourg economy is based on private initiative, supported and regulated by our institutions and the law. The government, the trade unions, and employers work together, on how the various interests they represent, can come together in a compromise to ensure social peace in our country.

    All over the world, we are fighting for more democracy and greater respect for human rights. We make every effort to promote the development of less fortunate countries. We welcome many people seeking refuge, threatened in their countries of origin. It is our duty as a society and as a country.

    We are a forward-looking nation that enshrines respect, respect for our fellow citizens, for fundamental values and rights, and for the environment. These are not empty words, old clichés, but the pillars on which our future rests.

    And if we succeed in promoting this state of mind beyond our borders as the key to our success and to the friendship that binds us to our neighbors, then I believe that we will have made a concrete contribution to a world more human.

    My Fellow Citizens,

    A new year is coming. We don't know what it will be made of. But I am sure that all of us, Luxembourgers, our foreign fellow citizens, and all those who, from our neighboring countries, come to work daily in the Grand Duchy, we will continue together to defend our model of society. This is our duty and also a commitment to future generations.

    In this spirit, the Grand Duchess, Prince Guillaume, and Princess Stéphanie with Prince Charles and all our children join me in wishing you all a Merry Christmas and our warmest wishes for 2023.

    King Philippe of Belgium - 2022 Christmas Speech (English Translation)

     [Translation based on the French & Dutch Texts]

    Ladies and gentlemen,

    We are coming to the end of a year that has tested and upset us all.

    After the Covid crisis, we were hoping to return to normal. But then, came the conflict in Ukraine, a cruel and senseless war that claims to replace the force of law with the law of force.

    This violence, which claims so many innocent victims, has touched our hearts. This conflict reminds us of a past that we thought was gone forever. Our ancestors fought for their freedom and security, often at the cost of their lives. Today, men and women in Ukraine are fighting bravely for the same ideals. You can continue to count on our support.

    Added to this tragedy were the energy crisis and high inflation, which threaten our prosperity. Every day, many of our fellow citizens wonder if they can pay their electricity, heating, and food bills. This uncertainty is a matter of great concern.

    This also applies to climate change, the effects of which we are already seeing in our own country. Belgium experienced an unprecedentedly dry summer this year, following the deluge and flooding of 2021.

    All of these crises can discourage us and lead to feelings of helplessness and anxiety. We must listen to these feelings - and give new hope to those who are discouraged.

    There are no easy answers to the challenges we face. But we will find answers. Thanks to our creativity and our perseverance.

    There are good reasons to continue to believe in the future.

    We in Belgium are fortunate to live in a democratic, solid society - even if it's not perfect. A country that has gradually introduced a whole range of support measures, and safety nets for those most in need.

    All over the country, our fellow citizens have spontaneously opened their homes to Ukrainian refugees. I would like to thank all those who work to take in refugees and integrate them into our society.  Especially at the start of winter, when our reception network is under pressure.

    Thanks also to all those who work on a daily basis to help people who live in poverty, who are ill, or who live with disabilities.

    There is also a great sense of responsibility in our society. I am impressed by how strong it is even in young people.

    Many of us have already adapted our behavior to reduce our energy consumption and our ecological footprint.

    Finally, the story carries a message of trust. It teaches us that we are capable of overcoming the most difficult crises – if we do it together. Indeed, our greatest wealth are the links we forge.

    More than ever, every action we take, however small, every gesture of kindness, every attention to the planet, makes a difference.

    This should give us courage – and hope.

    Ladies and gentlemen,

    The Queen and I hope that the new year will bring us peace – in the world, in Europe, in our society, and in our hearts.

    I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

    Friday, 23 December 2022

    Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands - Christmas Speeches (1980-2013)

    Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands gave an annual Christmas Speech. This tradition started with her grandmother, Queen Wilhelmina.

    The palace often announced a "theme" for the speech ahead of time, in the press release about the speech. If we are able to find the press release which mentions the "theme" we have listed it here. 

    YearDutch VideoDutch TextEnglish Translation ThemeNotes
    2003-Text-Four Freedoms-
    2002-Text-Living Together
    at this Time
    2001-Text-An Eye for an Eye
    makes you blind
    YearDutch VideoDutch TextEnglish Translation LocationNotes
    1980-Text--First of Reign

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    King Haakon VII of Norway - New Years Eve Speech (1945)

    King Haakon VII of Norway 
    King Haakon VII of Norway began the tradition of giving a New Years' Speech in 1940?. Norway was occupied by Germany during WWII, and the Royal Family was living abroad. The radio addresses were a way for the King to speak to the Norwegian people.

    YearNorwegian AudioNorwegian TextEnglish Translation Location Notes
    1945Audio & Text-Skaugum,
    First back in Norway
    1943-Text-USANew Years Day
    Speech to Americans

    Back to Christmas & New Years Speeches - Main Page

    Thursday, 22 December 2022

    King Olav V of Norway's New Years Eve Speeches (1957-1990)

    Olav V of Norway

    King Olav gave an annual New Years' Speech. The Speeches were originally given over the Radio, and then also broadcast via television during 

    YearNorwegian VideoNorwegian TextEnglish TranslationNotes
    1990VideoText-Speech given by
    Crown Prince Harald,
    acting as Regent
    1989 VideoText--
    1985VideoText-Televised in Svalbard
    YearNorwegian VideoNorwegian TextEnglish TranslationNotes
    1971VideoText-First TV broadcast to be
    recorded in Colour
    1965VideoText-First Time Televised
    YearNorwegian VideoNorwegian TextEnglish TranslationNotes
    First of Reign, Radio Address

    King Harald V of Norway - New Years Speech (1990-Present)

    Photo: Jørgen Gomnæs, Det kongelige hoff.

    King Harald gives an annual New Year's Speech. The speech airs on New Years Eve at 7/7:30 PM (GMT+1). The year reflects the date of the speech (December 31st), not the New Year.


    YearNorwegian VideoNorwegian TextEnglish Translation  Notes





    -35th of Reign
    2024VideoTextGert's Royals-
    2023VideoTextGert's Royals-
    2022VideoTextGert's Royals-
    2020VideoText-30th of Reign
    2019VideoTextGert's Royals-
    2018VideoTextGert's Royals-
    2017VideoTextGert's Royals-
    2016VideoTextGert's Royals-
    2015VideoTextGert's Royals-
    YearNorwegian VideoNorwegian TextEnglish Translation  Notes
    2003VideoText-Speeches given by 
    Crown Prince Haakon
    Acting as Regent
    King Harald on Sick Leave
    after bladder removal surgery
    1991VideoText-First of Reign of 
    1990VideoText-Harald acting as
    Regent for
    King Olav V

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    King Charles of the United Kingdom's Christmas Address (2022-Present)

    Fitzrovia Chapel baptistery
    Fitzrovia Chapel where 2024 Speech was filmed
    MadBoom, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    King Charles has continued his mother's tradition of giving an annual Christmas Address. The speech is pre-recorded and airs on Christmas Day at 3 PM (GMT).                                                                         

    YearVideoTextNotes LocationNational Anthem 
    Performed by
    2024Video-Produced by SkyFitzrovia Chapel in LondonBand of the Grenadier Guards
    2023VideoTextProduced by ITNCentre Room
    Buckingham Palace
    Household Division Brass Assemble
    2022Video from Royal's Youtube
    (Marked Private as of Dec 2023)
    Video from BBC
    Text1st of Reign
    Produced by BBC
    St. George’s Chapel
    Windsor Castle
    St. George’s
    Chapel Choir

    2024 - The Fitzrovia Chapel used to be part of Middlesex Hospital, and was chosen due to it's medical connections and King Charles' Cancer diagnosis this year.  

    Queen Elizabeth II of United Kingdom - Christmas Speech (1952-2021)

    Queen Elizabeth gave an annual Christmas Speech. For the first 7 years of Elizabeth's reign, the speech was given live from Sandringham House, where the family spend Christmas. To allow the speech to be broadcast internationally across the Empire, Elizabeth's speeches were pre-recorded starting in 1959.

    White Drawing Room
    Windsor Castle
    Green Drawing Room
    Windsor Castle
    Green Drawing Room
    Windsor Castle
    White Drawing Room
    Buckingham Palace
    2017TextVideo-1844 Room 
    Buckingham Palace
    Regency Room
    Buckingham Palace
    18th Century room
    Buckingham Palace
    State Dinning Room 
    Buckingham Palace
    Blue Drawing Room
    Buckingham Palace
    2012TextVideoRecorded in 3D
    White Drawing Room
    Buckingham Palace
    1844 Room 
    Buckingham Palace
    Chapel Royal
    Hampton Court Palace
    White Drawing Room
    Buckingham Palace
    Music Room
    Buckingham Palace
    1844 Room
    Buckingham Palace
    Southwark Cathedral
    Buckingham Palace
    Yellow Drawing Room
    Buckingham Palace
    First to be filmed completely
    outside a royal residence. 
    Combermere Barracks

    White Drawing Room
    Buckingham Palace



    White Drawing Room
    Windsor Castle

    Buckingham Palace




    Sandringham House

    Sandringham House


    Pre-recorded in front of 
    live audience during 
    Special Gala for 
    Save the Children Fund
    Royal Albert Hall

    Royal Library
    Windsor Castle


    Royal Mews
    Buckingham Palace 




    Windsor Castle

    Buckingham Palace



    Regency Room 
    Buckingham Palace
    Silver Jubilee Year

    First Time Recorded Outdoors
    Buckingham Palace



    Buckingham Palace


    1969No Christmas Address
    Buckingham Palace
    First Filmed in ColorBuckingham Palace

    Buckingham Palace
    Pre-recorded via Radio as she was
    heavily pregnant with Prince Edward
    Buckingham Palace
    Pre-Recorded via TV for the first timeBuckingham Palace
    Pre-Recorded via Radio as she was
    heavily pregnant with Prince Andrew

    (Pre-Recorded Every time after)
    Buckingham Palace
    Live via TV
    Long Library
    Sandringham House
    Live via TV
    First Televised
    Live via Radio
    Prince Philip also gave a message
    Sandringham House
    Live via Radio
    Sandringham House
    Live via Radio
    Live via Radio
    Government House
    New Zealand
    Live via RadioSandringham House