Friday, 28 April 2023

King Charles's 2023 Coronation - British Royal Attendance

 X - Attended/Confirmed by Palace

E - Expected

? - Unsure

(Events children are likely to attend are marked with *)

The Guestlist for each event has not been released. We only marked Xs on things that the Palace has officially announced people will be attending. Otherwise we marked people as "Expected" based on what they attended during Queen Elizabeth's Platinum Jubilee last year. 

Royal Reception  Coronation Big Lunch Concert Big Help
King CharlesXXX?
Queen Camilla
The WalesesXX*WindsorX*
(No Louis)
The Sussexes
Just Harry

(With Sarah)

Mapelli Mozzis
XChalfont St Giles
(Just Beatrice)
XChalfont St Giles
(Just Eugenie)
The EdinburghsXX*Cranleigh Village
X*Guide Dogs for
the Blind Association
in Reading

Anne & TimXXSwindon
X* (With Girlfriend)-
Duke & Duchess
of Gloucester
St Mark's Coptic
Orthodox Church
in Kensington
Duke of KentXX
Prince & Princess
Michael of Kent

Princess Alexandra

Royal Family

Foreign RoyalsList

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Thursday, 27 April 2023

Procession of The King and The Queen - King Charles's Coronation

Procession of the King & the Queen into Westminster Abbey will involve numerous people. 

^ denotes an office that is held just for the Coronation                                                             

Marquess of AngleseyRepresenting WalesStandards of the
Quarterings of the Royal Arms
and Standard of the
Principality of Wales
Duke of WestminsterRepresenting England-
Earl of CaledonRepresenting Northern Ireland-
Earl of DundeeRepresenting Scotland-
Francis DymokeKing's ChampionRoyal StandardCoronation Claim
Great Officers of State
Duke of NorfolkEarl Marshal--
Admiral Sir Tony RadakinChief of the Defence Staff,
Lord High Constable of England^
Earl of ErrollLord High Constable of Scotland^-Coronation Claim
Earl of Crawford and BalcarresDeputy to the Great Steward of Scotland^--
Queen's Regalia
Baroness (Helena) Kennedy of The Shaws -Rod-
General Sir Patrick Sanders-Sceptre-
Duke of Wellington-Queen Mary’s Crown-
The Lord Chartres-Ring-
King's Regalia
General Sir Gordon MessengerGovernor of HM Tower of London,
Lord High Steward of England^
St Edward’s Crown-
Baroness Elizabeth Manningham-Buller-St Edward's Staff-
Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry-Sceptre with Cross-
Baroness Floella Benjamin-Sceptre with the DoveOne of Queen Elizabeth II's final Order of Merit Appointee
Dame Elizabeth Anionwu-OrbOne of Queen Elizabeth II's final Order of Merit Appointee
Brigadier Andrew JacksonKeeper of the Jewel HouseRing-
Petty Officer Amy Taylor -The Sword of Offering"to represent Service men and women"
Lord Hastings and The Earl of Loudoun-The Spurs(This guy would be monarch via an alternative Line of Succession.)
Penny MordauntLord President of the CouncilThe Sword of State -
Air Chief Marshal the Lord Peach-The Sword of Mercy (The Curtana)-
General the Lord Richards of Herstmonceux-The Sword of Spiritual Justice-
General the Lord Houghton of Richmond-The Sword of Temporal Justice-
King & Queen 
King Charles & Queen Camilla

The Press Release from the Palace did not detail who exactly will be processing in with King Charles & Queen Camilla. They will likely be joined by their Pages of Honor at this point. 

Representatives of the Realms - King Charles's Coronation (2023)

Each of King Charles's 15 realms will be representative at his coronation. This list just includes those in the Procession into Westminster Abbey.

The Order of People in the Procession is no confirmed. The Palace has confirmed at least  UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak will enter in with their spouse. (* with Spouse).
Representative from Realms
Kiz JohnsonFlag HolderAntigua
and Barbuda
(Listed in Press Release as Banner Bearer)
Gaston BrownePrime Minister-
Rodney WilliamsGovernor-General-
Sam Kerr
Flag HolderAustraliaFootball Star
Anthony AlbanesePrime Minister-
David HurleyGovernor-General
-Flag HolderBahamas-
Philip DavisPrime Minister-
Cornelius A. SmithGovernor-General-
Cameron Gegg Flag HolderBelize"Young finance professional"
Johnny BriceñoPrime Minister-
Froyla TzalamGovernor-General-
Jeremy Hansen Flag HolderCanadaAstronaut
Justin TrudeauPrime Minister-
Mary SimonGovernor-General-
?Flag HolderGrenada-
Dickon MitchellPrime Minister-
Cécile La GrenadeGovernor-General-
David SalmonFlag HolderJamaica 2023 Rhodes Scholar
Andrew HolnessPrime Minister-
Patrick AllenGovernor-General-
Sargent Hayden SmithFlag HolderNew ZealandSelected by New Zealand Defense Force
Chris HipkinsPrime Minister-
Cindy KiroGovernor-General-
?Flag HolderPapua New Guinea-
James MarapePrime Minister-
Bob DadaeGovernor-General-
?Flag HolderSaint Kitts
and Nevis
Terrance DrewPrime Minister-
Marcella LiburdGovernor-General-
?Flag HolderSaint Lucia-
Philip J. PierrePrime Minister-
Errol CharlesGovernor-GeneralActing Governor-General
?Flag HolderSaint Vincent
and the Grenadines
Ralph GonsalvesPrime Minister-
Susan DouganGovernor-General-
?Flag HolderSolomon Islands-
Manasseh SogavarePrime Minister-
David VunagiGovernor-General-
?Flag HolderTuvalu-
Kausea NatanoPrime Minister-
Tofiga Vaevalu FalaniGovernor-General-
Cadet Warrant Officer
Elliott Tyson-Lee
Flag HolderUKRoyal Air Force Air Cadet
Rishi Sunak*Prime Minister-

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Koningsdag (King's Day)(Netherlands)

Amsterdam's Canals
Koninginnedag (Queen's Day) 2010
Carmelrmd, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Koningsdag (King's Day) is a holiday in the Netherland to mark the Monarch’s official birthday. The day is celebrated with flea markets, concerts, outdoor parties, etc. Celebrations take place throughout the Netherlands. However one city each year holds an extra large celebrate attended by the Royal Family.  

Koningsdag has taken place on various dates throughout history depending on when the monarch's birthday is. Currently the holiday takes place on April 27th which is King Willem-Alexander's actual birthday. (Unless the 27th is a Sunday, then Koningsdag takes place the day before.) 

This day has also been known as Koninginnedag (Queen's Day), during Queen Beatrix, Queen Juliana & Queen Wilhelmina's reign. And was originally known as Prinsessedag (Princess's Day), as the day originally marked the heir's (Princess Wilhelmina) birthday. 

King Willem-Alexander's Reign 


2013-2024 Locations

During King Willem-Alexander's reign Koningsdag is held on his birthday April 27th (except when his birthday fall on a Sunday, and then the official birthday celebrations are held on Saturday, April 26th.)

King Willem-Alexander broke from his mother's tradition and instead only visits one city each year. This allows him and his family to participate in more events in that host city.                                              

 Year CityMunicipalityNotes
2028--15th Anniversary of the Throne
2025DoetinchemGelderlandPrincess Ariane was absent because of final exams at UWC in Italy.
2023RotterdamRotterdam10th Anniv of the Throne
2022MaastrichtMaastrichtRescheduled, after canceled in 2020
2021EindhovenEindhovenDigital Event, with No Public Events
2020MaastrichtMaastrichtCanceled due to Pandemic
2014De Rijp & AmstelveenAlkmaar & AmstelveenFirst King's Day of his reign.
This was the planned city for 2013, but had to be postponed due to Beatrix's Abdication. 

Queen Beatrix's Reign 
Viering Koninginnedag in Breda Koningin Beatrix en Prins Claus in een open koet, Bestanddeelnr 253-8540
 Koninginnedag 1981 in Breda
Rob Bogaerts / Anefo, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

As Queen Beatrix's Birthday took place in January, she continued to celebrate Koninginnedag (Queen's Day) on her mother's birthday on April 30th, making it her official birthday. (If April 30th fell on a Sunday, the celebrations took place on Saturday, April 29th. )

Queen Beatrix started the tradition of visiting different palaces in the Netherlands each year. Queen Beatrix would visit two cities each year. 

 Year City 1City 2Notes
2013De RijpAmstelveenQueen Beatrix formally abdicated on this day,
following an announcement earlier that year. 
The visits to the two host cities was postponed
due to Queen Beatrix's abdication.
2012Rhenen Veenendaal
2011Weert Thorn
2010Wemeldinge Middelburg
2009Apeldoorn-Man intentionally crashed his car into the parade
in an attack on the Royal Family.
8 people were killed including the attacker. 

This year marked the 100th Anniversary of
Queen Juliana's birthday. 
Only one host city was selected this year,
as a special parade & events were held
to mark the 100th Anniversary
2007Woudrichem 's-Hertogenbosch
2005ScheveningenThe Hague
2001HoogeveenMeppelVisits canceled due to outbreak
of foot-and-mouth disease
1996Sint MaartensdijkBergen op Zoom
1985Anna Paulowna
Callantsoog3 Cities this year. 
1984The Hague-

Queen Juliana's Reign 

Koninginnedag, defilee op Soestdijk, Koningin Juliana zwaait, Bestanddeelnr 919-0944
Koninginnedag 1966
Ron Kroon / Anefo, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

Queen Juliana moved Koninginnedag (Queen's Day) to her own birthday, April 30th. Juliana marked the day by receiving a floral parade at Soestdijk Palace, a tradition already started from when she was a Princess. Originally the floral parade was started at Soestdijk Palace to mark her grandmother, Queen (Consort) Emma's Birthday. 

Queen Wilhelmina's Reign 

During Queen Wilhelmina's reign the holiday was renamed Koninginnedag (Queen's Day) and became the Monarch's Official Birthday Celebration. The holiday continued to be celebrated on August 31st, Wilhelmina's birthday. 

Wilhelmina became Queen at age 10, so she had no heir at the time for the tradition of Princess's (or Prince's) Day to continue. 

King Willem III's Reign

The holiday was created in 1885 to celebrate the 5th birthday of Princess Wilhelmina, heir to the throne. King Willem III wasn't super popular then, so they thought celebrating the heir's birthday would be good.  The holiday was called Prinsessedag (Princess's Day) and was celebrated on August 31st, Princess Wilhelmina's Birthday. 

Sunday, 23 April 2023

Current Knights and Ladies of the Garter

The charts below list the Current Knights & Ladies of the Garter. For more on the Order of Garter & the Annual Ceremony see here

24 Members

The members of the Order are all British Citizens, who receive the honor in recognition of their public service. There number of members is limited to 24 and there is no requirement to immediately fill a vacant spot. New members are usually appointed to the order on St. George's Day (usually April 23rd), but are not officially invested until the Order of Garter Service. 

Male members are called "Knights Companion" and female members are called "Ladies Companion."

Invested by Queen Elizabeth II
SpotNameYear InvestedNumber
1The Duke of Abercorn1999986
2Lord Butler of Brockwell 2003992
3Sir John Major2005996
4Lord Luce2008999
5Sir Thomas Dunne 20081001
6Lord Phillips of Worth Matravers 20111002
7Lord Stirrup 20131004
8Baroness Manningham-Buller 20131005
9Baron King of Lothbury20141006
10Lord Shuttleworth 20161007
11Viscount Brookeborough
(Queen's 100th Investment)
12Lady Mary Fagan20181011
13Marquess of Salisbury 20191013
14Lady Mary Peters20191014
15The Baroness Amos20221015
16Sir Anthony Blair20221016
Invested by King Charles III
SpotNameYear InvestedNumber
17Baroness Ashton of Upholland
(King Charles's 1st Investment)
18Lord Patten of Barnes20231018
19Lord Peach20241019
20Lord Kakkar20241020
21Lord Lloyd-Webber20241021

British Royals

The Order of Garter tends to only be given to royals born into the Royal Family, and the spouse of the Monarch/Heir. British Royals are considered Supernumerary members, and don't count towards the 24 members. 

Female British Royals are numbered separately. 

British Royals are usually appointed on St. George's Day (usually April 23rd), but are not officially invested until the Order of Garter Service.

Invested by Queen Elizabeth II
RoyalYear appointedYear InvestedAge at InvestmentNumber
King Charles1958
(Year he was made
Prince of Wales)
Duke of Kent1986 (50th birthday)1987?50966
Princess Anne19941994?43L 9
Duke of Gloucester1996199753884
Princess Alexandra2003200366L 10
Prince Andrew2006200646997
Prince Edward42998
Prince William 2008 (1000th Knight)2008251000
Queen Camilla 2021
(While Duchess
of Cornwall)
(Queen Elizabeth's
Platinum Jubilee)
Invested by King Charles III
RoyalYear appointedYear InvestedAge at InvestmentNumber
Duchess of Gloucester2024202477L12

Foreign Royals

Only Foreign Monarchs are made Stranger Knights and Ladies Companion of the Order of Garter.  (Mostly it is just given to European Monarchs.)

Like with British Royals, Female Foreign Royals are numbered separately. 

Monarchs are usually appointed to the order during a State Visit, but not officially invested until they attend an Order of Garter Service.

Queen Elizabeth's Reign
RoyalCountryYear AppointedYear InvestedNumber
Queen MargretheDenmark19791980L 7
King Carl GustafSweden19831985963
King Juan CarlosSpain19881989970
Princess Beatrix
(Then Queen)
Netherlands19891990L 8
Emperor Emeritus Akihito
(Then Emperor)
King HaraldNorway20012002990
King FelipeSpain201720191009
King Willem-AlexanderNetherlands201820191012
Invested by King Charles III
RoyalYear appointedYear InvestedAge at InvestmentNumber

Saturday, 22 April 2023

Q&A - Wedding of Princess Alexandra of Luxembourg to Nicolas Bagory (2023)

You can find details of their wedding here. This is just to answer some Frequent Questions. 

Q1: Why are are they having two Wedding Ceremonies?

In Luxembourg (and a number of other countries), the government doesn’t recognize religious wedding ceremonies.  

So, people are required to get married in a Civil ceremony, where their marriage licences will be signed. For those opting for both a Civil & Religious ceremony, the civil one is usually smaller with just immediate family. 

Q2: Will Nicolas get a title? 

No. Wifes usually automatically take on their husband's title. Husband's don't take on their wives. For Nicolas to have a title, the Grand Duke would have to grant him one, and Grand Duke Henri has not.

Q3: Will Princess Alexandra's title change?

Princess Alexandra will continue to be an HRH Princess. She will add her married name to the end of her title and will become "HRH Princess Alexandra of Luxembourg, Princess of Nassau and Princess of Bourbon-Parma, Mrs. Nicolas Bagory."

But the Palace and everyone will likely still call her "Princess Alexandra."

Q4a: Will Alexandra & Nicolas's Children be in the Line of Succession?

Yes. In 2011 the Luxembourg Succession Rules were revised to allow women in the line of succession. This added Alexandra to the line of succession, and allowed her future children to be included. 

Q4a: Will Alexandra & Nicolas's Children have titles?

As their children are down the female line they will not have any title. Children usually get their title from their father. 

Thursday, 20 April 2023

Wedding of Princess Alexandra of Luxembourg and Nicolas Bagory (2023)

Photo: Maison du Grand-Duc / Sophie Margue

Princess Alexandra of Luxembourg and Mr Nicolas Bagory will get married in a Civil Ceremony on Saturday, April 22nd at the Town Hall in Luxembourg-City, Luxembourg. There will then be a Religious Ceremony at Saint Trophyme church in Bormes-les-Mimosas, France on April 29th.

The Luxembourg government does not recognize religious weddings, so a civil ceremony must be performed. 


April 22nd - Civil Ceremony in Luxembourg

The Civil Ceremony is performed to meet Luxembourg's legal requirements for marriage. It is usually a smaller event, with just family and close friends attending. The bride and groom will wear more businessy outfits. 

The public is invited to welcome the couple and Royal Family at Guillaume Square, in front of the Town Hall.

@CourGrandDucal - Official Luxembourg Monarchy Accounts
Live Streams


  • Arrival of the bride and groom and the Grand Ducal Family at Guillaume Square.
3:30 PM 
  • Civil wedding at Town Hall in the presence of their families.
    • Officiated by the Mayor of Luxembourg City, Lydie Polfer
    • Guests
      • Grand Duke & Grand Duchess Maria Teresa
        • Prince Guillaume & Princess Stephanie
        • Prince Felix & Princess Claire
        • Prince Louis
        • Prince Sébastien
      • Nicolas's mother
        • Nicolas's 4 siblings
4 PM
  • The Couple along with Luxembourg Royal Family leave the Town Hall and greet the crowd.
  • The members of the Grand Ducal Family return to the Grand Ducal Palace via the Rue de la Reine.
  • Balcony Appearance at Grand Ducal Palace
  • Visit to Notre-Dame Cathedral, Luxembourg
6 PM 
  • Reception at Grand Ducal Palace in the presence of the families of the bride and groom, representatives of the national authorities and the couple's guests.

April 29th - Religious Wedding in France

The couple's religious wedding will take place at Saint Trophyme church in Bormes-les-Mimosas, France.  This ceremony is the "normal wedding" ceremony. It will be larger with extended, family friends. The Bride & Groom will wear more traditional wedding outfits. 

I would expect this to be a more private event, compared to the Civil Ceremony. But, I do expect we will get some photos. 

Tuesday, 18 April 2023

UK Coronation Service (2023) - Time Zone Converter

King Charles's Coronation takes place on Saturday May 6th, however due to the time zone conversion some of you may be watching events either on Friday Night, or Sunday Morning

PurpleFriday May 5th
YellowSaturday May 6th
GoldLondon Time
BlueSunday May 7th

Note: A location’s UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) can change throughout the year if it observes Daylight Savings Time. Many countries in the Northern Hemisphere are on Daylight Savings right now. There are a small number of countries that will switch over to Daylight Savings Time between now and the Coronation. 

You can find your UTC here. Or a list of all Countries by UTC here

UTC (Coordinated
Universal Time)
Guests Start
to Arrive
BBC Live
Stream Begins*
Fly Past
UTC -12:00--9:20 PM10 PM 1:30 AM
UTC -11:00--10:20 PM11 PM2:30 AM
UTC -10:00--11:20 PM12 AM3:30 AM
UTC -09:00--12:20 AM1 AM 4:30 AM
UTC -08:00--1:20 AM2 AM 5:30 AM
UTC -07:00--2:20 AM3 AM 6:30 AM
UTC -06:00--3:20 AM4 AM 7:30 AM
UTC -05:00--4:20 AM5 AM 8:30 AM
UTC -04:00-
5:20 AM6 AM9:30 AM
UTC -03:00--6:20 AM7 AM10:30 AM
UTC -02:00--7:20 AM8AM11:30 AM
UTC -01:00--8:20 AM9 AM 12:30 PM
UTC +00:00--9:20 AM10 AM 1:30 PM
UTC +01:00
(London, UK)
--10:20 AM11 AM2:30 PM
UTC +02:00--11:20 AM12 PM3:30 PM
UTC +03:00--12:20 PM1 PM4:30 PM
UTC +04:00--1:20 PM2 PM5:30 PM
UTC +05:00--2:20 PM3 PM6:30 PM
UTC +06:00--3:20 PM4 PM7:30 PM
UTC +07:00--4:20 PM5 PM8:30 PM
UTC +08:00--5:20 PM6 PM9:30 PM
UTC +09:00--6:20 PM7 PM10:30 PM
UTC +10:00--7:20 PM8 PM11:30 PM
UTC +11:00--8:20 PM9 PM12:30 AM
UTC +12:00--9:20 PM10 PM 1:30 AM
UTC +13:00--10:20 PM11 PM2:30 AM

*The Live Stream refers to the Royal Family's Live Stream on Youtube. Other Live Streams may start earlier.

Monday, 10 April 2023

King Charles's 2023 Coronation - Foreign Royal Attendance

There is a similar 2 royals per monarchy limit, as we saw at Queen Elizabeth’s funeral, with a few exceptions. Foreign Monarchs traditionally do not attend coronations. However, they have broken from this tradition.

Current Monarchies 
Color Meaning
Grey Event attending
Purple Monarch/Regent/ Consort
Yellow Heir

The ^ just means we haven’t seen a photo of them at the event yet. We are using that to check people off. 
BelgiumKing PhilippeXX
Queen Mathilde
Princess ElisabethX

DenmarkCrown Prince Frederik &
Crown Princess Mary
LiechtensteinHereditary Prince Alois &
Hereditary Princess Sophie
LuxembourgGrand Duke Henri & 
Grand Duchess Maria Teresa
MonacoPrince Albert &
Princess Charlene
NetherlandsKing Willem-Alexander &
Queen Máxima

Princess BeatrixX

Princess Catharina-AmaliaX

NorwayCrown Prince Haakon &
Crown Princess Mette-Marit 

SpainKing Felipe &
Queen Letizia
SwedenKing Carl GustafXX
Crown Princess VictoriaXX
BahrainKing Hamad XX
Crown Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa
BhutanKing Jigme Kesar & Queen JetsunXX
BruneiSultan Hassanal BolkiahXX
Prince 'Abdul MateenXX
KuwaitCrown Prince MishalXX
JapanCrown Prince Fumihito &
Crown Princess Kiko
JordanKing Abdullah & Queen RaniaXX
MalaysiaYang di-Pertuan Agong Abdullah
Raja Permaisuri Agong Tunku
OmanPrince Theyazin bin Haitham Al SaidXX
QatarAmir Sheikh Tamim
& Sheikha Jawaher
United Arab EmiratesSheikh Mansour bin Zayed
Saudi Arabia
Prince Turki bin Mohammed Al Saud

ThailandKing Vajiralongkorn
& Queen Suthida
EswatiniKing Mswati & Inkhosikati (Queen) LaMbikiza?

LesothoKing Letsie III & Queen MasenateX

Morocco Princess Lalla MeryemX

King Tupou
& Queen


(Tribe in Ghana)
Asantehene Osei Tutu
& Lady Julia Tutu
(Native People in 
New Zealand) 
Kīngi Tuheitia &
Makau Ariki Te Atawhai
Nizari Ismaili
(Branch of Islam)/Persia
Prince Rahim Aga Khan

Former Monarchies 
Color Meaning
Purple Former Monarch/Consort
Yellow Heir to Defunct Monarchy/ Head of Royal House

The ^ just means we haven’t seen a photo of them at the event yet. We are using that to check people off. 
Royal House
RoyalReception ServiceConcert
BadenMargrave Bernhard &
Margravine Stephanie
?X -
BulgariaTsar Simeon & 
Tsaritsa Margarita
HesseLandgrave Heinrich Donatus?X
Hohenlohe-LangenburgPrince Philipp & Princess Saskia ?X X^
RomaniaMargareta & Prince RaduXX -
GreeceQueen Anne-MarieXX -
Crown Prince Pavlos &
Crown Princess Marie-Chantal
Crown Prince Alexander &
Crown Princess Katherine

King Charles III of UK's Coronation - Pre Coronation Events (Tuesday May 2nd -Friday 5th)

Tuesday 2nd 

  • Reception at Palace of Westminster to meet with members of both Houses of Parliament
    • Attending King Charles & Queen Camilla
  • King Charles holds Audiences with:
    • Prime Minister of Australia, Anthony Albanese
  • King Charles holds Video Call with:
    • Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau
  • Prince William holds Audiences with:
    • Prime Minister of New Zealand, Chris Hipkins
Wednesday 3rd 
  • Rehearsal at Westminster Abbey
  • King Charles holds Audience with 
    • Prime Minister of New Zealand, Chris Hipkins
  • Garden Party at Buckingham Palace
    • Attending: 
      • King Charles & Queen Camilla
      • Prince Edward & Duchess Sophie
      • Duke & Duchess of Gloucester
      • Duke of Kent
Thursday 4th
  • King Charles holds Audience with:
    • Canadian indigenous leaders Chief Roseanne Archibald, Natan Obed and Natalie Caron 
    • King of The Ashanti, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II
    • Amazonian indigenous leaders Uyunkar Domingo Peas and Ms. Atossa Soltani 
Friday 5th
  • Attend a Realm Governors General and Prime Ministers Lunch at Buckingham Palace.
    • Attending: 
      • King Charles 
      • Working Royals
  • Attend a Commonwealth Heads of Government leaders meeting at Marlborough House.
    • Attending: 
      • King Charles 
  • Reception at Buckingham Palace for Foreign Guests

Tuesday, 4 April 2023

Pages of Honour - King Charles's Coronation (2023)

During the Coronation, King Charles & Queen Camilla will each be attended by four Pages of Honour. The Pages will form part of the procession through the Nave of Westminster Abbey.                                                                       

Charles's Page
Prince George of WalesCharles's grandson9
Lord Oliver CholmondeleySon of former Lord Great Chamberlain13
Nicholas Barclay--
Ralph TollemacheSon of Charles's Godson12

Camilla's Pages
Gus LopesCamilla's grandson13
Louis LopesCamilla's grandson13
Freddy Parker BowlesCamilla's grandson13
Arthur ElliotCamilla's grandnephew11