Wednesday 30 August 2023

Annual German-Speaking Heads of State Meeting

Participating Countries

Each year the Heads of State from countries where German is an official language hold a informal meeting. The location of the meeting will rotate each year with each country taking turns hosting. The meeting has been held in June or September in recent years. And is usually 2 days long  

The annual meeting reflects the close relations enjoyed by the German-speaking neighbours and centres on current domestic and foreign policy issues.     The Heads of State are usually accompanied by their spouses, who will have their own program of cultural/philanthropic events. 

The Meeting is attended by: 

  • Austria
  • Germany
  • Switzerland
  • Belgium (Joined 2014)
  • Liechtenstein (Joined 2005)
  • Luxembourg (Joined 2014)


Belgium and Luxembourg were invited to attend for the first time in 2014. Both Countries have German as an Official/Administrative Language, but it is spoken by a minority.

Royals attending each year: 

  • King Philippe & Queen Mathilde of Belgium
  • Hereditary Prince Alois & Hereditary Princess Sophie of Liechtenstein
  • Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg
While Grand Duchess Maria Teresa will occasionally join her husband on international trips, she is more often absent due to her fear of flying. Health issues, like Knee Surgery in 2014, have also prevented her from attending. Since she has only attend twice when the Meeting was held outside of Luxembourg, her attendance is noted for the years she did attend. 

 Year HostNotes
2024LuxembourgSept 16th- 17th
20th Summit
2023BelgiumGrand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg attended.
Austrian President did not stay for Day 2
2022Liechtenstein Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg attended.
Austrian President Alexander Van der Bellen
was unable to attend.
2020Not held due to pandemic
2018SwitzerlandGrand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg attended.
2017LuxembourgGrand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg attended.
2016Belgium The President of Austria did not attend. 
2014GermanyBelgium & Luxembourg are invited for the first time.


During the earlier years, only countries with German as a primary language were invited (I.e. Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Liechtenstein).

Prince Alois
Princess Sophie
2013AustriaX X
2012SwitzerlandX ?
2011LiechtensteinX X
2010GermanyX ?
2009AustriaX XGermany did not attend due to swearing in. 
2008SwitzerlandX ?


This informal meeting was the idea of the then President of Austria, Joseph Deiss as they wanted a meeting of the three countries that border lake Lake Constance, AKA "Bodensee."

The meeting was held in Switzerland on November 20th, and involved only Germany, Switzerland and Austria. It was agreed at this meeting that this should become an annual event and that Liechtenstein should be invited next year. 

Liechtenstein does not border Lake Constance, but is down the Rhine River. 

Tuesday 29 August 2023

Queen Maxima of the Netherlands - Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development (UNSGSA)

Then Prince Willem-Alexander, Princess Maxima and Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
September 2019, when Princess Maxima was first made UNSGSA
Photo Credit: UN Photo/Evan Schneider

In September 2009, Queen Maxima of the Netherlands (then Princess Maxima) was made UN Secretary-General’s Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development (UNSGSA). She was originally given a 2 year mandate and this has been renewed multiple times. 

Financial inclusion means that people & businesses across the world, social & economic classes have access to useful, affordable, & responsible financial products and services that meet their needs. This includes things like savings & checking accounts, credit, insurance, and mobile banking.

Queen Maxima's job as UNSGSA is to raise awareness, hold meetings, encourage leaders and support actions to expand financial inclusion at a global and country level. Queen Maxima works in close collaboration with partners from the public and private sector. The Office of the UNSGSA is funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. 

Prior to this role, Maxima had significant experience in banking and emerging markets. She was a economist and investment banker by training. Máxima was involved in the UN International Year of Microcredit in 2005. She also served on the UN Advisors Group on Inclusive Financial Sectors from 2006 to 2008, and was a member of the Group’s Executive Committee and chair of its Working Group on Advocacy.

UNSGA Website:

Annual Report

Queen Maxima Presenting 2022 Report
Photo: UN Photo/Ariana Lindquist

Queen Maxima submits an annual report, that is usually released in September. The report covers her work and insights from September last year to August this year.                

2023Creating a Path Toward Resilience and OpportunityText
2022Equitable, Inclusive and Sustainable GrowthText
2021Toward a More Resilient FutureText
2020Beyond Access and Usage to Quality Text
2019Building on Ten Years of ProgressText
2018Technology, Innovation, ProgressText
2017Transforming LivesText
2016Advancing Sustainable DevelopmentText
2015Creating an Inclusive WorldText
2014A Path to Empowerment and OpportunityText
2013Knowledge and Commitment Into ActionText

Monday 21 August 2023

2023 Nobel Laurates

The 2023 Nobel Laureates will be announced October 2nd-9th.

Physiology or Medicine
Announced Monday, October 2nd. 
Awarded to Katalin Karikó (1/2) and Drew Weissman (1/2) for "their discoveries concerning nucleoside base modifications that enabled the development of effective mRNA vaccines against COVID-19."
The Prize is awarded by the Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institute.

Announced Tuesday, October 3rd. 
Awarded to Pierre Agostini (1/3), Ferenc Krausz (1/3) and Anne L’Huillier (1/3) for “for experimental methods that generate attosecond pulses of light for the study of electron dynamics in matter”
The Prize is awarded by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

Announced Wednesday, October 4th. 
Awarded to Moungi G. Bawendi (1/3), Louis E. Brus (1/3) and Alexei I. Ekimov (1/3) "for the discovery and synthesis of quantum dots"
    The Prize is awarded by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

    Announced Thursday, October 5th. 
    Awarded to Jon Fosse for "his innovative plays and prose which give voice to the unsayable.”
      The Prize is awarded by the Swedish Academy.

      Announced Friday, October 6th. 
      Awarded to Narges Mohammadi for  "her fight against the oppression of women in Iran and her fight to promote human rights and freedom for all."
      The Prize is awarded by the Norwegian Nobel Committee.

      Economic Sciences
      Announced Monday October 9th.
      Awarded to Claudia Goldin for "for having advanced our understanding of women’s labour market outcomes"
      The Prize is awarded by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

      Nobel Prize Schedule 2023

      © Nobel Media. Photo: Clément Morin. 

      (All times are local Stockholm & Oslo, both GMT+1)

      This is the expected schedule based on past years. We will update as information is confirmed for this year. 

      October 2nd - 9th 
      Norway & Sweden 
      • The 2023 Nobel Laureates are announced. 
        Saturday, December 10th
          • Save the Children’s Peace Prize Party (11:30 AM-Noon)
            • Attending:  Crown Prince Haakon & Crown Princess Mette-Marit
          • King Receives Nobel Peace Prize Laureates (Noon)
            • Attending: King Harald, Queen Sonja, Crown Prince Haakon & Crown Princess Mette-Marit 
          • Nobel Peace Prize Ceremony/ Lecture  at Oslo City Hall (1:00- 2:40 PM)
          • Nobel Peace Prize Banquet (7:00-11:30 PM)
            • Laureate wave from Balcony (7 PM)
            • No Live Stream (But we get glimpses from Sweden Live Stream)
            • Attending: King Harald, Queen Sonja, Crown Prince Haakon & Crown Princess Mette-Marit
            Sunday, December 11th
              • King's Banquet for the Nobel Laureates at Palace (7:30 PM)
                • Private Banquet, but we get photos of the Royals arriving
                • Attending: King Carl Gustaf, Queen Silvia, Crown Prince Victoria, Prince Daniel, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Sofia
                Back to Nobel Prize - Main Page

                Tuesday 15 August 2023

                Hereditary Prince Alois of Liechtenstein - National Day Address 2023 (English Translation)

                [Notes by Gert's Royals are in Italics]

                Dear People of Liechtenstein,

                The last National Day was affected by crises: the end of the pandemic and the effects of the first months of the war in Ukraine. Since then, the situation in our region has eased somewhat, but the aftermath of the pandemic and the consequences of the war are still a significant burden. In addition, there are further global tensions and the challenges of both technological and demographic development. Europe is suffering  as a result of an increasingly divided society and an uncertain economic situation with record high inflation, in some cases coupled with high levels of debt, recessions in important markets and ongoing problems with international supply chains.

                We are doing relatively well, but we are still challenged. We should quickly overcome divisions in society by building bridges. A harsh winter could drive up energy prices again. Due to the switch to renewable energies and our high dependence on foreign countries for energy supply, we must expect higher and more volatile energy prices in the coming years. In addition, our economy is not only suffering from the worst labor shortage ever, but also recessions in important sales markets such as Germany could mean additional burdens in the coming months.

                Our media landscape is also going through a difficult phase. After the closure of the Volksblatt, we have a monopoly situation with the daily newspapers, which are so important for opinion-forming in our country. In addition, Radio Liechtenstein is in financial difficulties and must therefore be restructured. Ensuring sufficient quality and variety of media has become a challenge in a digital age for a market as small as Liechtenstein.

                [Liechtensteiner Volksblatt was Liechtenstein's oldest daily newspaper. It closed in March 2023, due to declining subscriptions and rising costs. Volksblatt" is German for "People's Journal"  and is a common names for German language newspapers.]

                Dear People of Liechtenstein,

                In these continuing difficult times, we will soon have to make some fundamental decisions, in particular about the media sector, energy supply and the DpL's constitutional initiative to involve the people in the government's work. In order to find the right balance between development & continuity and stability , we have to find the right answers to the following questions:
                • Given the changing conditions, where should we take bold steps to create better and more sustainable structures for the future?
                • Where should the government be active as a provider of products or services? Where is it better to limit itself to the role of financier? or even just as regulator?
                • Where should we pay attention to stability and continuity to make Liechtenstein a particularly attractive location in troubled times?

                Our country's successful development over the last few decades is mainly due to the fact that we have been very successful overall in answering these questions and finding the right balance. If we make wise decisions for sustainable development in accordance with this proven recipe for success, we can create the necessary conditions to be able to successfully meet the increased demands in the future.

                Dear People of Liechtenstein,

                According to the recently published government proposals, the goals for the media sector is to maintain and strengthen the quality of the media, media diversity, pluralism of opinion and the free formation of opinion in Liechtenstein. The planned expansion of the digital area of radio and the proposed amendments to the Media Promotion Act and the Media Act should basically correspond to this objective in terms of their thrust. In order to find the best and most sustainable structures in the media sector, we should think further about other options when discussing the government proposals and have the courage to ask ourselves the following questions:
                • What tasks should the Government perform in the media sector?
                • Is it enough that Government regulates and finances private media?
                • If so, is the increase in media funding proposed by the government sufficient to achieve its goals, or should funding for private media be increased even more, particularly with regard to the basic contribution and start-up financing?
                • How can state funds for start-up financing of private media be used most effectively?
                • Does our government also have to offer media content with its own company in order to maintain and strengthen media diversity, pluralism of opinion and free opinion-forming in Liechtenstein?
                • If so, is radio the right medium for this, or would a completely new, digital media company be more suitable and perhaps also more cost-effective?
                • If the latter, can Radio Liechtenstein be transformed into such a digital media company or does it also require a completely new approach?
                In view of the small size of the Liechtenstein media market, it is certainly necessary for our government to act not only as a regulator, but also as a financier of the private media. If we carefully examine the questions just mentioned, we could also make the right decisions about how our state should best finance the private media, whether it should also offer media content with its own company and – if so – what the most suitable way is.

                [You can find more on Liechtenstein's media sector from Reporters without Borders.]

                Dear People of Liechtenstein,

                In the energy sector, given the changing conditions, we should also take bold steps to create better and more sustainable structures for the future. A stable energy supply at stable prices has long been a task of our government because of its critical role in modern society. In many areas of energy supply it will be sufficient for government to only act as a regulator. Depending on the energy sector and the technological development phase, however, it can make sense for the state to offer products or services with its own companies or to use state funds to help as a financier with special payments in emergencies or to initiate politically desired developments with subsidies. However, the use of state funds for such purposes should be as targeted as possible, cautious and only as long as it is useful. Otherwise we run the risk of creating a state-controlled planned economy, which on the one hand costs the taxpayer a lot and on the other hand nips better initiatives from the private sector in the bud.

                In a market situation with bottlenecks on the electricity market and volatile electricity prices expected in the next few years, a high level of self-sufficiency would be advantageous. Today, we only produce a quarter of the energy Liechtenstein needs. We should collect all suggestions for increasing self-sufficiency and consider how close to implementation, interdependencies, cost-benefit ratio, etc. each idea is. Similar to the successful transformation of the financial center, we should set up a project group with experts from the administration and external experts. This project group should involve all forces, create broad acceptance and develop a concrete implementation plan for an energy supply that is as sustainable as possible with the highest possible proportion of self-sufficiency. We should then bravely implement the most promising ideas.

                In view of the importance of a stable digital infrastructure today, especially in the area of power supply, government support for major projects could also be justified. Perhaps we should even be as courageous as our ancestors, who invested a significant proportion of government spending in a stable power supply in order to increase the attractiveness of the location in much more difficult times. Immediately after the Second World War in 1947, almost 85% of the voters voted in favor of the construction of the Samina power plant.

                Dear Liechtensteiners,

                The prospective referendum on the DpL's constitutional initiative will also be a fundamental decision. Adopting the constitutional initiative would lead to a far-reaching change in our constitutional structure, because it seeks, among other things, to reorganize the relationship between the highest state organs and ultimately also between the two sovereigns [Monarch & Prime Minister]. We must not underestimate the risks from such fundamental changes to our constitutional structure. 

                [DpL is the Democrats for Liechtenstein political party. They have proposed a constitutional initiative to change how the Prime Minister is appointed. (The formal title of the position is "Head of Government", but they can be referred to as Prime Minister). DpL would like the public to vote on who should be their Prime Minister. Currently the Prime Minister is the chosen by the members of parliament (Landtag), and is usually the head of the party (or coalition) that has the most seats in parliament.]

                Therefore, we should also ask ourselves critical questions like these in the interests of sustainable development:
                • What are the effects on the political stability of our country - also with regard to the proven dualism between Prince and people, if in future not only Parliament but also the Prime Minister is elected by the people?
                • What are the effects on the predictability of politics if in future the basic direction of cooperation between the Government and the Parliament is no longer determined by a coalition program at the beginning of a legislative period?
                • Could the initiative proposal lead to wild Prime Minister candidatures – especially from the two major parties – and what would that mean for political stability?
                • Would there be a risk of a fragmentation of the party landscape if well-known party politicians ran against the nominations of their own parties or if members of the government, contrary to the traditional limitations of their parties' terms of office, add another term of office?
                Our great political stability and continuity has been an important success factor over the past few decades and what makes us a particularly attractive location, especially in turbulent times. In order not to give up this advantage, we should therefore only make adjustments to our constitutional structure if really necessary. 

                Dear Liechtensteiners,

                Some difficult but fundamental decisions have to be made in the coming months. Let's find the right path and the right balance between bold and determined advancement on the one hand and continuity and maintaining stability on the other.

                From the bottom of my heart, I would like to thank all those who were involved in organizing the state holiday, and I wish you all a Happy National Day and God bless. 

                Liechtenstein's National Day Speech (2015-Present)

                Video Three big Topics
                2024TextOfficial-1. Security
                2. Foreign affairs
                3. International Monetary Fund
                2023Textby Gert's Royals

                Video1. Media sector (following closure of oldest newspaper earlier this year.) 
                2. Sustainable Energy 
                3. Proposed change to how PM is appointed
                2022TextOfficialVideo1. Inflation
                2. Foreign labor and companies
                3. Energy
                2021TextOfficialVideo1. 100th Anniversary
                2. Pandemic
                3. Future

                Thursday 10 August 2023

                Honorary Military Appointments Given out August 2023

                The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh visit RAF Marham
                Queen Elizabeth II visiting RAF Marham of which she was Royal Honorary Air Commodore
                Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

                On August 10th, 2023, Buckingham Palace announced new Honorary Military appointments given to almost all the Working Royals. The Appointment included 11 previously held by Queen Elizabeth II, 1 by Prince Philip, 6 by King Charles, 1 by Prince William, 2 by Prince Andrew, and 1 position never held by a Royal. 

                "The new appointments will continue to reflect the close relationship between the Armed Forces and the Royal Family in His Majesty’s reign."

                Queen Elizabeth II's Former Honorary Military Appointments: 

                • King Charles 
                  • Sponsor, HMS Queen Elizabeth
                    • Note: The ship is named after the first HMS Queen Elizabeth, a World War I era super-dreadnought, which in turn was named after Queen Elizabeth I. 
                    • Previous Sponsor: 
                      • Queen Elizabeth II (2014-2022)
                  • Colonel-in-Chief, The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards
                    • Previous Colonel-in-Chief:
                      • Queen Elizabeth II (Founding 1971 -2022)
                    • Deputy Colonel-in-Chief
                      • The Duke of Kent
                        • (He served in this unit)

                  • Colonel-in-Chief, The Royal Tank Regiment
                    • Previous Colonel-in-Chief:
                      • King George VI (?1923-1952)
                      • Queen Elizabeth II (?-2022)
                  • Captain General, The Royal Artillery
                    • Previous Captain Generals: 
                      • Queen Elizabeth II (?-2022)
                  • Captain General, The Honourable Artillery Company
                    • Previous Captain Generals: 
                      • King George VI (?-1952)
                      • Queen Elizabeth II (?-2022)
                  • Colonel-in-Chief, The Royal Regiment of Scotland
                    • Previous Colonel-in-Chief:
                      • Queen Elizabeth II (2006-2022)
                  • Royal Honorary Air Commodore, RAF Marham
                    • Previous Royal Honorary Air Commodore:
                      • Queen Elizabeth II (?-2022)
                  • Air Commodore-in-Chief, RAF Regiment
                    • Previous Air Commodore-in-Chief:
                      • King George VI (1947-1952)
                      • Queen Elizabeth II (?-2022)
                • Queen Camilla 
                  • Patron, The Royal Army Chaplains’ Department
                    • Previous Patron: 
                      • Queen Elizabeth II (?-2022)
                • Duke of Gloucester 
                  • Air Commodore-in-Chief, Royal Auxiliary Air Force
                    • Previous Air Commodore-in-Chief:
                      • Queen Elizabeth II (?-2022)
                • Duchess of Gloucester 
                  •  Colonel-in-Chief, Adjutant General’s Corps
                    • Previous Colonel-in-Cheif
                      • Queen Elizabeth II (?-2022)
                    • (The Duchess of Gloucester was previously Deputy Colonel-in-Cheif)
                Prince Philip's Former Honorary Military Appointments: 
                • Prince Edward
                  • Colonel-in-Chief, The Queen’s Royal Hussars
                    • Previous Colonel-in-Chief:
                      • Queen Mum (1993-2002)
                      • Prince Philip (2002-2021)
                King Charles II's Former Honorary Military Appointments: 
                • Prince William 
                  • Colonel-in-Chief, The Mercian Regiment
                    • Previous Colonel-in-Chief
                      • King Charles (?-2023)
                  •  Colonel-in-Chief, The Army Air Corps
                    • Previous Colonel-in-Chief
                      • King Charles (?-2023)
                    • (Prince Harry served in)
                  • Royal Honorary Air Commodore, RAF Valley
                    • Previous Colonel-in-Chief
                      • King Charles (?-2023)
                • Princess Kate
                  • Colonel-in-Chief, 1st Queen’s Dragoon Guards
                    • Previous  Commodore-in-Chief
                • Prince Edward 
                  • Colonel-in-Chief, The Royal Dragoon Guards
                    • Previous Colonel-in-Chief
                      • King Charles (?-2023)
                    • Deputy Colonel-in-Chef
                      • Duchess of Kent 
                      • (No word on whether she will retain that position)
                • Duchess Sophie
                  • Royal Colonel, The Queen’s Own Yeomanry
                    • Previous Royal Colonel:
                      • King Charles (?-2023)

                Prince William's Former Honorary Military Appointments: 

                • Princess Kate 
                  • Royal Honorary Air Commodore, RAF Coningsby
                    • Previous Honorary Air Commodore:
                      • Prince William (2008-2023)

                Prince Andrew's Former Honorary Military Appointments: 

                • Princess Kate
                  •  Commodore-in-Chief, Fleet Air Arm
                    • Previous Commodore-in-Chief:
                      • Prince Andrew (?-2021)
                    • (King Charles & Prince Andrew both served in this regiment)
                • Duchess Sophie
                  • Colonel-in-Chief, The Royal Irish Regiment
                    • Previous Colonel-in-Chief:
                      • Prince Andrew (?-2021)

                Not Formerly a Royal  Honorary Military Appointments: 

                • Princess Anne
                  •  Deputy Colonel-in-Chief, The Royal Regiment of Scotland
                  • (Anne is the first royal Deputy)
                  • Current/Former Colonel-in-Chief
                    • Queen Elizabeth II (?-2022)
                    • King Charles (2022-Present)

                Back to 

                Tuesday 8 August 2023

                Prince Christian of Denmark's 18th Birthday Celebration (2023)

                Photo: Franne Voigt ©

                Prince Christian of Denmark celebrates his 18th Birthday on October 15th, 2023. This is an extra special occasion as it marks his age of majority. Reaching the age of majority is important to heirs to the throne (or heirs to the heir) as they become an adult and legally would be able to ascend the throne without a regent. This also means Prince Christian can perform other duties like act as regent. 

                Order of Elephant
                • Morning of his 18th Birthday, Prince Christian was given the order of the Elephant by his grandmother Queen Margrethe. 
                • Info about Order

                Changing of the Guards
                • Sunday, October 15th at Noon
                  • Balcony Appearance at Frederik VIII’s Palace with Queen and Crown Prince Family
                Gala Dinner at Christiansborg Palace
                • Sunday, October 15th at 5 PM
                • Attending
                  • Denmark Royal Family 
                    • (Count Nikolai was unable to attend as he was studying in Australia)
                  • Youth from the world of sports, art and culture
                  • Representatives from youth organizations
                  • 2 youth representatives from each of Denmark's municipalities as well as Greenland and the Faroe Islands
                • Confirmed Foreign Royals (Godparents bolded)
                  • Princess Elisabeth of Belgium 
                  • Queen Anne-Marie of Greece (Great-aunt)
                    • Crown Prince Pavlos & Princess Marie-Chantal
                  • Princess Catharina-Amalia of the Netherlands
                  • Crown Prince Haakon & Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway
                    • Princess Ingrid Alexandra of Norway
                  • Crown Princess Victoria & Prince Daniel of Sweden 
                    • Princess Estelle
                  • Prince Gustav and Princess Carina of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg
                This is not a state occasion. Foreign royals in attendance are attending in a personal capacity. 
                • Dress Code
                  • White Tie with Honors and Tiaras
                Council of State Meeting
                • Tuesday, November 14th at 9:30 AM
                  • Christian will make solemn declaration that he will abide by the Constitution. 
                  • Christian will be appointed as one of the regents, and able to perform certain duties when the Monarch is ill or out of the country. 
                  • (Prince Christian will not have a seat in the Council of State until his father's accession, as the Council of state does not include the heir to the heir).

                Monday 7 August 2023

                August Q&As

                When we first started this blog, we had Friday Q&A, where we would answer readers' questions. That eventually ended as people were just asking me questions on Twitter all the time. And it seemed easiest to just answer them there. 

                We have decided to resume our Q&As, as I often get asked the same questions again and again on social media. And this gives me a chance to give a longer, more detailed answer. 

                Submit your questions. We aren't able to answer everyone's questions but from time to time will try to pick one that is asked a lot, or is particularly interesting, or relevant. 

                Q1: Why did some Indian guy represent King Charles at the Sandhurst Parade? Isn’t it always a member of the Royal Family who does it each year?

                The Sovereign's Parade takes place to mark the graduation of of the Commissioning Course for Regular Army officers. There are actually 3 parades each year as there are 3 courses: (January-December, May-March, and September-August). 

                The Monarch is represented by someone at each of the 3 parades. Often a member of the British Royal Family will represent the Monarch at one of the 3 parades each year. The other times the Monarch is represented by a member of senior British military/government, or a senior member of a Foreign Military. 

                Foreign Military personnel are involved in the graduation as the Academy is opened up to international students from foreign militaries. It is one of the ways the UK maintains good relationships with it's military allies. 

                Last year (2022), the Representatives of the Monarch were General James McConville, USA Chief of Army Staff; Qamar Javed Bajwa, Pakistan Chief of Army Staff; and the Duke of Gloucester. 

                You can find a list of reviewing officers over the years here

                Q2: Do you think King Charles or Prince William will host a reception for the Women's World Cup team at the Palace? I know they didn't win, but they did place 2nd.

                I would expect Prince William, as president of England's Football Association, will have some sort of engagement with the team to celebrate their 2nd place. It might not be a reception at the palace. But he might visit them. 

                Q&A - Main Page

                Wednesday 2 August 2023

                Liechtenstein National Day - Main Page


                Liechtenstein asv2022-10 img01 Vaduz Schloss
                Vaduz Castle in Liechtenstein where National Day Celebrations are held
                A.Savin, FAL, via Wikimedia Commons

                Liechtenstein's national holiday (Staatsfeiertag) is held annually on August 15. National Day is celebrated on August 15th to coincide with Assumption Day or Our Lady's Day. It has been celebrated since 1940 and is closely related to the birthday of Prince Franz-Josef II on August 16. 

                Typical Schedule: 

                • 10:30 AM
                  •  Official act of state with speeches by Hereditary Prince Alois and the President of the Parliament Albert Frick
                  • Reception in Palace Garden with Members of the Royal Family
                • 2:00 PM
                  • Big folk festival in the City Center of Vaduz
                • 9:15 PM
                  • Lighting of the bonfires and torchlight procession along the Fürstensteig mountain trail. 
                • 10:00 PM
                  • Fireworks in Vaduz Castle
                • 2:00 AM
                  • End of the festival

                Liechtenstein - Annual Events

                Liechtenstein asv2022-10 img01 Vaduz Schloss
                A.Savin, FAL, via Wikimedia Commons

                We will be working on adding Annual Events for each European monarchy over the next year. We are only listing annual events here if we have a blog post on that event. 



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