Wednesday 28 September 2022

Style of Royal Family in European Kingdoms

This is a summary of the current style of members of each Royal Family. (Only listing styles they have by virtue of their relation to that Royal House.) 

These styles may change with a new monarch, or by a degree, parliament vote, or law change.

For each category, we give the usual style used by the current member of that category. Although, not everyone in that group may have that style.  Exceptions include:
  • Family members with a different style due to their marriage (or parents/grandparents' marriage) into another Royal House. 
  • Family Members who lost their style due to an unapproved marriage. (More common in the older generations when marriages were required to be “equal.”)
  • Family members who agreed not to use a title/style for themselves or their children. 
  • Family members down the female line may be styled differently than family members down the male line (especially in the older generations). 
Notes are listed at the bottom of the page and are marked with a (#). Cells with "-" mean there are no current, living people in that category. We have only listed the current styles of current living Royals. And not what a deceased or future member of the Royal Family’s style would be. 

Current Monarch and Wife HM King/Queen
Abdicates Monarch and Wife HM King/ Queen - HRH Princess - HM King/ Queen -
Children of Monarchs
Heir Apparent (1) HRH Princess with special title HRH Crown Prince HRH Princess with special title HRH Crown Prince HRH Princess with Special Title HRH Crown Princess HRH Prince with special title
Heir Apparent's Spouse - - - HRH Crown Princess - HRH Prince HRH Princess
Other Children of Current Monarch HRH Prince/ss HH Princess HRH Infanta HRH Prince/ss HRH Prince/ss (2)
Children of Previous Monarch HRH Prince/ss HH Princess HRH Infanta HRH Prince/ss (3)(6) HRH Prince/ss (2)
Grandchildren of Monarchs
Eldest Children of Heir - - - HRH Princess - HRH Princess HRH Prince
Younger Children of Heir -- - HH Prince - HRH Prince HRH Prince/ss
Current Monarch's other grandchildren -
- No Style - - HRH Prince/ss
Previous Monarch's other Grandchildren HRH Prince/ss HE Count/ Counteess Count/ess No Style Don/a No Style (6) Depends on parent gender (7)
Great-Grandchildren of Monarchs
Great-Grandchildren of Current Monarch -
Previous Monarch's other Great-Grandchildren (8) (8) -No style-No Style (6)(8) No style

(1) Heir Apparents are either HRH Crown Prince/ss or are HRH Prince/ss and have a special title to denote they are the heir.

(2) Prince Harry, Duchess Meghan, and Prince Andrew agreed to no longer use their HRH, but it has not technically been removed. 

(3) Some Family members lost their HRH due to unequal marriages (E.g. marrying a non-Royal). Rules like this have been removed in subsequent generations.

(6) Looking at the decendants of Prince Gustaf Adolf, instead of the previous monarch King Gustaf V, as succession skipped a generation, due to the Prince’s early death. 

(7) As children traditionally get their titles from their father, only children of sons of the Monarch are HRH Prince/ss. Although some have chosen not to style their children that way to give them a more private life. Children of daughters get no style from their mother and instead would be styled appropriately as children of their father.

(8) The people in this category get their Style by virtue of their parents' or grandparents' marriage into another Royal House. 

Monday 26 September 2022

Queen Elizabeth II's Final Patronages - Main Page

We have broken this page into sub-pages to make it easier to use.


Not passed down YET
The patronages responded to my email, stating that no new patron has been appointed yet. Or given some other indication that the there might be an announcement in the fututre. Therefore we are not marking these as discontinued yet. 
  • Army Cadet Charitable Trust UK
    • Patron 
      • Queen Elizabeth II (?-2022)
    • Per email June 2024: "We have not yet had confirmation of any patron changes at this time. We hope to hear soon!"
  • Berkhamsted School
    • Patron 
      • Queen Elizabeth II (?-2022)
    • 2023 tweet lists King Charles as patron..... But that was a year before patronage review was finished and letters were sent out. No mention on website. Confirming with charity. 
  • The English-Speaking Union of the Commonwealth
    • Patron 
      • Queen Elizabeth II (1954-2022)
      • President 
        • Prince Philip (1953-2011)
        • Princess Anne (Present)
      • June 2024 Email: We are yet to confirm who our Patron will be. We should have a decision in the next couple of months.
  • Forces Employment Charity
    • Patron 
      • Queen Elizabeth II (?-2022)
    • Email June 2024 - "As it stands, there has been no official appointment of a new Patron for the charity just yet, but we expect to hear something in the near future." 
  • Haig Housing Trust
    • Patron 
      • ? (1929-?)
      • King George VI (?-1952)
      • Queen Elizabeth II (1952-2022)
    • June 2024 Email: We have been proud to have a Royal Patron since our inception in 1929. We are currently liaising with Buckingham Palace and so are unable to comment at the moment.
  • National Federation of Young Farmers' Clubs
    • Patron 
      • Queen (1957-2022)
    • President 
      • Princess Anne (?- 1988-?)
      • Prince Charles (?-2004-2005-?)
    • Vice President 
      • Princess Anne (?-Present)
    • June 2024 Email: We are currently speaking to the palace about the patronage and will share any news in due course. 
  • Norfolk and Norwich Archaeological Society
    • Patron 
      • Queen Elizabeth II (?-2022)
    • July 2024 email: Whilst we understand that the Royal Household are working though the list of Her Late Majesty's patronages, we have not yet received any communication. We hope that His Majesty may chose to continue the relationship, but cannot say any more at this time.
  • Police Care UK
    • Patron 
      • Queen Elizabeth II (?-2022)
    • Per June 2024 Email: We are in the process of updating information on our Patron and look forward to announcing this in due course.
  • Police Sport UK
    • Patron 
      • King Edward VIII (?-1930-?)
      • Queen Elizabeth II (?-2022)
    • Per June 2024 email: We have not had confirmation of that. 
  • Royal Observer Corps Association
    • Patron 
      • Queen Elizabeth II (?-2022)
    • Per June 2024 email: I am afraid [King Charles] has not [become our Patron] and we are trying for another Royal but not very hopeful at present
  • Seashell Trust
    • Patron
      • Queen Victoria (1987-?)
      • Queen Elizabeth (?-2022)
      • June 2024 Email: "To answer your question; he hasn’t yet, but we are keeping our fingers crossed! 😊Having him as Patron would be amazing, and would undoubtedly help us in our mission."
  • Table Tennis England
    • King George VI (1937-1952)
    • Queen Elizabeth (1952-2022)
    • Per June 2024 email: We do not know who will be replacing the late Queen Elizabeth II as our patron, once this has been confirmed it will be communicated on our website.
  • The Leander Club
    • Patron 
      • King Edward VIII (1936)
      • King George VI (1937-1952)
      • Queen Elizabeth II (1952-2022)
    • Per June 2024 Email: A new patron has yet to be confirmed by Buckingham Palace
  • The Royal Artillery Museum
    • Patron 
      • Queen Elizabeth II
    • Per June 2024 Email: The Royal Artillery Museum will be looking at patronages in the fullness of time. At present, our efforts are concentrated on caring for the Royal Artillery Collection and building a new home to display the collection in.
  • The Royal School for the Blind, Liverpool
    • Patron 
      • Queen Elizabeth II (?-2022)
    • June 2024 Email: Our patronage is under consideration at present.
  • Wellington College
    • Visitor
      • Queen Victoria (?-?)
      • Subsequent Monarchs
      • Queen Elizabeth (?-2022)
    • June Email: When King Charles acceded to the throne, the College formally approached him to ask whether he would become our Visitor. As yet we have had no reply from his staff on this question.
No Confirmation
We have not yet confirmed if these patronages have been passed down or discontinued. 
Princess Elizabeth's Patronages
This section lists the patronages that Queen Elizabeth held before her accession & continued to hold until her death. 

1944 (Age 18)
1946 (Age 20)
1949 (Age 23)
  • British Junior Red Cross (which later became absorbed with the British Red Cross)
    • See British Red Cross below in the "continuous since Queen Victoria" section 
1950 (Age 24)
1951 (Age 25)
  • Reed's School*^
    • Patron 
      • Edward, Duke of Kent (1815-?)
      • Augustus, Duke of Sussex (1817-?)
      • Victoria, Duchess of Kent (1819-?)
      • King Leopold I of Belgium (1819-?)
      • The King of Hanover (1981-?)
      • Frederick, Duke of York (1822-?)
      • King George IV (1923-?)
      • Adolphus, Duke of Cambridge (1826-?)
      • King William IV (1826-?)
      • Queen Victoria (1837-?)
      • The Prince Consort (1843-?)
      • King Edward VII (1856-?)
      • Queen Alexandra (1870-?)
      • King George V (1910-?)
      • King George VI (1936-?)
      • Queen Elizabeth II (1951-2022)
Monarch to Monarch Patronages
It is very likely many of these patronages will be taken on by King Charles, especially those with a longer history of Patronages. 

It’s not uncommon for it to take a few months or a year for the new monarch to officially take on a patronage. Given that King Edward VIII's reign was less than a year, some continuous patronages may have skipped him. 
Continuous since King William IV's Reign (Elizabeth’s ?)
  • Royal Yacht Squadron*^
    • Admiral & Patron
      • King William IV (1833-1837) 
      • King Edward VII (1901-?)
      • "Subsequent Monarchs"
    • Patron 
      • Queen Elizabeth II (?-2022)
    • Admiral
      • Prince Philip (1952-2021)
    • Commodore
      • King Edward VII (1882-1901)
      • Prince Philip (1962-1968)
Continuous since Queen Victoria's Reign (Elizabeth’s great-great-grandmother)
Continuous since King Edward VII’s Reign (Elizabeth’s great-grandfather)
  • Church Lads' and Church Girls' Brigade*^
    • Patron 
      • King Edward VII (1902-1910) 
      • King George V (?- 1936) 
      • King Edward VIII (1936)  
      • King George VI (?-1952)  
      • Queen Elizabeth II (?-2022)
  • Royal Hospital for Neuro-Disability*^
    • Patron 
      • King George V (1880-1936)
      • King Edward VII (1901-1910)
      • Princess Christian (1901-)
      • Queen Mary (1910-?)
      • King Edward VIII (1936)
      • King George VI (1937-1952)
      • Queen Elizabeth (1952-2022)
Continuous since King George V’s Reign (Elizabeth’s grandfather)
  • Cycling UK*^
    • Patron 
      • King George V (1910-1936)
      • King Edward VIII (1936)
      • King George VI (1936-1952)
      • Queen Elizabeth II (1952-2022)
  • England Athletics*^
    • Patron 
      • King George V (?)
      • King George VI (?)
      • Queen Elizabeth II (?-2022)
  • Royal Nassau Sailing Club*^
    • Patron 
      • King George V (1926-1936)
      • King George VI (1936-1952)
      • Queen Elizabeth II (1952-2022)
    • July 2024 - Still lists Queen Elizabeth as patron. 
  • YMCA England*^
    • Patron
      • King George V (1910-1936)
      • King Edward VIII (1936)
      • King George VI (1936-1952)
      • Queen Elizabeth II (1952-2022)
    • July 2024 - Still lists Queen Elizabeth as patron. 
Continuous since King Edward VIII’s Reign (Elizabeth’s Uncle)
  • England Golf*^
    • King Edward VIII (1934-1936)
    • King George VI (?-1952)
    • Queen Elizabeth II (1952-2022)
Continuous since King George VI’s Reign (Elizabeth’s father)

Has a Royal Vice Patron, President, etc.  

While Patronages don't always get passed down to the royal Vice Patron, President, etc. they are a very likely candidate given that they are already involved in the organization.
  • The Foundation of the College of St. George*^
    • Patron 
      • Queen Elizabeth (?-2022)
    • President
      • King Charles III (1974-Present)
    • Vice President 
      • Princess Anne (?-?)
      • Prince William  (?-Present)
  • The Mission to Seafarers Limited*^
    • Patron 
      • Queen Elizabeth (?-2022)
    • President 
      • Princess Anne (?-Present)
  • The Royal Household Cricket Club
    • Patron
      • Queen Elizabeth II (?-2022)
    • President 
      • Prince Edward (?-Present)
  • The Royal Household Football Sports and Social Club
    • Patron
      • Queen Elizabeth II (?-2022)
    • President 
      • Prince William (?-Present)
  • The Stroke Association*^
    • Patron 
      • Queen Elizabeth II (?-2022)
    • President
      • Duke of Kent (?-Present)
Other Patronages

Sunday 25 September 2022

Nobel Prize Laureates (2022)

 The 2022 Nobel Laureates will be announced October 3rd-10th.

Physiology or Medicine
Awarded to Svante Pääbo (1/1) “for his discoveries concerning the genomes of extinct hominins and human evolution.”
The Prize is awarded by the Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institute.

Awarded to Alain Aspect (1/3) , John F. Clauser (1/3)  and Anton Zeilinger (1/3)  “for experiments with entangled photons, establishing the violation of Bell inequalities and pioneering quantum information science”.
The Prize is awarded by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

Awarded to Carolyn R. Bertozzi (1/3), Morten Meldal (1/3) and K. Barry Sharpless (1/3) “for the development of click chemistry and bioorthogonal chemistry”.
The Prize is awarded by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

Awarded to Annie Ernaux (1/1) for "the courage and clinical acuity with which she uncovers the roots, estrangements and collective restraints of personal memory”.
The Prize is awarded by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

Awarded to Ales Bialiatski (1/3), Memorial (1/3) and the Center for Civil Liberties (1/3) for "The Peace Prize laureates represent civil society in their home countries. They have for many years promoted the right to criticise power and protect the fundamental rights of citizens. They have made an outstanding effort to document war crimes, human right abuses and the abuse of power. Together they demonstrate the significance of civil society for peace and democracy”
The Prize is awarded by the Norwegian Nobel Committee.

Economic Sciences
Awarded to Ben Bernanke (1/3) , Douglas Diamond (1/3) and Philip Dybvig (1/3), "have significantly improved our understanding of the role of banks in the economy, particularly during financial crises. An important finding in their research is why avoiding bank collapses is vital."
The Prize is awarded by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

Monday 12 September 2022

Royals attending Queen Elizabeth’s Funeral & Committal Service

For most countries/monarchies, only 2 representatives are allowed, usually the Monarch & Spouse. There are some exceptions. 
  1. Abdicated Monarchs are invited along with the Current Monarch, and their spouses. (I.e. Spain, Netherlands).
  2. Close family (I.e. Greek, Baden, etc.)
* - Did not attend Funeral (Or at least I didn't see photos of them)
# - Did not attend Service of Commital (Or at least I didn't see photos of them) 

British Royals
  • King Charles & Queen Camilla 
    • Prince William & Princess Kate
      • Prince George 
      • Princess Charlotte
    • Prince Harry & Duchess Meghan
  • Prince Andrew
    • Princess Beatrice & Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi
    • Princess Eugenie & Jack Brooksbank
    • (Plus Sarah, Duchess of York)
  • Prince Edward & Countess Sophie
    • Lady Louise & Viscount James
  • Princess Anne & Sir Tim
    • Peter Phillips 
      • Isla Phillips *
      • Savanah Phillips *
    • Zara & Mike Tindall
      • Mia Tindall *
  • Duke & Duchess of Gloucester
    • Earl & Countess of Ulster 
      • Xan Windsor, Lord Culloden 
      • Lady Cosima Windsor 
    •  Lady Davina Lewis
      • Senna Lewis 
    • Lady Rose & George Gilman 
      • Lyla Gilman
  • The Duke of Kent
    • Earl & Countess of St. Andrew
      • Edward Windsor, Lord Downpatrick
      • Lady Marina Windsor 
      • Lady Amelia Windsor
    • Lady Helen & Timothy Taylor 
      • Cassius Taylor
      • Columbus Taylor
      • Eloise Taylor
      • Estella Taylor
    • Lord Nicholas Windsor 
      • Albert Windsor 
      • Leopold Windsor 
  • Prince & Princess Micheal of Kent
    • Lord & Lady Frederick Windsor 
    • Lady Gabriella Kingston & Thomas Kingston
  • Princess Alexandra
    • James Ogilvy & Julia Ogilvy
      • Flora & Timothy Vesterberg 
      • Alexander Ogilvy 
    • Marina Ogilvy
      • Zenouska Mowatt 
      • Christian Mowatt 
  • Earl of Snowdon
    • Viscount Charles Armstrong-Jones
    • Lady Margarita Armstrong-Jones
  • Lady Sarah Chatto & Daniel Chatto 
    • Arthur Chatto
    • Samual Chatto
Current Monarchies
  • King Philippe & Queen Mathilde of Belgium #
  • Queen Margrethe of Denmark 
  • Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark # & Crown Princess Mary of Denmark
    • Mary canceled due to UK foreign office error. Only 2 representatives per country in most circumstances. 
  • Grand Duke Henri & Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg #
  • Hereditary Prince Alois & Hereditary Princess Sophie of Liechtenstein  #
  • Prince Albert & Princess Charlene of Monaco #
  • King Willem-Alexander & Queen Máxima of the Netherlands 
  • Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands 
  • King Harald & Queen Sonja of Norway
  • King Felipe of Spain 
  • Queen Letizia of Spain #
  • King Juan Carlos of Spain # 
  • Queen Sofia of Spain
  • King Carl Gustaf & Queen Silvia of Sweden
  • Crown Prince Salman of Bahrain #
  • Abdullah bin Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa of Bahrain #
  • Sheikh Hamad bin Abdullah al-Thani of Bahrain *
  • Sultan Hassanal of Brunei #
  • Prince Abdul Mateen of Brunei #
  • King Jigme & Queen Jetsun of Bhutan #
  • Crown Prince Mishal of Kuwait  *#
  • Emperor Naruhito & Empress Masako of Japan #
  • King Abdullah & Queen Rania of Jordan #
  • Princess Haya (of Jordan) *
  • Prince Hassan bin Talal  & Princess Sarvath of Jordan * 
  • Yang di-Pertuan Agong Abdullah & Raja Permaisuri Agong Tunku of Malaysia  #
  • Sultan Haitham of Oman * #
  • Emir Tamim & Sheikha Jawaher of Qatar * #
  • Sheikh Mohammed of Dubai (Of United Arab Emirates) * #
  • Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia
    • Canceled due to Human Rights Complaints
  • Prince Turki al-Faisal of Saudi Arabia * #
  • King Letsie of Lesotho #
  • Prince Moulay Rachid of Morocco #
  • King Tupou of Tonga #
  • King Tuheitia the Māori (Native Tribes in New Zealand) #

Former Monarchies
  • The Margravine of Baden*
  • Hereditary Prince Bernhard & Hereditary Princess Stephanie of Baden * 
  • Tsar Simeon of Bulgaria #
  • Prince Donatus, Landgrave of Hesse & Princess Floria, Landgravine of Hesse *
  • Prince Philipp & Princess Saskia of Hohenlohe-Langenburg *
  • Princess Xenia of of Hohenlohe-Langenburg *
  • Margareta & Prince Radu of Romania
  • Queen Anne-Marie of Greece
  • Crown Prince Pavlos & Crown Princess Marie-Chantal of Greece 
  • Princess Theodora of Greece *
  • Prince Emanuele of Savoy
    • (Canceled due to Covid).
  • Crown Prince Alexander & Crown Princess Katherine of Serbia

Sunday 11 September 2022

Schedule of Events Following Queen Elizabeth's Death (Sept 8th-19th 2022)

 Thursday, September 8th, 2022

  • Announcement of Queen's worrying condition
  • Royal Family travels to Balmoral to be with Queen
    • Charles, Camilla, William, Harry, Andrew, Edward, Sophie & Anne
  • Queen passed away in the afternoon
Friday 9th
  • King Charles & Queen Camilla return to London
  • Walkabout outside Buckingham Palace
    • Attending: King Charles & Queen Camilla
  • King Charles has Audiences with: 
    • Liz Truss, UK Prime Minister
    • Duke of Norfolk, Earl Marshal
  • King Charles's Speech (6 PM) (Pre-recorded)
Saturday 10th
  • Privy Council/ Accession Council Meeting
  • Proclamations of King Charles's accession around the UK
  • Attend Private Service at at Crathie Parish Church, followed by Walkabout outside Balmoral
    • Attending: Prince Andrew, Princess Beatrice, Princess Eugenie, Prince Edward, Prince Sophie, Lady Louise, Princess Anne, Sir Tim, Peter, Zara
  • Walkabout at Windsor Castle
    • Attending: Prince William, Princess Kate, Prince Harry & Duchess Meghan
  • King Charles has Audiences with: 
    • Archbishop of Canterbury
    • Prime Minister & Cabinet
    • Leaders of Opposition
      • Sir Keir Starmer, Leader of Labour party
      • Sir Edward Davey, Leader of the Liberal Democrats
      • Ian Blackford, Leader of the Scottish National Party
Sunday 11th
  • Queen's Coffin travels to Balmoral to Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh Scotland
    • Traveling in procession: Princess Anne & Sir Tim
  • Queen's Coffin Lies-in-State at Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh Scotland
    • Received at Palace by Prince Andrew, Prince Edward & Countess Sophie
  • King Charles has Audiences with: 
    • Baroness Scotland, Secretary General of the Commonwealth
    • Rev Dr. David Hoyle, Dean of Westminster
  • King Charles & Queen Camilla holds reception for High Commissioners of the Realms of the Commonwealth
  • Prince William holds a Meeting with Mark Drakeford, First Minister of Wales, via telephone.
Monday 12th
  • King Charles & Queen Camilla meet with Houses of Parliament at Palace of Westminster in London
  • King Charles inspects the Guard of Honour at the Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh. 
  • King Charles attended the Ceremony of the Keys on the forecourt of the Palace of Holyroodhouse
  • Queen's Coffin travels from Palace of Holyroodhouse to St Giles’ Cathedral in Edinburgh
    • Traveling in procession: King Charles, Prince Andrew, Prince Edward, Princess Anne, Sir Tim
  • Service in St Giles’ Cathedral 
    • Attended by: King Charles, Queen Camilla, Prince Andrew, Prince Edward, Countess Sophie, Princess Anne, Sir Tim
    • Order of Service
    • Video
  • King Charles holds audience with: 
    • Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister of Scotland 
    • Alison Johnstone, Presiding Officer of the Scottish Parliament
  • King Charles & Queen Camilla visit Scottish Parliament to receive a Motion of Condolence
  • Vigil at St Giles’ Cathedral
    • Standing Vigil: King Charles, Prince Andrew, Prince Edward, Princess Anne
    • Accompanying: Queen Camilla, Countess Sophie, Sir Tim
Tuesday 13th 
  • King Charles & Queen Camilla travel to Northern Ireland
  • King Charles host audiences with: 
    • Chris Heaton-Harris, Secretary of State for Northern Ireland 
    • Representatives from political parties
    • Alex Maskey, The Speaker of The Northern Ireland Assembly 
  • King Charles & Queen Camilla attend a reception at Hillsborough Castle
  • King Charles & Queen Camilla attend service of reflection at St. Anne's Cathedral
  • King Charles hold Privy Council Meeting at Buckingham Palace.
  • Queen's Coffin travels from St Giles’ Cathedral in Edinburgh to Buckingham Palace in London
    • Traveling in procession: Princess Anne & Sir Tim
  • Queen's Coffin Lies-in-State at Buckingham Palace
    • Received at Palace by King Charles, Queen Camilla, Prince William & Princess Kate
Wednesday 14th 
  • Queen's Coffin travels from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Hall in London
    • In Procession: King Charles, Prince William, Prince Harry, Prince Andrew, Prince Edward, Princess Anne, Sir Tim, Peter Phillips, Duke of Gloucester, Earl of Snowdon
    • By Car: Queen Camilla, Princess Kate, Duchess Meghan, Countess Sophie, Duke of Kent, Prince Michael of Kent
    • Order of Service
  • Service at Westminster Hall
    • Attended by: All those in the procession and other members of the Extended Family
    • Queen's Coffin Lies-in-State at Westminster Hall
  • King Charles speaks to via phone: 
    • Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia
    • President of Ireland
    • President of the United States of America
    • Governor-General of Canada 
    • Governor-General of Jamaica
    • President of the French Republic
  • Prince William held a Duchy of Cornwall Finance Committee meeting
Thursday 15th 
  • Queen's Coffin Lies-in-State at Westminster Hall
  • King Charles speaks to via phone: 
    • President of the Republic of Rwanda
    • President of the Hellenic Republic (Greece)
    • Governor-General of New Zealand
    • President of the Italian Republic
    • President of the Federal Republic of Germany
    • Governor-General of Saint Lucia 
    • Prime Minister of Barbados
    • King of Saudi Arabia
    • Governor-General of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 
    • Governor-General of the Independent State of Papua New Guinea
  • Prince William & Princess Kate visit Sandringham and view flower tributes left by members of the public. 
  • Princess Anne & Sir Tim visit City Chambers in Glasgow, Scotland to meet with representatives from Queen’s patronages and people signing book of condolences. 
  • Prince Edward & Countess Sophie visit Manchester to meet with view book of condolence, view flower tributes, and light a candle in memory of the Queen at Manchester Cathedral. 
  • UN General Assembly in New York holds a special session to pay tribute to the Queen
Friday 16th 
  • Queen's Coffin Lies-in-State at Westminster Hall
  • Vigil for Queen 
    • Attending: King Charles, Prince Andrew, Princess Anne, Princes Edward
  • King Charles & Queen Camilla attend a Service of Prayer and Reflection for the Life of The Queen at Llandaff Cathedral, in Wales.
  • King Charles & Queen Camilla visit the Senedd (Wales's Parliament)
  • King Charles Received: 
    • The First Minister of Wales 
    • The Presiding Officer for the Senedd
  • King Charles & Queen Camilla host a reception for Members of the Senedd at Cardiff Castle.
  • King Charles meets Faith Leaders at Buckingham Palace
  • Prince William & Princess Kate visit Army Training Center Pirbright to meet with troops from the Commonwealth who will take part in Queen's funeral
Saturday 17th 
  • Queen's Coffin Lies-in-State at Westminster Hall
  • King Charles & Prince William visited the Metropolitan Police Service Special Operations Room
  • King Charles & Prince William meet people queueing for Queen's Lying in State. 
  • Luncheon at Buckingham Palace for Governors-General
    • Attending: King Charles, Queen Camilla, Prince William, Princess Kate, Prince Edward, Countess Sophie, Princess Anne, Sir Tim, Duke & Duchess of Gloucester, Duke of Kent, Princess Alexandra
  • King Charles Held Audiences with:
    • Chief of Defence Staff
    • Chief of General Staff
    • First Sea Lord
    • Chief of Air Staff
    • Vice Chief of Defence Staff
    • Commander UK Strategic Command
    • Prime Minister of Canada
    • Prime Minister of Australia
    • Prime Minister of Bahamas
    • Prime Minister of Jamaica
    • Prime Minister of New Zealand
  • King Charles Spoke on the phone with 
    • King of United Arab Emirates
    • King of Ashanti
    • President of Ghana
    • Prime Minister of Bangladesh
    • President of Egypt
  • Vigil for Queen
    • Standing Vigil: Prince William, Prince Harry, Princess Beatrice, Princess Eugenie, Peter Phillips, Zara Tindall, Lady Louise, Viscount James
Sunday 18th 
  • Queen's Coffin Lies-in-State at Westminster Hall
  • King Charles had audience with 
    • Prime Minister of UK
    • Prime Minister of Tuvalu
    • Prime Minister of Antigua & Barbuda
    • Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea
    • Govenor-General of Tuvalu
      • Invested with Order of St. Michael and St. George
  • King Charles host reception at Buckingham Palace for visiting dignitaries
    • Attending:  King Charles, Queen Camilla, Prince William, Princess Kate, Prince Edward, Countess Sophie, Princess Anne, Sir Tim, Duke & Duchess of Gloucester
  • Princess Kate received Mrs. Olena Zelenska "First Lady of Ukraine"
Monday 19th
  • For Details
  • Queen's Coffin travels from Westminster Hall to Westminster Abbey
  • Funeral at Westminster Abbey (11 AM)
  • Queen's Coffin travels from Westminster Hall to St. George's Chapel at Windsor Castle
  • Committal Service at St. George's Chapel