Thursday 25 January 2024

British Garden Parties 2024

 **For many Royals, attendance is often not announced ahead of time, so do expect the usual people, even if they aren't currently listed. **

There maybe additional garden parties hosted by a royal/couple for a specific cause or patronages milestone anniversary. 

    Wednesday 8th
    • King's Garden Party at Buckingham Palace
      • Hosted by: King Charles
      • Attending: 
        • Queen Camilla
        • Prince Edward & Duchess Sophie
        • Princess Anne
        • Duke & Duchess of Gloucester
    Wednesday 15th 
    • Creative Industries Garden Party 
      • Hosted by: King Charles
      • Attending:
        • Queen Camilla
        • Prince Edward
        • Duchess of Gloucester
    Friday 17th
    Tuesday 21st
    • King's Garden Party at Buckingham Palace
      • Hosted by:  Prince William
      • Attending: 
        • Princess Beatrice
        • Princess Eugenie
        • Peter Phillips
        • Zara & Mike Tindall
        • Duke & Duchess of Gloucester
    Thursday 23rd 
    • 200th Anniversary of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution Garden Party at Buckingham Palace.
      • Hosted by:  Princess Anne
      • Attending: 
        • Sir Tim

    Tuesday 2nd during Holyrood Week
    • King's Garden Party at Palace of Holyroodhouse
      • Hosted by:  King Charles  (Unconfirmed)
      • Attending:
        • -

    Wednesday 24 January 2024

    Jamaica - Process of Becoming a Republic

    Nadjé and Prince Charles
    King Charles (then Prince of Wales) in Jamaica in 2008
    Andrew Brown Detroit, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons


    In 1962,  Jamaica gains its independence from the UK, going from a British Colony to independent country with Queen Elizabeth II as their Head of State/Monarch. (King Charles succeed her as King of Jamaica.)  When the committee in 1962 was creating Jamaica's new constitution, it considered Jamaica becoming a Republic from the start, but that was rejected. 

    In 1975, Jamaica's 3rd Prime Minister Michael Manley established a Committee on Constitutional Reform, which would look at a whole range of things related to the constitution, including becoming a republic. In 1977, Prime Minister Manley announced his intent that Jamaica become a republic by 1981. Manley was voted out of office before more serious steps could be taken. 

    Every Jamaican Prime Minister since then has supported the country becoming a Republic. Many have even announced deadlines for when they intent Jamaica to become a republic. But none have made serious steps toward that. While many support becoming a republic, the country lacks a 66% majority to pass the required constitutional change. 

    In March 2023, the Prime Minister formed a Constitutional Reform Committee to look into and propose changed to the constitution to drop the monarchy and become a republic. 


    The table shows the required steps for Jamaica to become a republic. (For other realms, the process may vary based on the countries specific laws/constitution in that country). 

    Just because a country begins the process doesn't mean they will succeed. Even if public support reaches 66% for the idea of republicanism, one hold up could be the proposed changes to the constitution (which was the possible fault for the 1999 referendum in Australia). 

    Step Process Status
    1 Constitutional Reform Committee
    (They will come up with the proposed
    changes to the constitution.)
    March 2023-May 2024
    Draft Report
    Full Report
    June 2024-  Present
    Draft Bill
    2a House of Representatives
    2/3s Majority (66%) Vote
    Waiting on Bill to be drafted
    2b Senate
    2/3s Majority (66%) Vote
    Waiting on Bill to be drafted
    3 2/3s Vote Public Referendum
    (Informal polls over last decade show
    public support between 45-59%)
    Can't happen until after
    successful vote in Parliament

    Sunday 21 January 2024

    Hereditary Prince Alois of Liechtenstein's State Opening of Parliament Speech - English Translation (2024)

    Notes by Gert's Royals are in [brackets]. 

    Dear members of Parliament and the Government,

    Today begins the last year of the legislative session. The past few years have been turbulent. It went seamlessly from one major crisis to the next - from the pandemic, to Russia's attack on Ukraine, to the most recent conflicts in the Middle East, which further complicate the geopolitical situation. The world and Europe in particular are on stormy seas, so to speak. In addition, there is rapid technological development, especially in areas of artificial intelligence, with great opportunities, but also dangers.

    Many are worried about whether their boat will be able to withstand this storm and stay on course. In some cases, a certain disorientation and a search for stability can also be observed. This is especially true in countries that have failed to overhaul their boat in recent years, or to set the right course for the future.

    Although we are in an enviably safe boat by international standards, we must not be careless or distracted from steering a clear course. We should preserve the great attractiveness of Liechtenstein, which above all includes our particular political and economic stability. Stormy seas are not the time to remodel the boat, but rather to focus, check safety precautions and keep the boat on course.

    With gratitude, we can celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Swiss Franc this year. Its great stability is another attractive element of our country from which we benefit in these turbulent times. When making important decisions this year, we should not only maintain such stability factors, but also try to make our country even more storm-proof, safer and more attractive.

    [Liechtenstein uses the Swiss Franc as it's currency.]

    Some of these decisions are made through referendums. We have valued direct democracy as a major achievement for over 100 years. On the one hand, it gives the electorate a broad say on issues, and on the other hand, it leads to early sensitization and signaling to the parliament, government and head of state during the legislative period.

    Dear members of the Parliament and the Government, 

    I would now like to give you a few thoughts and, in view of the referendums, also the electorate as a whole. I also do this in the hope that I can help keep our boat on course. I will concentrate on the topics of securing our country's activities and the Old-Age strategy.

    In the area of securing our attractiveness as a country, I would like to briefly address energy security, the popular election of the government, media policy and Liechtenstein's accession to the International Monetary Fund. Next weekend, we have two referendums on energy. Whatever the people decide, ensuring an environmentally friendly, stable energy supply at stable prices will remain a challenge in the coming years.

    Accordingly, the Government and Parliament should continue to deal with this during this legislative period. The technological developments in this area are fast and we should - ideally as part of a broad project to implement the adopted energy strategy - use various criteria to deepen and quickly explore the various options for saving energy, producing our own energy at home and abroad, and storing energy and start implementing the best options. A popular election of the government sounds tempting at first, but it is a dangerous experiment, especially in stormy times. I don't think we can achieve any improvements by electing the government by the people that we couldn't achieve otherwise.

    On the other hand, I see a significant risk that we will endanger our great political stability. This is not only an important factor to the attractiveness of our country, but also an important basis for our prosperity. A variety of good quality media is crucial for the proper functioning of a democracy. In a state as small as Liechtenstein, we need not just good media regulation in today's digital age, but sufficient media funding. But, we must also consider how we can best use our tax money.

    We have no currency of our own and no national bank on stand-by in an emergency. Therefore, joining the International Monetary Fund would be an important step of Liechtenstein. Joining would result in rapid emergency response in the event of a disaster. Joining would also involve an annual review of the stability of our state finances and our country by experts from the Monetary Fund. We could benefit from their suggestions for improvement in the future, in order to further increase our attractiveness as a county or to make our boat even more storm-proof.

    At the beginning of the legislative period, I advocated the development of an Old-Age strategy. I am very pleased that the government has managed to develop an Old-Age strategy together with senior citizens' representatives and experts from politics, administration, business and civil society in a broadly collapsed process. This strategy is intended to take measures in a wide range of areas such as education, pension provision, health care, care and support, volunteer work and social integration, mobility, work and living in old age. Each and every individual should assume responsibility and contribute in their respective areas to ensure that Liechtenstein remains a country with a high quality of life even in old age.

    [The Old-Age strategy relates to the long-term financial security of Social Security, as well as things related to the older population.]

    Some measures must first be examined and developed in more detail. Where legal regulations are required, the Parliament will probably not deal with this in more detail until the next legislative period at the earliest. However, some measures will soon concern Parliament. This includes ensuring truly sustainable financing of the state employees’ pension fund. Not least for the benefit of our future generations, we should also ensure sustainable financing in all areas of the Old-Age strategy. In addition to state financing, we must not forget to address the financing risks for private companies and their insured persons. If we manage to address and implement the necessary measures in all areas in a timely manner, this will ultimately make a significant contribution to securing our attractiveness as a location.

    Dear members of Parliament and the Government, in this legislative period we will have to set a few important decisions for the future. Let us lead our country safely through the stormy times and be confident. Because where there are challenges, there are always solutions, and challenges always offer opportunities. I wish you a lot of strength, wisdom and God's blessing for your duties!

    Back to Liechtenstein State Opening of Parliament - Main Page

    Sarah, Duchess of York Health Issues

    King Edward VII Hospital Sister Agnes
    Jacek Plewa, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    I think anytime a royal is in the hospital or having a major health event, there is public concern. I have compiled this information for the purpose of allowing the public to better understand the royal's health history.

    All information I share is publicly available information that has been released by the palace. Out of respect for the royals, I don't include any rumors or anything not confirmed by the palace or royals. 


    • January
      • Treatment at Mayrlife Clinic in Austria 
      • 22nd - Public announcement of diagnosis of Malignant Melanoma (a form a skin cancer)
        • "Her dermatologist asked that several moles were removed and analysed at the same time as the duchess was undergoing reconstructive surgery following her mastectomy, and one of these has been identified as cancerous. She is undergoing further investigations to ensure that this has been caught in the early stages.


    • Earlier
      • Diagnosed with early form of Breast Cancer
    • June 
      • Mastectomy Surgery to remove breast
      • Public Announcement of Breast Cancer Diagnosis
    • ?
      • Breast Reconstruction Surgery
    • December
      • Diagnosed with Malignant Melanoma (a form a skin cancer)

    Back to Royals in the Hospital - Main Page

    Saturday 20 January 2024

    King Frederik's Accession - Official Photos (Set 4)

    The Denmark Palace released a 3rd set of official pictures from the accession in the media center on January 16th.  The 3rd set is titled "Official portraits of The Royal Family." The photos were taken after the balcony appearance in the throne room at Christiansborg Palace. You can find set 1-3 here. 

    The first photo shows King Frederik with his wife, Queen Mary. 

    Photo: Dennis Stenild, Kongehuset ©

    The 2nd photo shows King Frederik & Queen Mary with their eldest son and heir, Crown Prince Christian. 

    Photo: Dennis Stenild, Kongehuset ©

    The 3rd photo shows King Frederik & Queen Mary with all of their children.
    L-R: Princess Isabella, Crown Prince Christian, King Frederik, Queen Mary, Prince Vincent, Princess Josephine. 

    Photo: Dennis Stenild, Kongehuset ©

    Back to Denmark Abdication/Accession - Main Page

    Wednesday 17 January 2024

    King Charles of UK - Hospitalizations & Health Issues

    King Edward VII's Hospital entrance
    King Edward VII’s Hospital
    Philafrenzy, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    I think anytime a royal is in the hospital or having a major health event, there is public concern. I have compiled this information for the purpose of allowing the public to better understand the royal's health history.

    All information I share is publicly available information that has been released by the palace. Out of respect for the royals, I don't include any rumors or anything not confirmed by the palace or royals. 

    • January
      • Planned Surgery for enlarged prostate at London Clinic
        • Surgery: Friday January 26th
        • In Hospital: Friday January 26th- Monday 29th
      • Updates: 
        • January 17th: Surgery is announced for week of Jan 21st, canceled official engagements ahead of surgery on doctors advice
        • January 26th: Charles has been admitted to hospital for surgery later today. Expected to stay at hospital 2 days. 
        • January 29th: Released from Hospital. Will continue to recover at home. 
        • February 5th: Announcement of cancer diagnosis  “separate issue of concern was noted [as a result of prostate surgery]. Subsequent diagnostic tests have identified a form of cancer.”
    • February
      • Cancer Diagnosis discovered as a result of Prostate Surgery
      • Updates
      • Canceled public engagements: January 17th-present
    • February
      • Sick with Covid-19
    • March
      • Sick with Covid-19
        • Mild symptoms 
    • May 
      • Surgery to remove small, non-cancerous grown from side of nose
    • March
      • Surgery to remove Hernia 
        • at King Edward VII hospital
        • In Hospital: March 28th-29th
    • June
      • Fractured shoulder after Fox Hunting accident. 
    • Nov
      • Scratched cornea treated at Cirencester Hospital 
    • March
      • Laser keyhole surgery to repair his right knee 
        • at King Edward VII hospital
    • ?
      • Knee injury
    • June?
      • Fell off horse and fractured right arm in polo accident
      • Surgery to fix fractured right arm 
    • September
      • 2nd Surgery to fix fractured right arm 
        • at Queen’s Medical Center in Nottingham
    • ?
      • Polo Accident required 6 stitches
    • July
      • Treated for pneumonia 
        • at Watson Fraser Nursing Home in Aberdeen
    • February 
      • Emergency Surgery to remove appendix 
        • at Great Ormond Street Hospital

    Princess Kate of UK - Health Issues & hospitalizations

    London StMarysHospital Paddington SE 310 20220427 0900
    St Mary’s Hospital
    Karlunun, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    I think anytime a royal is in the hospital or having a major health event, there is public concern. I have compiled this information for the purpose of allowing the public to better understand the royal's health history.

    All information I share is publicly available information that has been released by the palace. Out of respect for the royals, I don't include any rumors or anything not confirmed by the palace or royals. 



    • January 
      • Planned abdominal surgery at The London Clinic
      • In Hospital 
        • Jan 16th-29th 
      • Sick leave
        • Expected until early April
      • Updates:
        • Jan 17th: Announcement of Hospitalization, Surgery was successful, expected to stay in hospital for 10-14 days, will continue to rest at home after, No official duties expected until after Easter
        • Jan 29th: Was released from the hospital and returned to home in Windsor. Kate’s recovery is doing well.
    • March
      • Princess Kate announces Cancer Diagnosis in Video Message
        • Updates
          • March 22nd: Initial announcement
          • June 14th: Message from Kate giving update
          • June 15th: Appearance at Buckingham Palace for Trooping the Colour
          • Video message from Kate
    • April
      • Birth of Prince Louis at St. Mary’s Hospital Lindo Wing
    • May
      • Birth of Princess Charlotte at St. Mary’s Hospital Lindo Wing

    • September
      • Canceled Official trip to Malta due to Hyperemesis Gravidarum  (sever morning sickness) 
    • June
      • Birth of Prince George at St. Mary’s Hospital Lindo Wing
    • December
      • Treated for Hyperemesis Gravidarum (sever morning sickness) at King Edward VII Hospital in London
        • In Hospital: December 3rd - 6th
        • Announced pregnancy
    • Childhood Operation 

    Tuesday 16 January 2024

    Olympics 2024 - Main Page

    Original author: Pierre de Coubertin (1863-1937), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

    Gangwon Youth Olympics 

    January 19th - February 1st, 2024
    The 2024 Youth Olympics will  place in South Korea. and featured Winter sports.
    Paris Olympics
    July 26th - August 11th, 2024
    The 2024 Olympics will take place in France and feature Summer sports. 
    • Royals Attending
    Paris Paralympics 
    August 28th - September 8th, 2024
    The 2024 Paralympics will take place in France and feature Summer sports.  
    • Royals Attending

    Youth Olympics - Royals Attending

    Youth Olympic Games Logo Third Version
    International Olympic Committee, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

    The Youth Olympics are held every 2 years, alternating Summer & Winter games. The Youth Olympics usually fall on the same year as the Olympics Games, but have the alternating season's sports. 

    Royals Attending:

    Member of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) are listed in Blue. (List of Royals on the IOC)

    Royal Winter

    South Korea
    - -
    King Frederik
    of Denmark
    Prince Feisal Al Hussein
    of Jordan 
    Prince Albert
    of Monaco

    2020 - King Frederik was still Crown Prince at the time. He was on the Coordination Commission for the 2020 games. 

    Royal Summer

    Buenos Aires,
    Crown Prince Frederik
    of Denmark
    x x x x
    Prince Nikolai 
    of Denmark
    Countess Alexandra
    of Frederiksborg
    Prince Feisal Al Hussein
    of Jordan 
    x x
    Prince Albert
    of Monaco
    x x x x
    Princess Stephanie
    of Monaco
    Extended Monaco
    Royal Family
    King Willem-Alexander
    of Netherlands
    King Harald
    of Norway
    Queen Sonja
    of Norway
    Crown Prince Haakon
    of Norway
    Crown Princess
    Mette-Marit of Norway
    Princess Ingrid Alexandra
    of Norway
    Prince Sverre Magnus
    of Norway
    Princess Anne of UK

    2010 - This was the first Youth Olympics
    2010 - Pauline Ducruet, Princess Stephanie's daughter, competed in Diving for Monaco
    2016 - Princess Ingrid Alexandra of Norway officially opened the games in Lillehammer. 

    King Frederik's Accession - Official Photos (Set 3)

    The Denmark Palace released a 3rd set of official pictures from the accession in the media center on January 16th.  The 3rd set is titled "Official pictures from the Throne Hall". You can find Set 1 & 2 here. The 2nd set of photos shows the balcony appearances from the crowds view, so you can see the royals faces there. 

    Christiansborg Palace

    4 of the photos were from the Throne Hall at Christiansborg Palace showing the Balcony Appearance there. 

    The first photo shows the King Frederik with the Denmark Prime Minister, Mette Frederiksen. The Prime Minister officially proclaimed the change in reign, before King Frederik gave a speech

    Photo: Dennis Stenild, Kongehuset ©

    The 2nd and 3rd photo show King Frederik & Queen Mary alone on the balcony. The couple had some joint time on balcony before and after their children joined them. 

    Photo: Dennis Stenild, Kongehuset ©

    Photo: Dennis Stenild, Kongehuset ©

    The 4th photo shows the King Frederik and Queen Mary with their 4 children. 

    Photo: Dennis Stenild, Kongehuset ©

    Frederik VIII's Palace

    Three of the photos show the balcony appearance from the family's home, Frederik VIII’s Palace at Amalienborg. This took place later in the day after the Abdication/ Accession events at Christiansborg Palace

    Photo: Dennis Stenild, Kongehuset ©

    Photo: Dennis Stenild, Kongehuset ©

    Photo: Dennis Stenild, Kongehuset ©

    Monday 15 January 2024

    Photos released by Palace after King Frederik's Accession Day (Set 1 & 2)

    The Denmark Palace officially released 5 photos on the Accession Day (January 14th, 2024). The photos were released in the media center in two sets: "HM The King’s full-dress uniform" and "Their Majesties The King and Queen on the balcony at Christiansborg Palace".

    HM The King’s full-dress uniform

    The first set contains one photo of then Crown Prince Frederik before leaving for the Abdication/ Accession events. The Portrait shows Frederik in his new Full-Dress uniform, which reflects his new promotion to the highest military rank in the Army, the Navy and the Air Force.

    Photo: Dennis Stenild, Kongehuset ©

    TM The King and Queen on the balcony at Christiansborg Palace

    The 2nd set of photos are from the Balcony after the official proclamation and speech from King Frederik. In the first photo, King Frederik is joined on the balcony by his wife and four children.

    L-R: Princess Isabella, Crown Prince Christian, King Frederik,
    Queen Mary, Princess Josephine, Prince Vincent
    Keld Navntoft, Kongehuset ©

    The other three photos show just King Frederik & Queen Mary. 

    Keld Navntoft, Kongehuset ©

    Keld Navntoft, Kongehuset ©

    Keld Navntoft, Kongehuset ©

    King Frederick's Message to Parliament - English Translation

    King Frederik of Denmark wrote a message to Parliament at Christiansborg Palace on the day of his accession. The speech was read by the Prime Minister during the Monarch's visit to Parliament the next day. 

    Notes by Gert's Royals are in [Brackets.]

    We, Frederik X by the grace of God, King of Denmark, hereby announce that our dear mother, Queen Margrethe II, has abdicated the throne on 14 January 2024 in the Council of State.

    [The Denmark monarch is often referred to by the Royal "We" in speeches like this.]

    With God's help and the love of the people, throughout her 52-year reign, Queen Margrethe II has only had the best of Denmark as her goal and put all her energies into a faithful and dutiful effort for this.

    ["With God's help and the love of the people" is a reference to Queen Margrethe's Motto.] 

    The Queen's love for the whole kingdom has been reciprocated, and everywhere the Queen has been met with warmth, affection and appreciation.

    We owe the Queen a debt of gratitude for diligently pursuing her life's goals longer than any other Monarch before her.

    [Queen Margrethe was the 2nd longest reigning Danish Monarch, behind King Christian IV. But since Christian ascended the throne as a child and had a regent for 8 years, Queen Margrethe actually actively served as Monarch for a longer period.] 

    We have now, in accordance with the Constitution of the Kingdom of Denmark and the Succession to the Throne Act, taken over the responsibility of being Denmark's king. It is a task that we will do our utmost to fulfill.

    Together with Queen Mary, we will put all our efforts into serving the entire Danish kingdom in all the time we are given.

    It is our hope that we will succeed in making an effort for the benefit of the entire Realm and in winning the people's trust.

    [The Kingdom of Denmark is made up of 3 parts, Denmark Proper and 2 autonomous territory: Greenland & the Faroe Islands] 

    We begin our responsible work as Denmark's king in the belief that the Folketinget [Parliament] will meet us in the joint work for the good of the kingdom.

    Back to Denmark Abdication/Accession - Main Page 

    Sunday 14 January 2024

    Messages from Foreign Monarchs on King Frederik's Accession

    It is diplomatic protocol for Head of States to send a message of congratulations to the new Head of State of countries they have close relations with. This is not always done with a public statement, statements are often sent directly to the new head of state. So, we might not seen statements from each Monarchy. 



    Queen Margrethe II of Denmark abdicated today in favour of her son, bringing to an end the longest reign in Danish history. For 52 years, as Sovereign, she put the interests of the Danish nation and people first. Her way of exercising the royal function and her dedication will remain an example to us all. 

    The King and Queen have warm memories of each of their encounters with the Queen. They wish King Frederik X and Queen Mary of Denmark all the best in their new roles. May this new era for the Danish nation be filled with happiness and prosperity.

    - Post on Social Media








    After 52 years, Denmark is getting a new head of state today. With warmth and affection we honor Queen Margrethe for her unconditional and remarkable commitment to Denmark. We look forward to meeting King Frederik X and Queen Mary in their new role and continue to cherish the close friendship between the Netherlands and Denmark. ” 
    – King William Alexander, Queen Máxima and Princess Beatrix


    Your Majesties, Dear Frederik and Mary

    My family and I wish to convey our warmest congratulations to you as Denmark’s new King and Queen.

    You are succeeding a monarch who has fulfilled her function with exceptional commitment. Her Majesty Queen Margrethe has followed her country and her people through times of joy and sorrow with warmth, wisdom and dedication. For more than 50 years she has devoted herself to Denmark – with infectious humour accompanied by deep insight and knowledge. And with the staunch support of her immediate family. The close friendship between our two families means a great deal to all of us.

    Now it is your turn to carry the legacy forward, and follow Denmark into a new age. I am confident that you will flourish in your new role. My family and I hope and pray that you will be given the strength and support that you need to carry out your calling.

    - King Harald V


    “Our congratulations on the beginning of your Reign, with the greatest personal affection and best wishes for the people of Denmark”

    - King Felipe 

    Excerpt from Letter (Not the full text. )


    Your Majesty,

    Dear Frederik!

    When you ascend the Danish throne today, I send you and the Swedish people's congratulations to you and the people of Denmark.

    To You and Queen Mary, I want to express my and my family's deepest wishes for success.

    This day reminds us of the historic community, closeness and cordiality that connects our two countries and families.

    It is my hope that the already very close Danish-Swedish relations deepen even more in the years ahead.

    - King Carl XVI Gustaf


    Your Majesties,

    My wife joins me in writing to convey our very best wishes on the day of your accession to the throne of the Kingdom of Denmark. I look forward to working with you on ensuring that the enduring bond between our countries, and our families, remains strong, and to working together with you on issues which matter so much for our countries and the wider world.

    I pay tribute to the many years of service of your mother, Her Majesty Queen Margrethe Il, and remember fondly the frequent visits between our countries, including our visit to Copenhagen and Elsinore in 2012.

    I was delighted that Your Majesties were able to attend our Coronation last year and I much look forward to future opportunities to celebrate the close connection that unites our countries and our families. 

    - King Charles III

    Middle East

    His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa today sent a cable of congratulations to His Majesty King Frederik X of Denmark following his Accession to the Throne.
    HM King Hamad wished HM King Frederik X every success in continuing Denmark’s progress march, following in the footsteps of Her Majesty Queen Margrethe II, to achieve the aspirations of the Danish people.
    HM the King expressed pride in the deep-rooted relations between the two kingdoms, affirming Bahrain’s keenness to develop its ties with Denmark in all fields and at all levels.
    His Highness the Amir Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah sent a congratulatory cable on Monday to King of Denmark, Fredrick X, on occasion of ascending the throne 
    In the cable, His Highness the Amir hailed the relationship between Kuwait and Denmark as strong and bound by history, expressing his desire to further enhance this relationship in the future and wishing the new King and his people health and
    His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik has sent a cable of congratulations to King Frederik X of Denmark on the occasion of his accession to the throne.

    In the cable, His Majesty the Sultan expressed his sincere sentiments along with his best wishes of good health and happiness to King Frederik X.

    His Majesty also wished him success in leading the people of Denmark towards further progress and prosperity. His Majesty wished the bilateral relations further development and growth. 
    HH the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani sent a cable of congratulations to HM King Frederik X, on the occasion of his ascension to the throne of the Kingdom of Denmark, wishing His Majesty success and the Danish people further development and prosperity.

    Saudi Arabia
    Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman sent a cable of congratulations to King Frederik X of Denmark on the occasion of his accession to the throne.

    Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques extended his wishes for success to the Danish king, hoping for continued progress and prosperity for the Kingdom of Denmark.

    United Arab Emirates




    On the occasion of Your Majesty's Accession to the Throne, it is particularly pleasant for me to address my warmest congratulations to Your Majesty.

    The attachment of Danish citizens to the Throne of Denmark and Your Majesty's own popularity will ensure Your Reign a great success.

    I seize this happy event to express to Your Majesty and the Danish Government my deep gratitude for the important contribution that the Kingdom of Denmark has made to the process of peace, democratization and economic and social development of the Kingdom of Cambodia, including within the framework of the European Community. I can assure Your Majesty of my full availability to work for the consolidation of the bonds of friendship and cooperation that have long united our two Kingdoms.

    By sending all my wishes of happiness to Your Majesty and Your Royal Family and those of great prosperity to the entire Danish nation, deign to accept, Majesty, the expression of my highest consideration. 

    - King Norodom Sihamoni 




    On the 14th, His Majesty the Emperor sent a telegram conveying congratulations from Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress on the enthronement of King Frederick of Denmark, and a telegram expressing his gratitude to Queen Margrethe, who abdicated the throne. 


    Your Majesty,

    On the auspicious occasion of Your Majesty's accession to the throne as King Frederik X of Denmark, I have the great pleasure to extend, on behalf of the people of Thailand, our sincerest congratulations and best wishes for your good health and every success in Your Majesty's responsibilities and duties of State, together with our best wishes for the enduring peace and prosperity of the Kingdom of Denmark and her people. 
    The close ties of friendship between Denmark and Thailand have truly stood high and proud since our very first contact some four centuries ago. 
    As a new dawn breaks with the beginning of Your Majesty's gracious reign and being driven by our shared commitment, I am confident that we will spare no effort to build on such an impressive and accomplished past in strengthening the ties between our two countries and peoples - and, of course, between our Royal Families. Further great promise also lies ahead as we step up our extensive cooperation for our greater mutual benefits and prosperous future.
    May we join the people of Denmark on this joyous occasion in wishing Your Majesty a long, glorious reign.

    - King Maha Vajiralongkorn of Thailand 




    King Frederik x of Denmark's Accession Speech - English Translation

    The speech given by King Frederik X on Jan 14th, 2024 from the Balcony of Christiansborg Palace shortly after his accession: 

    My mother, Her Majesty Queen Margrethe the 2nd, has ruled Denmark for 52 years. For half a century, she has followed the times with our common heritage as a starting point.

    She will always be remembered as a Monarch beyond the ordinary. Like few, my mother has managed to be at one with her kingdom. Today, the throne passes on.

    My hope is to become an unifying king of tomorrow. It's a task I've been waiting for all my life. It is a responsibility I take on with respect, pride and great joy.

    It is a deed I will take pains to carry out and carry through the position I have been entrusted with.

    I need all the support I can get. From my beloved wife, from my family, from you and from that which is greater than us. I face the future knowing that I am not alone.

    Bound, committed, for the Kingdom of Denmark.

    Mottos of Denmark Monarchs

    Each Denmark Monarch has a official motto to mark their reign.  

    Before 1839, the Monarch's Motto was often shown in Latin, but there was a Danish version. 

    Since 1839, the Monarch's motto has just appeared in Danish. 

    Monarch Reign Motto English Translation
    1839  –
    Gud og fædrelandet God and the fatherland
    1848 –
    Folkets kærlighed, min styrkeThe people's love, my strength
    1863 –
    Med Gud for ære og ret With God for honour and justice
    Frederik VIII 1906 –
    Herren er min hjælper The Lord is my helper
    1912 –
    Min Gud, mit land, min ære My God, my country, my honour
    1947 –
    Med Gud for Danmark With God for Denmark
    1972 –
    Guds hjælp, folkets kærlighed, Danmarks styrke God's help, the people's love, Denmark's strength
    2024  –
    Forbundet, forpligtet - for kongeriget Danmark. Bounded, committed - for the Kingdom of Denmark.

    With Frederik X's motto, I have seen some different English translations. When I emailed the Denmark Palace, they said they did not have a official English Translation at this time (Jan 22nd, 2024).