
Me & The Tree planted by King Willem-Alexander & Queen Maxima

What is Gert's Royals:
Mainly it is a Twitter, @gertsroyals, where we tweet about Royal things that interest us, that we think other people would find interesting and should know. We mainly focus on the British Royal Family and other European Monarchies.

Gert's Royals tries to focus on the work Royals do, not what clothes they wear or tabloid gossip. 

Follow us on:
Or email us at: Gertsroyals@gmail.com

I follow the Royals cause I love them. And if you follow me on Twitter or Instagram or my blog and want to show your appreciation, feel free to buy me a cup of coffee at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Gertsroyals (Or not, no pressure). 


  1. How do I like your page? I love reading it.

  2. I'm glad you enjoy Gert's Royals! We are on Twitter (Instagram & Facebook occasionally) and you can like us there.

    We just added a Google+ Followers button to our blog. I'm not really on Google Plus so I don't know too much what it does. But the Button is there to click on.

    Twitter is really the best place to follow all the latest news, since our blog posts are often made in advance and updated as more information is released. But if you not on Twitter, we have it on our side bar so you can keep uptodate.

  3. Love your website! I no longer do Twitter but love reading your information on your sites!
