Thursday, 31 December 2015
King Harald of Norway's New Year's Address - English Translation
The Poet Kolbein Falkeid writes:
"Folk jeg var glad i
har gått foran og kvistet løype
De var skogskarer og fjellvante.
Jeg finner nok frem."
"The people I loved
have gone ahead and marked the ski trails
They were knew the forests and the mountains
I find my way forward."
Our days pass into months - that turns into a year. Thus the years live. It is in the every day that life is lived. And for most people in Norway it is a good life.
Sometimes, one can still feel alone. Maybe you lost someone, or perhaps one stands in front of an important choice. This may make your stance a little shaky, and you do not know where your next step should be.
If you look back, you can easily balance. How can the past - who have marked the slopes - helping us to find our way?
I will therefore speak about this tonight.
Norway is regarded by many as the best country to live in. We score high on international rankings of living standards in the world. We have a good welfare system - and the vast majority of people have a job to go to and confidence in daily life. But it has not always been.
This year we have marked 70 years since peace came to Norway - after five years of war and occupation. A number of events were held to commemorate the end of World War 2. Several of which the Royal Family has attended.
The markings have given us an opportunity to look back - and in some cases allow us to put today's society in perspective.
For it can be easy to forget that only 70 years ago parts of our country lay in ruins. Many returned to broken homes, and several came as refugees. With assistance from the Marshall Aid, we built the country after the war. The Norwegian effort created gleaming new home and a working life, in need of many hands.
Over the decades, we have developed a model of society we can be proud of - with low unemployment and a labor market in which people work well together. In the late 1960s, we found oil in the North Sea.
Wise politicians and visionary leaders created a sensible framework surrounding the management of the large new resource.
The sum of all this is a generous welfare state everyone can enjoy.
Benefits we now take for granted, has not always been obvious. We have also experienced adversity and faced challenges. Together, we have tried to concur these adversities and challenges.
70 years may seem long ago, but for many of us living today, it's as if it were yesterday.
The way is broken up by milestones; signs showing the limits. They are a symbol that something is ending and something else is beginning.
"Fortidens beste gave er erindringen om at vi har en fremtid/ The past's best gift is the memory that we have a future," sociologist Michael Young said.
In the old days, milestones were also sightlines; a place where you could plot the course.
In a human life, milestones often occasions dealing with important events: a child's birth, marriage, a new home. They are life events that give us direction, new hope and get us closer to our dreams. Different kinds of milestone will make your life.
One of my most important milestones was laid in 1991. My father, King Olav V, passed away during the night of January 17, 1991, and I became king. In the dark January night nearly 25 years ago, the Palace Square filled with light. People came from near and far to commemorate a beloved king.
My royal duties started with a sense of community. The warmth of a whole nation embraced our family and gave us strength in a difficult time. Meanwhile, it is with great humility that I stepped into a line of revered kings before me. This year we will mark the 25th anniversary and it gives us a chance for reflection and contemplation.
Norway has in these years experienced unprecedented prosperity. Our country substantial access to energy and ocean treasures has given us great riches. Nevertheless, it is not natural resources alone that has given us opportunities - but to a greater extent our common human resources.
Because many are participating in the labor market and thus contribute to the community, we are together helping to create prosperity to benefit all.
Many people today are concerned about how the future will look like. In recent times we have several areas that are changing - as a nation and as individuals. It is okay to be upset, and express it.
Norway is closely linked to other countries. How can events on the other side of the globe have significant consequences our day to day lives at home. Some occupational industries are threatened, and the employee can have serious consequences. We have recently heard of layoffs in several places.
I would think that many tonight are concerned about what happens to their work in the future.
Human drama we see every day in the faces of all those trying to find a safe haven in Norway. Many fleeing terror in their homeland. Autumn's horrific events in Paris and other big cities have been dreadful reminders that values our society was built on, are under threat. Terrorism knows no borders, and the goal is to create fear in the population. The terrorists want to rob us of life - our life. We will fight - with different agents. Where terrorists are attacking our lives with bombs, our best defense, however, is to use our values as weapons.
In the background for today's great themes, hangs the threat of climate change. From Alaska to Antarctica, I've even seen some of the consequences.
Fortunately, there are bright spots. The international community's effort to reach an agreement at the climate summit in Paris, ended considerably better than many had feared. Now begins the laborious work for a healthier planet.
We may have different opinions about how we should handle our common challenges. Nevertheless, it is important that we can talk about the tasks, because we are all affected by them. If we look back, we remember that we have been through difficult times before.
We mobilize the opposition. Norway is perhaps a small country, but together we have accomplished great things.
Our resources gives us significant opportunities - and also great responsibility. Pippi Longstocking says: "He who is very strong must also be very kind." Many take on this responsibility. I will mention two examples:
After the terrorist attacks against Jews in Paris and Copenhagen at the beginning of the year, a group of young Norwegian Muslims created a ring of protection around the synagogue in Oslo. It was a simple and very dramatic action that showed courage and dedication to care about others.
This autumn's major refugee flow have come up close and personal to our lives. Throughout our continent, countries are experiencing a major challenge trying to find a good way to help refugees.
Many people across the country have collected and handed out clothes and food, taught them Norwegian and opened their homes to those who need it. It was a spontaneous action - and an expression of compassion. Treating them as human beings and building communities.
I will tonight give a special thanks to the Norwegians who are in other countries to help people in need, and contributing to efforts to achieve peace and stability. Women and men in the armed forces, police, diplomatic and humanitarian operations and organizations doing important work we can all be proud of.
My thoughts tonight also goes to the families and those affected by avalanche accident in Svalbard, right before Christmas. Volunteers and relief agencies have done a great deal to help those affected.
When the Royal Family visits around the country, we are struck by people's enthusiasm and commitment. Communities are built in a country populated by people with visions and thoughts that Norway will someday be left to our grandchildren. I am therefore optimistic. If we can still be true to, and can still develop our values - such as trust, community and generosity - we can still create a good society for all.
We have this fall been able to follow a TV series called Datoen/Date. It shows the life stories of famous and not so famous people. It states: "Alt starter et sted. En dato. Og så kommer alt dette andre./ Everything starts somewhere. A date. And then come all these other things. "
Often it is the case - we know not what will come. Soon we will enter a new number in the calendar.
Together we will experience the ups and downs, sorrows and joys. Each individual will experience new milestones in their life; days that we take with us the rest of your life. Some moments we choose, others chose us. Nonetheless, I hope that we together, in one year, you look back and think that the year was good.
We are all in a line. Some went ahead. Others come behind. Let's take care of each other and make the best of every moment.
We will find our way forward.
I wish every one of you a happy New Year!
2015 Christmas/ New Years Addresses
Wednesday, 30 December 2015
Prince Charles 67th Birthday reply
This reply was very intresting, because it was the first reply I have gotten from Prince Charles that wasn't a letter. Instead the reply is a postcard-size picture with a typed message on the back. This is the standard reply when writing to the Cambridges or Prince Harry.
Duchess Camilla will often send out pictures, with typed messages on the back, usually hand signed. Although those are double this size.
The picture is from Prince Charles's visit to Turkey on April 24 for the Centenary of the Gallipoli Campaign and Anzac Day. Prince Harry accompanied him.
The reply was post marked December 23rd, which is just 1 1/2 Months after I sent my letter. A great response time.
Last Year's Birthday Reply
King Harald of Norway's Silver Jubilee (2016)
On 17 January, 2016, King Harald of Norway celebrated 25 years on the throne, his Silver Jubilee. To celebrate this milestone there was be three days of celebration, January 15-17th.
Friday 15th
Friday 15th
- Deputations at the Palace
- "Gratulasjonsprotokoll/ Greeting Protocol" public can sign book of congratulations at Palace
- Private dinner for Royal Family and foreign Guests at Skagum (Crown Prince Couple's residence).
- Service at Royal Chapel
- With Foreign Royals
- Winter Festival at Palace Square
- With Foreign Royals
- Private Lunch at Palace
- With Foreign Royals
- Gala at University Aula
- With Foreign Royals
- Private Dinner at Palace
- With Foreign Royals
As part of the Silver Jubilee celebrations, King Harald and Queen Sonja will take a jubilee tour along the Norwegian coast this summer, 17 to 28 June.
- Norway Royal Family
- Queen Margrethe of Denmark
- King Carl Gustaf & Queen Silvia of Sweden.
Jubilee Medal:
King Harald's Silver Jubilee medal was awarded to Norway Royal Family, Foreign Guests, member of Royal Court etc.
Responses from Netherlands Royal Family
Saturday, 26 December 2015
King Willem-Alexander of the Netherland's Christmas Speech - English Translation
Christmas gives us a moment of reflection. A chance to get away from the daily flow of events, helps make it clear what we believe in ourselves and what we stand for.
This is needed, now that Europe is facing one of the biggest challenges of the past few decades. The attacks in Paris are still fresh in our memory. In the regions around us are large groups of people have been displaced due to terror and violence. They search in the Netherlands for a safe haven and a chance at a better life.
Many people in the Netherlands are worried about the future and wonder how we can protect our own way of life in a world which we are not closed off to.
What is particularly close to our heart is our freedom and ability to make our own choices. That freedom we fought so hard and made many sacrifices to get!
In May this year my wife and I visited Canada. We spoke to a group of Canadian veterans. One of them was the 90-year-old Bud Hannam. In 1945, he fought in the battle for the liberation of Apeldoorn (City in Netherlands). He told me how he was back then and his words made a big impression on me. He said, "It cost me my youth. But I feel that it was worth it afterwards. To see the freedom ... and the joy of the people who were liberated. "
Freedom is so essential to the Netherlands, from the very beginning. On King's Day this year we were in the Court of the Netherlands in Dordrecht, where in 1572 the first Free State Congress took place. There we signed along with other Dutch, the text: "Here the foundation was laid for an independent country. Where you are free to think what you think, believe what you believe and be who you are. "
What we have done with the freedom that was fought so hard over the centuries? We have done Good! We have built a democratic state that is in many ways the strongest in the world. With a high level of prosperity and amenities. And with millions of citizens who are selflessly for others. I spent the past year meeting and talking with many of them. It is great what you're doing!
There is still do very important work to do in our country for everyone involves. Some feel abandoned and insufficiently heard. But our country - our place in the world - is precious to us. Netherlands is a country to call home.
Yet this does not make us invulnerable to worry and anxiety. Events can overtake us and we may not know what to do. Achievements are not always obvious.
Of course we want to protect what is dear to us. We can not stop our fear or deny it. But we must not give it reins over our life and let fear dominate our society. Tranquility and mutual trust are friends of freedom. "Do not be afraid," the angel on Christmas night said to the shepherds in the field.
When it comes to major challenges we must show that we stand together, our democracy and our constitutional state. It is essential that people can dignify and be at peace with one another, while allowing people to be different. Peace is not for the idle. It requires courage to listen to each other and not be critical of their beleifs. This courage is required from all of us, now we must work together to find a way in this turbulent time. The challenge is now to show what we together as liberated country are really worth.
In times like these it is clear how much we share with the countries around us. Belief in freedom. Respect for the life of every human being and the right's of everyone's to make their own choices. Solidarity with those who really need our help. Concern for the future of our planet, as we showed this month in Paris, when the European countries united.
These values are the heartbeat of our society. They are essential for us as free people and always give us the strength to continue.
Our combined strength reaches farther and connects more than we sometimes think. We do not crawl back into our shell. On the contrary. We are proud of our free and open way of life. Our belief that everyone in our Kingdom should be on an equal footing and should be able to participate. And our laws that protects the defenseless and prevents only the loudest voices from being heard.
The complex world in which we live is not more challenging, or more difficult, than it was for generations before us. Listens to veterans, those who have been persecuted and persevered, those who have built our country after the war with scarce resources again, and you will realizes that.
According to the apostle Paul, freedom is a calling. I have great confidence in the ability of our country - even now - to respond to this call and to remain a community of free people.
I wish all of you - wherever you happen to be and no matter your personal circumstances - a blessed Christmas.
Other Monarch's Christmas/ New Years Addresses
Thursday, 24 December 2015
King Felipe of Spain's Christmas Eve Speech - English Translation
Good evening,
On this Christmas Eve, I want to wish you, along with the Queen and our daughters, Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia, a very happy holidays and all the best wishes for the new year.
I wish that understanding and brotherly spirit, so typical of these days, is always present in our society.
Tonight, I speak to you from the Royal Palace, where the Crown celebrates acts of state in which we express with the utmost dignity and solemnity, the grandeur of Spain.
This palace is all Spanish and is a symbol of our history that is open to all citizens who want to know and understand our past. On their roofs, in walls, paintings and tapestries, in short, in all its assets, centuries of common history is collected.
And that history certainly must be know and remember because it helps us understand our present and shape our future and also allows us to better appreciate our successes and our mistakes; because history also defines and explains our identity over time.
I sincerely believe that today we live in times where it is more necessary than ever to recognize all that unites us. You need to value what we have built together over the years with many great sacrifices, but also with enormous generosity and dedication. It is necessary to praise all that we are, what makes us feel like Spanish. In my speech I said at my proclamation, Spain constitution fit all the feelings and sensitivities, fit the different ways of being Spanish; to be and to feel part of the same political and social community, the same historical, current and future, as it represents our nation's reality.
A great nation defined by a culture that has transcended time and borders, the arts and universal literature; enriched by our common language, along with the other languages of Spain, which also explain our identity.
A country which over the centuries have woven thinkers, scientists, artists, and so many men and women, many of whom have given their lives for Spain.
And it's also a great state, whose strength is based today in a set of constitutional values we share and common rules of coexistence that bring us together and unite us; a state that recognizes our diversity in the self-government of our nations and regions; and has respect for the democratic will of the Spanish people, expressed through the law, the foundation of our life in freedom.
With these reasons, and sharing these sentiments, we honor our history, which we are all players of today and whose legacy we have the responsibility to administer; to strengthen our national's cohesion, it is essential to boost our political, civic and moral progress; to promote our common project of coexistence. For now, what should matter to everyone, first and foremost, is the general interest of Spain and the Spanish.
After the general elections held on the 20th, and as always after each renewal of the Congress of Deputies and the Senate, the procedure laid down in our Constitution for the governance of our country begins.
In a constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democratic regime like ours, the Parliament, as depositary of national sovereignty, are the holders of decision-making on matters that concern and affect all the Spaniards, are seated where, after debate and dialogue between political forces, must address and decide on key issues of national life.
Political pluralism, expressed at the polls, certainly provides sensitivities, visions and perspectives; and it involves a form of exercise based on political dialogue, consultation and compromise, in order to make the best decisions to solve the problems of citizens.
Spain begins a new legislature that requires all efforts, all the energy, all the wishes of our democratic institutions, to ensure and consolidate what has been achieved over the past decades our political progress and adapt to the reality of Spanish society today. This dynamic institutions works at the same pace of the Spanish people they serve and represent; and are sensitive to the demands of rigor, honesty and integrity that are demanded by citizens.
Spain today is very different from Spain centuries ago through a genuine desire for understanding and generous for all Spaniards, a sincere spirit of reconciliation and overcoming of our historical differences and a commitment to political and social forces to service the entire people, the general interests of the nation, which must always be foremost. This is the great lesson of our recent history that we must never forget.
We must not forget that breaking the law, the imposition of an idea or a project about the will of the other Spanish, has only led us in our history to decay, impoverishment and isolation. That is a mistake of our past that we must not to repeat.
Our path is now, unwavering, the way of understanding, coexistence and harmony in democracy and freedom. Therefore, respect our constitutional order to defend democratic coexistence approved by all the Spanish people; to defend the rights and freedoms of all citizens and also to defend our cultural and territorial diversity.
So, tonight I want to reiterate a message of serenity, tranquility and confidence in the unity and continuity of Spain; a safety message most importantly and defend our Constitution.
I would also like to convey a message of hope that the calm reflection, sincere and loyal contrasting opinions, and respect for both the present and our history, like the intimate community of affections and interests among all Spaniards, feed the validity of our best constitutional spirit.
Moreover, the improvement in the economy is a priority for everyone. I think all the institutions have a duty to citizens, families and especially younger ones, so they can recover what should never be missed: the peace and stability with which to face the future and enthusiasm for tomorrow. We all want sustainable economic growth. A growth that would continue to create jobs and worthy employment, strengthen essential public services such as health and education, and that would reduce inequalities, exacerbated by the harshness of the economic crisis.
Europe is undoubtedly another of our great realities, but also with great challenges in their midst. We have all felt the indignation and horror at the attacks which have cost the lives of our compatriots, to the terrible crimes in Paris and elsewhere, which are genuine attacks on our model of coexistence and the most basic human values. And we have all moved by the drama of the refugees coming to our borders fleeing war, or of distressed and poverty-stricken migrants.
Faced with these challenges, and many others such as the fight against climate change, it is necessary that Spain's voice is heard in the European Union and international institutions in everything that affects our convictions and our vital interests. Because today's world requires strong nations, responsible, united, connected and loyal to its commitments to its partners and allies and the entire international community.
Finally, I do not want to say goodbye tonight without saying, with conviction, as Spaniards today, it is our duty to continue writing the story of our time and as we have already done:
Counting all men and women, young and old, born here or else where; working all at once, without anyone fall by the wayside.
We must look forward, because in today's world nobody waits for one who looks back. We must banish confrontation and resentments; and replace selfishness with generosity, pessimism with hope, helplessness with solidarity.
We have faith and believe in our country. Spain has a resistance to adversity, ability to overcome and a much greater inner strength than we sometimes think. Spain's strength is in ourselves; it is our courage, our character and our talent. It is also, why not say, in our way of living and understanding life.
The Spanish we have never surrendered to the difficulties that have been great, and we always won.
And besides, we have to keep walking with the aim of understanding and the spirit of unity to which I referred to at the beginning. With dialogue and commitment, sense of duty and responsibility; feeling and living, every day, each of us, with that ethical commitment that makes us a great people; uniting our hearts, for decades the Spanish people have decided, once and for all and forever, to shaking hands and not turn your back. Let's do it with all the strength and confidence of those who are proud of what we have achieved together and, above all, what we will achieve together.
With that excitement, and with that confidence in our future, the future of Spain in, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad, Eguberri on, Bon Nadal, Boas Festas and a prosperous 2016.
Other Monarch's Christmas/New Years Addresses
King Philippe of Belgium's Christmas Eve Speech - English Translation
(The Christmas Eve Address was also released in French & Dutch)
Ladies and gentlemen,
Christmas and New Year is an opportunity to reaffirm our hope in the future. At the end of the year we are unfortunately marked by the terrible attacks in Paris that have shaken us deeply, and we are aware of the threats that continue to weigh on us. Beyond the horror that multiplies in various places in Europe and elsewhere, our democracies are facing a triple challenge: to defend, prevent, build. I am confident that we will succeed in that mission.
Our authorities have responded to the threat of terrorism with prudence, speed and determination. My special thanks go to all those who have fought for it and continue to work to ensure our safety, to identify the perpetrators of these attacks and to prevent new ones. These events have shown how important it is to invest in the judiciary, police, army and intelligence services. I also want to thank you all, and especially the people of Brussels, for your dignified and responsible behavior during this difficult time.
Ladies and gentlemen,
In order to protect our society, it is also essential to not be intimidated and not divide. This is what our attackers are hoping for. I am confident that we will remain one, citizens of an open land. A country where the vast majority of the people are from foreign origin that have seized the opportunities that were offered to them - and share the values of our country. They are sons and daughters of this country. Do not confuse those who abuse their faith with those who practice the universal values of humanity.
Furthermore, I am confident that we can build a more harmonious society. I focus particularly on young people. You have a deep desire to believe in life, in yourself and in others. Embrace that ideal and invest your energy and talent in everything that brings us together. Because the balance within a family, a neighborhood, a town, a region or a country, primarily depends on the way we treat each other.
A project that gives meaning to life, evolves over time. In order to build your future, you maintain the bonds with the generations that preceded them. Because our values are deeply rooted in history. The fanatics on the other hand want to wipe all trace of history.
Finally, I would also encourage you to engage in dialogue with the people in your community about what is really important. Because in a dialogue and discussion you learn about others and know yourself better. Discover the other, how he lives, his culture, and his religion or belief. Fanatics do just the opposite: they refuse any discussion.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I know we can overcome the challenges we face today. History has proven that our society is stronger than fanaticism and totalitarianism. But we must continue to build a more humane and just society. The Queen and I and our family wish you a Merry Christmas and a new year full of joy.
Also check out: 2015 Monarch's Christmas/New Year Speeches
Wednesday, 16 December 2015
Duchess Kate's Honorary Military Appointments
Royal Air Force Air Cadets
Honorary Air Commandant (December 2015- Present)
- King George VI - Honorary Air Commodore-in-Chief (1941-1952)
- Prince Philip - Honorary Air Commodore-in-Chief (1952- 2015)
Back to The Cambridges - Main Page
Prince William - Honorary Military Appointments
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Prince William at the Home of the UK Submarine Service in Argyll and Bute Royal Navy, OGL 3, via Wikimedia Commons |
Commodore-in-Chief (August 2006-Present)
Scotland (Royal Naval Command)
Commodore-in-Chief (August 2006-Present)
Welsh Guards
Royal Colonel (December 2022-Present)
The Mercian Regiment
Colonel-in-Chief (August 2023)
- Previous Colonel-in-Chief
- King Charles (?-2023)
The Army Air Corps
Colonel-in-Chief (August 2023)
- Previous Colonel-in-Chief
- King Charles (?-2023)
RAF Valley
Colonel-in-Chief (August 2023)
- Previous Colonel-in-Chief
- King Charles
Back to Honorary Military Appointments
Friday, 11 December 2015
Christmas 2015
Christmas/New Years Speeches
Most of the European Monarchs give speeches sometime during the holiday season. We will link them here when they get posted, with English Translations, if they are not in English or subtitled. (All times are Local/London)
December 22nd - Message for Al Mawlid Al Nabawi & Christmas
Christmas Eve Speeches
Also Check Out:
Christmas 2016
Most of the European Monarchs give speeches sometime during the holiday season. We will link them here when they get posted, with English Translations, if they are not in English or subtitled. (All times are Local/London)
December 22nd - Message for Al Mawlid Al Nabawi & Christmas
- King Abdullah II of Jordan
- King Philippe of Belgium (Pre-recorded 1PM/ Noon)
- King Felipe VI of Spain (Pre-recorded 9:25PM/ 8:25PM)
- Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg
- King Willem-Alexander of Netherlands (Pre-recorded 1 PM/ Noon)
- Queen Elizabeth II of United Kingdom (Pre-recorded 3 PM)
- King Carl Gustaf of Sweden (Pre-recorded 7:45 PM/ 6:45 PM)
- Queen Margrethe of Denmark (Live 6 PM/ 5 PM)
- King Harald of Norway
- Prince Albert of Monaco
New Years Addresses
- Emperor Akihito of Japan
Christmas 2016
Wednesday, 9 December 2015
Queen Camilla's Official Patronages - Overview
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The Big Lunch, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons |
Patronages are not for a life-time, but a set amount of time (for a appeal, 3 years, 5 years, etc). Patronages are usually reviewed after every 5 years, and possibly renewed.
In a effort to keep the list of patronages manageable we have broken down into categories, each linked below:
- Animals
- Armed Services
- Arts
- Children & Young People
- Community
- Conservation/Agriculture
- Education/ Literacy
- Elderly
- Healthcare
- History
- Sport
Many Patronages will fall under multiple categories, we listed them in the one category where we felt they best fit.
Camilla's Official Patronages - Sport
In a effort to kept things organized this section features only Duchess Camilla's Sport patronages. You can find links to all of her patronages here.
Patron (April 2006)
British Equestrian Federation is the National Governing Body for horse sports in the UK.
Patron (2007)
Patron (2011)
Lady Joseph Charitable Trust is a UK charity that helps fund equestrian riders with a wide rage of disabilities. They mainly support Para-Equestrian Dressage, which is the only Equestrian discipline in the Paralympic Games.
Also Check Out:
Queen Camilla's Official Patronages - Health Care
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Helen & Douglas House, Penn Road by Basher Eyre, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons |
In a effort to kept things organized this section features only Queen Camilla's Health Care patronages. You can find links to all of her patronages here.
Patron: April 1997 - October 2001
President: October 2001 - 2025-Present
Royal Osteoporosis Society is a UK-based charity that works towards better diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of osteoporosis. They also work to influence health and social care policy for people with osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a condition where the bones in our body to become fragile and prone to break.
The charity was formerly called the National Osteoporosis Society. It changed its name in 2019, when it was granted the use of "Royal" in its name.
Camilla's mother, Rosalind Shand, died of the disease in 1994.
Patron: September 2005- 2025 - Present
The College of Podiatry is the Professional body for podiatrists and students of podiatry.
The organization was formerly called the Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists
The Queen Mum was previously Patron from 1981-2002.
Patron (2006)
The Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases is a hospital in Bath that specializes in rheumatic diseases and rehabilitation. They also treat chronic fatigue and chronic pain. The Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases provide patient-centred care to people of all ages.
Charity Number: 1085951
Patron: 2007-2025-Present
Helen House was the world's first children's hospice, opening in 1982. Douglas House was founded in 2004 for young adults age 16-35. This was a unique hospice since it deals with young adults. They would often find the environment of a children or adult hospice ill-suited.
Helen and Douglas House's hospices provide specialist and end-of-life care for children and young adults with life-shortening conditions. It also provides support & relief for their families. They have locations in Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Gloucestershire, Northamptonshire, Oxfordshire, Warwickshire, Wiltshire, and parts of London.
Helen House was the world's first children's hospice, opening in 1982. Douglas House was founded in 2004 for young adults age 16-35. This was a unique hospice since it deals with young adults. They would often find the environment of a children or adult hospice ill-suited.
Helen and Douglas House's hospices provide specialist and end-of-life care for children and young adults with life-shortening conditions. It also provides support & relief for their families. They have locations in Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Gloucestershire, Northamptonshire, Oxfordshire, Warwickshire, Wiltshire, and parts of London.
Scotland Charity Number: SC024414
President: November 2008-2025-Present
Charity Number: 1144097
Patron: 2009-2025-Present
Charity Number: 1133295
Patron: January 2011-2025-Present
Charity Number: 295716
President: June 2012-2025-Present
Charity Number: 207711
Patron of Arthritis Research UK: October 2012- 2018
Patron of Versus Athritus: 2018-2025-Present
Queen Camila was pervious patron of Arthritis Research UK before it's merger.
Prospect Hospice
Prospect Hospice serves the communities of Swindon, Marlborough and north Wiltshire, and the villages of Lechlade and Fairford in Gloucestershire. They provide end of life care as well as support of the patients and their families.
Children's Hospice South West is a hospice for children with life-limiting conditions in the South West of England. They provide respite and short breaks, emergency care, palliative care and end of life care. As well as supports for the families.
Medical Detection Dogs uses animals to help diagnose serious illnesses, including detecting cancer and sniffing for peanuts . These dogs can also work with people suffering from diabetes and warn them if their blood-sugar levels are too high or low.
The Duchenne Children's Trust is a organization that works to fund clinical research and trials for treatments and a cure for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.
Prospect Hospice
Charity Number: 280093
President: 2013-2025-Present
Charity Number: 1003314
Patron: May 2014- 2025-Present
Charity Number: 1124533
Patron: 2014- 2025-Present
Charity Number: 1147094
President of The Duchenne Children's Trust: 2014- 2016
President: 2016-2025-Present
Duchenne UK was formed in April 2016, by the coming together of Duchenne Children's Trust and Joining Jack. Queen Camilla was president of Duchenne Children's Trust from 2014 to it's merger.
Camilla's former Daughter, Sara Parker Bowles is one of the Patrons of the organization. & previous served as Patron of Duchenne Children's Trust.
Camilla's former Daughter, Sara Parker Bowles is one of the Patrons of the organization. & previous served as Patron of Duchenne Children's Trust.
Charity Number: 249562
Patron: November 2015-2025-Present
The London Clinic is one of the UK’s largest private hospitals. it is a independent hospital that functions as a charity. Any revenue the hospital makes is reinvested back into the hospital.
The London Clinic was opened by the then Duke and Duchess of York, (later King George VI & Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mum) on 18th February 1932. An number of royals have opened facilities for the ever growing hospital over the years.
Charity #: 1137409
Patron: February 2016 - 2025-Present
Roald Dahl’s Marvellous Children’s Charity is a UK-based organization that provides specialist nurses and support for seriously ill children with complex medical conditions. Founded in 1991, the charity continues the legacy of author Roald Dahl by funding expert care and advocating for improved healthcare services for children.
Charity Number: 213128
Patron: 2024- 2025-Present
The Queen's Nursing Institute (QNI) is a UK charity dedicated to improving nursing care in the community by supporting and developing community nurses. Founded in 1887, it provides training, funding, and advocacy to enhance healthcare services outside hospitals, ensuring high-quality patient care at home and in local settings.
- Queen Victoria (1887-1901)
- Queen Alexandra (1901-1925)
- Queen Mary (1925-1953)
- Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mum (1953-2022)
- Queen Elizabeth II (2002-2022)
- Queen Camilla (2024-Present)
Patron: 2024- 2025-Present
The Queen's Nursing Institute Scotland is a Scotland charity dedicated to improving nursing care in the community by supporting and developing community nurses. It provides training, funding, and advocacy to enhance healthcare services outside hospitals, ensuring high-quality patient care at home and in local settings.
Previous Patrons:
- Queen Elizabeth (?-2022)
Also Check Out:
Queen Camilla's Official Patronages - Elderly
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Women's Volunteer Service CABM VBM, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons |
In an effort to keep things organized this section features only Queen Camilla's Elderly patronages.You can find links to all of her patronages here.
Trustee (2000-2005)
Patron (2005)
Wiltshire Bobby Van Trust is a charity in Wiltshire that works with the Wiltshire Police to provide home security services for elderly, vulnerable and disadvantaged people in Wiltshire. The charity operates 2 vans that acts as command centers. They assist People at risk, or victim of, theft, burglary & domestic violence. Wiltshire Bobby Van Trust carries out security audits and fire risk assessments. When necessary they install security equipment and smoke detectors free of charge.
President (December 2012-Present)
They are also involved with research, and lobbying policies concerning the elderly.
- Past Patrons
- Queen Mary (1938-?)
- Queen Elizabeth II (1952-2022)
- Past Presidents
- Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mum (1938-?)
Patron (2017-Present)
Charity Number (England & Wales): 1147330
Charity Number (Scotland): SC044467
The Silver Line is a free, 24-hour telephone service for older people. The Silver Line Helpline is a subsidiary charity of Age UK. (Age UK is one of King Charles's Patronages).
Also Check Out:
Camilla's Patronages Main Page
Queen Camilla's Official Patronages - Education/ Literacy
In an effort to keep things organized, this section features only Queen Camilla's Education/ Literacy patronages. You can find links to all of her patronages here.
Patron (2010- Present) (Extended in 2020, for an unspecified number of years.)
National Literacy Trust is a UK charity dedicated to raising literacy levels. They work to support schools, establish literary projects in disadvantaged communities, and campaign for government support of literacy.
Patron (2011 - Present) (Extended in 2021, for an unspecified number of years.)
BookTrust is one of the UK's largest literacy charities. The charity's goal is to encourage people of all ages to develop a love of reading.
They run a Bookstart project which provides free books to babies, toddlers, and three-year-olds to encourage parents to start reading early.
Previous Patrons:
- Prince Philip (?-2011)
Patron (October 2011 - Present)
First Story is a UK-based charity that supports, promotes and fosters literature, poetry and creative writing in public secondary schools. The charity helps to provide funding and resources for schools without creative writing programs.
First Story is a UK-based charity that supports, promotes and fosters literature, poetry and creative writing in public secondary schools. The charity helps to provide funding and resources for schools without creative writing programs.
Vice Patron (2012 - Present)
Charity Number: 312175
Past Patrons:
- Prince Albert (1842-?)
- King Edward VIII (?-?)
- King George V (?-?)
- King George VI (?-?)
- Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother (?-2002)
- Queen Elizabeth II (2004-2022)
Patron (January 2013- Present)
Charity # 296454
Beanstalk is a charity that provides one-to-one literacy support to children who have fallen behind.
Chancellor (June 2013 - Present)
The University of Aberdeen is a University in Aberdeen, Scotland. The University is Scotland's 3rd oldest and the 5th oldest in the world.
Patron (March 2015 - Present)
Charity #1070858
St. Catherine's School, Bramley is an independent Church of England day and boarding school in Bramley.
Patron (May 2022 - Present)
Charity #313869
Book Aid Internation is a UK charity that provides books and supports libraries in Africa and around the world. Every year the charity sends books to public and community libraries as well as libraries in prisons, refugee camps, hospitals, schools, and universities.
In an average year, Book Aid International gives an estimated 23.5 million people access to books, supporting 180 partners around the world.
Previous Patrons
- Prince Philip (1966-2021)
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