Monday 30 January 2023

Hereditary Prince Alois of Liechtenstein - Speech from the Throne (2023)

[Notes added by Gert's Royals are in Brackets]

Dear Members of Parliament and Government,

The second half of the legislative period begins today. Unfortunately, the first half was again characterized by crisis management. As soon as relief from the pandemic was in sight, Russia attacked Ukraine and there have been crises associated with it. Crisis management will also be necessary in the second half of the legislative period. In addition to the stream of refugees, energy security, possible recessions in important markets, and difficulties in the supply chains will probably be important challenges for us.

All of this may require additional efforts at the national level. But we should also assume our responsibility at the international level again, show solidarity, and make further positive contributions to crisis management and the improvement of the international order. This is especially true when we take over the Presidency of the Council of Europe at the end of this year.

The value of our foreign policy is not always as readily apparent as that of domestic policies. However, our foreign policy is of great importance - not least with regard to the shaping of the framework conditions for our domestic policy.

Dear Members of Parliament and Government,

Despite all the crises, there was and still is reason to celebrate. In 2021 we were able to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the constitution and this year we are celebrating the 100th anniversary of the customs union treaty with Switzerland. The latter will be honored on various occasions and also in a special session of parliament, which is why I am focusing today's speech on other topics.

[Swizerlands is Liechtenstein's neighbor to the west and one of Liectenstein's biggest trade partners. in 1923, the two countries signed a customs treaty to create a customs union with each other and allow the borders between the two countries to be open. As part of the agreement Switzerland handles many duties, Liechtenstein would be unable to or have difficulty performing, such as consulate affairs.]

Despite all the crises, we should also devote attention to future issues in order to increase the quality of life in our country and to prepare for the challenges of the future. In addition to the energy security mentioned at the beginning, demographic development is a challenge that I have already addressed several times at the opening of the parliament. I am therefore very pleased that the government is currently developing an old-age strategy. It can be a central support for all further work in the field of age policy.

[The Old-Age strategy relates to the long-term financial security of Social Security, as well as things related to the older population.]

Dear Members of Parliament and Government,

The government recently submitted a draft law for consultation on improving work-life balance. That is why today I would like to place special emphasis on this topic, which is also influenced by demographic developments.

Due to the labor shortage, it is increasingly important to consider how location factors into to good work conditions and work-life balance. With a better work-life balance, we can both recruit workers from abroad more easily and increase our female employment rate, which is low compared to Switzerland. As a result, our companies can also keep a significantly higher proportion of employees in the company after the birth of a child. In an increasingly knowledge-based economy, where companies are also investing more and more in the training of their workforce, this investment has long benefits.

A better work-life balance is also important for health policy reasons. In this way, we can not only reduce stress for parents and thus a reduction in the risk of mental illness, but also strengthen children's health through better care in their first years of life.

We know from research that the first years of life shape people's physical and mental health throughout their lives. In view of the dynamic development of mental illnesses, which, according to the WHO, will soon be the number one cause of illness in Europe, improving the work-life balance is also of great importance because of its preventive effect on health policy.

Finally, a better work-life balance could lead to parents having children earlier and having more children. This would be desirable, not least because it would mean that fertility treatments, which are associated with a large number of problems, many of which are still not well known, would be used less often.

This is especially important in times when we are thinking about sustainable development and are becoming more aware of the problems of interventions in nature. We should consider more the problems of fertility treatments and use them as cautiously as possible. Because not only are the hormone treatments used in reproductive medicine a significant burden for women, but there are now also concerns that children born in petri dishes are more likely to have health problems. Reproductive medicine is also associated with serious ethical problems in many areas, in particular, the exploitation of vulnerable egg cell donors and surrogate mothers or the selection and manipulation of genes to create “designer babies.”

Dear Members of Parliament and Government,

A better work-life balance would therefore be desirable for many reasons. Although the measures in the consultation draft bring improvements in terms of care and flexible working time arrangements, we need a whole bundle of additional measures for a really good work-life balance. In addition to high-quality daycare centers and the opportunity for everyone to be able to look after their child themselves, at least during the first year of life, we also need more well-trained childcare providers.

Some progress has already been made in education with the introduction of all-day schools and lunchtime meals. The next steps would to better link the childcare offers of the schools with the leisure time offers of the clubs and the offers of holiday care. Improvements in the compatibility of studies and family as well as shorter training periods are also worth considering.

In addition to the government side, it would be desirable for our companies to take further measures. We need more part-time jobs and a corporate culture that also supports part-time work for managers. In addition, it often makes a big difference for parents when companies avoid arranging meetings very early or late in the day and also show more flexibility towards the needs of parents in other respects. If this also increases employee motivation, companies will soon benefit from these investments in their employees in other ways.

Dear Members of Parliament and Government,

In addition to overcoming the crisis, we should further optimize our starting position for the future in the second half of the legislative period. To this end, we should take the necessary steps, especially with regard to energy security, the retirement strategy, and the compatibility of work and family. I wish you a lot of strength, wisdom, and God's blessings for your duties!

Back to Liechtenstein State Opening of Parliament - Main Page

State Opening of Parliament - Liechtenstein

Liechtenstein asv2022-10 img17 Vaduz Landtag
Liechtenstein's Landtag (Parliament) building
A.Savin, FAL, via Wikimedia Commons

In Liechtenstein, the State Opening of Parliament takes the form of a "Speech from the Throne." In recent years, it takes place in late January.

The State Opening takes place at the Landtag (Parliament) building. The event begins at 10 AM, with a speech by the Monarch/Regent and then a speech from President of the Landtag. After the State Opening, the Monarch/Regent, and members of parliament have an aperitif in the State Parliament Building.

Live Stream: 

Here is Landtag's official live stream of parliament events. 


This event is just attended by the Monarch/Regent. 

Dress code: 

Suit and Tie.


Hereditary Prince Alois as Regent
2024Text-Gert's Royals20th Speech
2023TextVideoGert's Royals-
2021TextVideo-100th Anniversary year
of the Constitution 
2017Text-Gert's Royal-
2016Text-Gert's Royal-
YearGerman TextGerman VideoEnglish Translation Notes

Prince Hans-Adam II's Reign (Pre-Regency)

YearGerman Text Notes
2004TextAnnouncing Regency

Hereditary Prince Hans-Adam as Regent

YearGerman Text Notes

Prince Franz Joseph II's Reign (Pre-Regency) 

YearGerman Text Notes
1970Text -
YearGerman Text Notes
1960Text -
1957 NovemberTextThere were 2 State Openings that year
due to a general election. 
1957 MarchText
1953 JulyTextParliament was dissolved and a new election was held. 
That is why there were 2 State Openings that year. 
1953 MarchText
1950Text -
YearGerman Text Notes
1947NoneState Opening of Parliament by
Prime Minister Dr. Hoop
1944NoneState Opening of Parliament by
Prime Minister Dr. Hoop
1943NoneState Opening of Parliament by
Deputy Prime Minister Dr. Vogt 
1942NoneState Opening of Parliament by
Prime Minister Dr. Hoop
1938-Before Reign began?

Thursday 26 January 2023

Saint Dévote's Day - Monaco Annual Event

Sainte-Dévote Chapel in Monaco
Photo: Alexander Migl , CC BY-SA 4.0

Saint Dévote

Saint Dévote (or Devota) is the patron saint of Monaco & Corsica. Dévote was a Corsican woman born around 283 AD in Present-day Corsica. Corsica is a French Island near Monaco

Dévote was a Christian, during a time of Roman persecution. She was imprisoned, tortured & killed for her faith. After her death, her body was placed on a boat bound for Africa to prevent it from being burned and to allow her to get a proper Christian burial. 

However, a storm caused the boat to get off track. Legend says, a dove appeared and guided the boat to present-day Monaco, where a chapel dedicated to Saint George stood.

In her honor, a chapel was built in Monaco. And January 27 is celebrated as the saint's feast day.


The celebrations of St. Dévote are one of Monaco's oldest traditions.

January 26th - Evening

  • Short service at St. Dévote's Chapel
  • Set fishing boat on fire outside St. Dévote's Chapel
  • Drone Show on Port Hercule (previously fireworks)
January 27th
  • Mass at Monaco Cathedral
  • Procession
Royal Attendance

Members of the Monaco Roayl family who participated in some or all of the celebrations

Royal 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
Prince Albert x -
Princess Charlene x
x -
Crown Prince Jacques x -
Princess Gabriella x -
Princess Caroline
- -
Louis Ducruet
- -
Melanie Antoinette De Massy
x -

- -

2022 - Princess Charlene was unable to attend due to receiving treatment for an undisclosed illness. 
2023 - Prince Albert was unable to attend the public events due to Covid illness & isolation requirements. But he was able to watch the procession from the palace balcony. 

King Charles III of UK's Coronation - Sunday May 7th, 2023 Events

This page just covers the Coronation Events on Sunday, May 7th. You can find the full schedule of the Coronation Weekend event, here


  • Coronation Big Lunch  
    • Street parties throughout the UK
  • Coronation Concert at Windsor Castle (8 PM)
Guest List at Concert

    King Charles III of UK's Coronation - Saturday May 6th, 2023 Events

    This page just covers the Coronation Events on Saturday, May 6th. You can find the full schedule of the Coronation Weekend event, here


    • Time Zone Converter
    • "The King's Procession" from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Abbey (10:20 AM)
    • Coronation Service  (11 AM)
    • "The Coronation Procession" from Westminster Abbey to Buckingham Palace (1 PM)
      • Larger than King's Procession
    • Royal Family's Balcony Appearance at Buckingham Palace (2:30 PM)
    Live Streams: 
    The time in Brackets is the time in London. I'm hoping these live streams will be available to watch everywhere. The Royal Family one certainly will be. 
    The Coronation will also be stream on local TV Stations around the world, so check with your favorite news outlet for coverage. 

    Guest List:

    King Charles III of UK's Coronation (2023) - Main Page

    Coronation Emblem

    King Charles will be coronated on Saturday, May 6th at Westminster Abbey. Queen Camilla will be crowned as Queen Consort during the service. As part of the main coronation celebrations, there will be events May 6th-8th. 

    Wednesday 25 January 2023

    The Royal Foundation's Centre for Early Childhood (2021-Present)

    The Centre for Early Childhood is an organization within the Royal Foundation that “drives awareness of and action on the extraordinary impact of the early years, in order to transform society for generations to come.” The Centre was launched in 2021. 

    It focuses on 3 key areas:
    • High-quality research to increase knowledge & share best practice
    • Collaborate on new solutions
    • Developing creative campaigns to raise awareness &, driving real, positive change

    The Advisory Group (2023-Present)

    A group of eight experts from across academia, science and the early years sector has been appointed to offer strategic advice to Princess Kate and provide oversight of the work of her Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood. 


    Name Orgs Years on Board
    Professor Peter Fonagy* University College London

    Anna Freud National Centre
    for Children and Families
    Eamon McCrory* University College London Founding-Present
    Dr Alain Gregoire* Maternal Mental Health Alliance Founding-Present
    Dr Trudi Seneviratne Royal College of Psychiatrists Founding-Present
    Ed Vainker   Reach Academy Feltham
    Beverley Barnett-Jones  Nuffield Family
    Justice Observatory

    What Works in Children's
    Social Care
    Carey Oppenheim Nuffield Foundation Founding-Present
    Emily Samuel
    Former Members
    Imran Hussain Action for Children  Founding-2024

    * member of the previous Steering Group (2018-2023)

    Early Years Steering Group (2018-2023?)

    Established in 2018 to explore "how best to support academics, practitioners and charities in their work to provide all children with the best possible start in life. The group will be coordinated by The Royal Foundation and will consider a range of questions surrounding the support provided to children, parents and teachers, from the earliest years."

    This group lead to the creation of  "The Royal Foundation's Centre for Early Childhood."


    • Peter Fonagy
    • Eamon McCrory
    • Dr Alain Gregoire
    • Scott Greenhalgh
    • David Holmes
    • Kate Stanley
    • Naomi Eisenstadt
    • Professor Leon Feinstein
    • Annamarie Hassall 
    • Professor Jane Barlow
    • Dr Matthew Patrick
    • Kate Billingham

    Back to Royal Foundation - Main Page

    Wednesday 18 January 2023

    Group Investitures (UK) 2023

    The royals host investitures each month to officially invest everyone who received an honor in either the King/ or late Queen’s Birthday or New Year's honor lists. Investitures are usually held at Grand Reception Room at Windsor Castle, Throne Room at Buckingham Palace, or at the Palace of Holyrood. 

    This page includes, two lists:
    • Regular Investitures
    • Special Investitures related to Queen Elizabeth II's death. 

    Regular Investitures

    This list just includes the regular group investitures.  One-on-one investitures or investitures held overseas are not included. King Charles special group investitures related to Queen Elizabeth II's death are listed below, under the heading "Special Investitures."

    Right now, there is no indication that a 4th royal will be added to the roster to perform investitures. But we had added an "other" column, just in case, as it would be difficult to add it later.

    Month King Charles Prince William Princess Anne Other
    Tuesday 31st
    Tuesday 24th
     Wed 18th

    Wed 18th

    Tuesday 7th
    Wednesday 1st
    Tuesday 21st

    Tuesday 14th
    Thursday 23rd
    Tuesday 28th

    Tuesday 28th

    Tuesday 14th
    Tuesday 7th
    Friday 3rd

    Wednesday 8th 

    Wednesday 8th 


    Thursday 20th
    Wednesday 11th
    Wednesday 28th
    Tuesday 13th

    Wednesday 14th

    Wednesday 14th
    Wednesday 5th 

    Tuesday 11th

    August No Investitures

    Tuesday 26th 

    Wednesday 27th

    Wednesday 27th
    Wednesday 4th 
    Tuesday 3rd

    Tuesday 3rd

    Wednesday 11th 

    Wednesday 11th 

    Tuesday 24th

    Friday 27th
    Buckingham Palace
    Wednesday 9th
    Buckingham Palace
    Wednesday 1st
    Thursday 2nd
    Buckingham Palace

    Buckingham Palace
    Thursday 2nd
    Buckingham Palace
    Tuesday 12th
    Windsor Castle

    Tuesday 19th
    Windsor Castle

    Total 10 (23%) 9 (21%) 24 (56%) 43 

    Notes: Windsor Castle investitures are usually held on Tuesday or Wednesday as those are the days that the Castle is closed to the public. 

    Special Investitures

    King Charles hosted a number of special group investitures this year related to Queen Elizabeth II's death.

    Host Date/ Location Group
    Tuesday May 30th 
    Windsor Castle
    Crew of the State Gun Carriage
    of the Royal Navy at the State Funeral
    of The late Queen Elizabeth II.
    June 7th 
    Buckingham Palace
    Members of the Army
    who were involved in the State Funeral 
    June 13th 
    Buckingham Palace 
    Former and serving members of the Royal Household
    who were recognised in the Honours List
    on the Demise of Queen Elizabeth II.
    June 29th 
    Buckingham Palace

    Members of the Royal Air Force
    who were involved in the State Funeral
    of The late Queen Elizabeth II.
    July 5th
    Palace of Holyroodhouse
    Members of the Army
    who were involved in the Lying at Rest of
    The late Queen Elizabeth II in St Giles’ Cathedral

    Tuesday 17 January 2023

    King Charles & Queen Camilla - Official Engagements (2023)

    Official Engagements so far in 2023:

    • Charles Solo - 350
    • Camilla Solo - 72
    • Joint - 112

    Official Engagements are marked as:

    • (Unconfirmed) - If not officially announced, but is expected/ always attends
    • (Possible) - If not announced, but something they might/sometimes attends (& we have reason to think they will attend this year)
    • (Patronage) - If the engagement is connected to one of their patronages, the patronage is listed at the end of the entry.

    January (KC14/QC6/J4)

    Thursday 12th

    • Charles
      • Visited Aboyne and Mid Deeside Community Shed

    Monday 16th

    • Joint
      • Received the President of the Republic of Cyprus and Mrs. Anastasiades at Balmoral Castle

    Wednesday 18th

    • Charles
      • Attended a Reception, at Dumfries House, for British Muslim Faith Leaders participating in the Mosaic Leadership Programme
      • Received Sir Ian Cheshire (Chairman) and Ms N Jeffery (Chief Executive Officer). (Prince of Wales’s Charitable Fund)
    • Camilla
    Thursday 19th 
    • Charles
      • Held a Meeting at Dumfries House, for The Prince’s Trust and The Prince’s Trust International.
      • Received Dame Susan Bruce (Chairman) and Emily Cherrington (Acting Chief Executive Officer) of The Prince’s Foundation.
      • Received the Ambassador from the United States of America, HE Jane Hartley.
      • Held a Dinner at Dumfries House for representatives from the Diplomatic Corps.

    Friday 20th

    • Joint
      • Visit Bolton Town Hall and meet representatives from the community
      • Visited Norbrook Community Centre
        • Toured the renovated outdoor area of the Community Centre and the sports facilities before watching young people playing sport and meeting members of the Centre.
    • Charles
      • Visited Northwest hub of Government Communications Headquarters
      • Visited Kellogg’s factory to mark the Company’s Centenary in the United Kingdom
        • Toured the Culinary Centre viewing a cooking demonstration before visiting the factory floor.

    Wednesday 25th

    • Camilla
      • Opened the new offices of the Royal Osteoporosis Society at St James House (Royal Osteoporosis Society)
        • Attended Reception at Guildhall
          • Give Speech
      • Meet community representatives at St Cyriac’s Church 
        • Plant a tree as part of the Queen's Green Canopy
      • Visit local shops in Lacock and speak to residents
    Thursday 26th 
    • Charles
      • Visit The Africa Centre in London
        •  View "Our Story: Africa’s Climate" art exhibit
        • Attend Reception
    • Camilla
      •  Held a Reception for Royal Navy Medical Services at Buckingham Palace. (Royal Navy Medical Services)
        • Received Surgeon Commodore Fleur Marshall upon relinquishing her appointment as Medical Director General (Navy) and Commodore Alison Hofman upon assuming the appointment.

    Friday 27th 

    • Joint
      • Held an audience at Buckingham Palace this morning to mark Holocaust Memorial Day, on the 78th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau.
        • Received two survivors of genocide, and representatives of the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust. 
    Sunday 29th 
    • Charles
      • Received Mr Anthony Hardingham & Mr Alan Melton and presented them with the Royal Victorian Medal (Gold).
      • Received Mr James Banham & Mr Jonathan Brown and presented them with the Royal Victorian Medal (Silver).

    Tuesday 31st

    • Charles
      • Held Investiture at Windsor Castle
      • Held audience with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak
    • Camilla
      • Visit Lille Barracks, Aldershot Garrison home of the 1st Battalion, Grenadier Guards (Grenadier Guards)
        • Meet members of the regiment & families
        • Present medals

    February (KC44/QC9/J5)

    Wednesday 1st

    • Joint
      • Host a reception at Buckingham Palace to celebrate British East and South-East Asian communities. This reception takes place shortly after Lunar New Year, also called the Spring Festival, which is celebrated by British East and South-East Asian communities around the world. 
        • Also attending: 
          • Prince Edward
          • Princess Anne
          • Duchess of Gloucester
          • Duke of Kent
          • Princess Alexandra
    • Charles
      • Received Major General Christopher Ghika, General Officer Commanding London District and Major General Commanding the Household Division
    • Camilla
      • Presented with The Canadian Forces’ Decoration for her 12 years of service as Colonel-in-Chief, The Queen’s Own Rifles of Canada
        • Received Ms Manjit Minhas upon assuming her appointment as Honorary Lieutenant Colonel.

    Thursday 2nd

    • Charles
      • Received His Excellency Mr Yeocheol Yoon, who presented the Letters of Recall of his predecessor and his own Letters of Credence as Ambassador from the Republic of Korea to the Court of St James’s
      • Received His Excellency Mr Douangmany Gnotsyoudom, who presented the Letters of Recall of his predecessor and his own Letters of Credence as Ambassador from the Lao People’s Democratic Republic to the Court of St James’s.
    • Camilla

    Tuesday 7th 

    • Charles
      • Held Investiture at Windsor Castle
      • Received in audience upon their appointment as His Majesty’s Ambassadors: 
        • Mrs Alyson King (the Democratic Republic of the Congo) 
        • Miss Jan Thompson (the Kingdom of Norway)
      • Received Mrs Ailsa Terry  upon her appointment as British High Commissioner to Malaysia.
      • Received  Mrs Jane Owen upon her appointment as Governor of the Cayman Islands.
    • Camilla
      • Held a Reception at Clarence House for Duchenne UK, a Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy charity (Duchenne UK)

    Wednesday 8th

    • Joint
      • Visited Altab Ali Park, met members of the local community.
      • Visit Brick Lane and met representatives of the local community.
      • Visited Brick Lane Mosque and met members from faith, business, charity and Covid-19-impacted communities.
    • Charles
      • Opened the frontline medical teaching hub at the University of East London, Stratford Campus, to mark the University’s 125th Anniversary
      • Received the President of Ukraine at Buckingham Palace
    • Camilla
      • Received General Sir Patrick Sanders, Colonel Commandant of The Riffles
    Thursday 9th
    • Charles
      • Received Hélène Duchêne, who presented the Letters of Recall of her predecessor and her own Letters of Credence as Ambassador from the French Republic to the Court of St James’s.
      • Received Francella Strickland, who presented the Letters of Recall of her predecessor and her own Letters of Commission as High Commissioner for the Independent State of Samoa in London.
      • Visited Leighton House Art Museum to hear about the artistic partnership with Turquoise Mountain,
      • Received Dileeni Daniel-Selvaratnam who kissed hands upon her appointment as His Majesty’s Governor of Turks and Caicos Islands.
      • Received in audience upon their appointment as His Majesty’s Ambassadors: 
        • Edward Ferguson (the Republic of Serbia)
        • Vinay Talwar (the Republic of Djibouti)
        • Simon Walters (the State of Israel)
      • Received Colonel Chris Hadfield (former Canadian Astronaut, Commander of the International Space Station).
    • Camilla
      • Visited Storm Family Centre, an organization that supports people affected by domestic violence, to mark it's 40th Anniversary 
    Tuesday 14th 
    • Charles
      • Held Investiture at Windsor Castle
      • Met volunteers who have been assisting with the relief effort in response to the recent earthquakes in Turkey at West London Turkish Volunteers
      • Launched Syria House, a temporary community tent in Trafalgar Square, London WC2, supporting those affected by the recent earthquakes in northwest Syria
      • Received High Commissioner for Solomon Islands in London.
    Wednesday 15th
    • Joint (Rescheduled due to Camilla's Covid Illness)
      • Reception for The Reading Room at Clarence House
    • Charles
      • Held audience with Hon Melvyn Stride
      • Held a council meeting 
      • Held audience with Rishi Sunak MP (Prime Minister)
    Thursday 16th 
    • Charles/ Joint (Camilla canceled due to Covid Illness)
      • Attended a Reception at the Church of Christ the Cornerstone to celebrate Milton Keynes’ new status as a City.
        • Met community groups representing charitable, business, faith, environmental and arts organisations in Milton Keynes
        • Give Speech
      • Visited Milton Keynes Food Bank
        • Met staff, volunteers and representatives from local partner schools and organisations and viewed the foodbank’s new Mobile Top-Up Shop.
    • Charles
      • Received Bader Mohammed Al Mantheri, who presented the Letters of Recall of his predecessor and his own Letters of Credence as Ambassador from the Sultanate of Oman to the Court of St James’s.
      • Received Thani Thongphakdi, who presented the Letters of Recall of his predecessor and his own Letters of Credence as Ambassador from the Kingdom of Thailand to the Court of St James’s.
      • Received His Excellency Dr Sultan Al Jaber (United Arab Emirates’ Special Envoy for Climate Change and President Designate of the 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties).
    Friday 17th 
    • Charles
      • Received General Sir Patrick Sanders (Chief of the General Staff) 
      • Received Andrzej Duda, The President of Poland
      • Hold a reception at Buckingham Palace in support of Global Biodiversity.
    Monday 20th 
    • Charles
      • Visited an Armed Forces training exercise and met multinational instructors and Ukrainian soldiers.
    Tuesday 21st
    • Charles
      • Received Pedro Antonio Serrano de Haro, who presented the Letters of Recall of his predecessor and his own Letters of Credence as Ambassador from the European Union to the Court of St James’s.
      • Received Aïchatou Boulama Kané, who presented the Letters of Recall of her predecessor and her own Letters of Credence as Ambassador from the Republic of Niger to the Court of St James’s.
      • Received James Cleverly MP (Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs)
      • Received Lady Sainsbury of Preston Candover, who delivered up the Insignia of the Order of the Garter worn by her husband, the late Lord Sainsbury of Preston Candover.
      • Held a Privy Council Meeting
      • Received Penelope Mordaunt MP 
      • Phone call with Mary Simon, the Governor-General of Canada 
    Wednesday 22nd
    • Charles
      • Visited the Felix Project, an organization that saves surplus food from suppliers and redistributes it to charities. 
      • Received The Earl of Dalhousie, who delivered up his Wand of Office and took leave upon relinquishing his appointment as Lord Steward.
      • Received The Earl of Rosslyn, who kissed hands upon his appointment as Lord Steward and received from His Majesty his Wand of Office.
      • Received Bärbel Bas, The President of the German Bundestag (Parliment)
      • Held Audience with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak via telephone.
    • Camilla
      • Received Mr Joseph Coelho, 2022-2024 Children’s Laureate (Book Trust)
    Thursday 23rd
    • Joint
      • Reception for The Reading Room at Clarence House
    • Camilla
      • Re-opened Boston Manor, marking its Four Hundredth Anniversary
      • Visited the Jimmy Choo Academy
    Monday 27th
    • Charles
      • Received Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, at Windsor Castle 

    March (KC39/QC8/J14)

    Monday 6th 
    • Charles
      • Received the Bishop of Liverpool, Dr. John Perumbalath, who did homage upon his appointment.
      • Received the Bishop of Newcastle, Dr. Helen-Ann Macleod Hartley, who did homage upon her appointment.
      • Received The Bishop of Carlisle
      • Spoke with the President of the Federative Republic of Brazil via telephone

    Tuesday 7th 

    • Joint
      •  Visit Colchester Castle to mark Colchester’s recently awarded city status 
        • Unveil name of Colchester Zoo’s newest addition, a baby white rhino.
      • Visit Colchester Library in Trinity Square to take afternoon tea with people associated with Age UK & The Silver Line (AGE UK) (The Silver Line)
    Wednesday 8th 
    • Charles
      • Received Christopher Dawson, upon his appointment as Governor of Western Australia.
      • Received Professor Mark Compton, Lord Prior of Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem.
      • Audience with Penelope Mordaunt MP 
      • Held a Privy Council Meeting
        • Mr. Marcus Jones MP, Ms. Kelly Tolhurst MP and Mr. Craig Whittaker MP were sworn in as members of His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council.
        • The Rt. Hon. Maria Eagle MP made affirmation as a member of His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council.
      • Audience with Oliver Dowden MP and approved the List of High Sheriffs for the Counties of the Duchy of Lancaster.
      • Audience with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak MP 
    • Camilla
      • Hosted a Reception at Buckingham Palace to mark International Women's Day. (Women of the World)
    Thursday 9th 
    • Charles
      • Received Philip Goff, upon his appointment as High Commissioner for New Zealand in London.
      • Received Stephen Smith, upon his appointment as High Commissioner for the Commonwealth of Australia in London.
      • Receive the Privileged Bodies in a ceremony at Buckingham Palace
        • Held a Reception
      • Visit Animal and Plant Health Agency
    • Camilla (Engagements were canceled due to weather making it unsafe to travel by helicopter)
      • Visit The British Racing School
      • Visit British Sporting Art Trust
    Friday 10th 
    • Charles
      • Received Dr Mohammed Al-Issa, Secretary General of Muslim World League
      • Attended the Mountbatten Festival of Music at the Royal Albert Hall

    Monday 13th 

    • Joint
      • Attend Commonwealth Day Service at Westminister Abbey
        • With other members of Royal Family
      • Host Commonwealth Day Reception at Buckingham Palace
        • With other members of Royal Family
    Tuesday 14th 
    • Charles
      • Held Investiture at Buckingham Palace
      • Received Fiamé Naomi Mata’afa MP, Prime Minister of the Independent State of Samoa.
      • Received Sir Antony Radakin, Chief of the Defence Staff
      • Received Lieutenant General Tyrone Urch, Chief Royal Engineer of Corps of Royal Engineers
      • Audience with Jeremy Hunt MP, Chancellor of the Exchequer
    • Camilla
      • Visited Southwater Library
    Wednesday 15th 
    • Charles
      • Received Mr Aly Diallo, who presented the Letters of Recall of his predecessor and his own Letters of Credence as Ambassador from the Republic of Guinea to the Court of St James’s
      • Received Mr El Hadji Alhousseini Traore, who presented the Letters of Recall of his predecessor and his own Letters of Credence as Ambassador from the Republic of Mali to the Court of St James’s
      • Visited members of the United Kingdom’s Sudanese community at Abrar House,
      • Received Dr Richard Montgomery, upon his appointment as British High Commissioner to the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
      • Audience with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak 
    • Camilla
      • Attended the Cheltenham Festival at Cheltenham Racecourse 
    Tuesday 21st
    Wednesday 22nd
    • Charles
      • Met with President Hamid Karzai, the former President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
      • Audience with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak 
    • Camilla
      • Received General Sir Patrick Sanders upon relinquishing his appointment as Colonel Commandant of The Riffles and Lieutenant General Tom Copinger-Symes upon assuming the appointment. (The Riffles)
    Thursday 23rd
    • Charles
      • Received Mr Yannis Tsaousis, who presented the Letters of Recall of his predecessor and his own Letters of Credence as Ambassador from the Hellenic Republic (Greece) to the Court of St James’s.
      • Received Mr Koray Ertas, who presented the Letters of Recall of his predecessor and his own Letters of Credence as Ambassador from the Republic of Turkey to the Court of St James’s.
      • Opened the new London Headquarters of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development at Five Bank Street
        • met Ukrainian and Turkish staff before viewing an art exhibition of paintings from Ukraine 
        • Joining a Meeting with the Board of Directors on green transition.
      • Received Mrs Derek Cross, upon relinquishing her appointment as The late Queen’s Diary Secretary.
    Friday 24th 
    • Charles
      • Received The President of the Gabonese Republic at Windsor Castle

    Sunday 26th -Wednesday 29th 
    • Joint
      • State Visit to France

     Wednesday 29th (State Visit to Germany)

    • Joint
      • Visited the Brandenburg Gate and were received by The President of the Federal Republic of Germany and Mrs Büdenbender.
        • Inspected the inspected the Guard of Honour.
      • Attend State banquet at Bellevue Palace.
    • Charles
      • Attended a Sustainability Reception at Bellevue Palace and planted a tree for The Queen’s Green Canopy in the Palace Garden.

    Thursday 30th (State Visit to Germany)

    • Joint
      • Visited the Federal Chancellery, and signed the City’s Golden Book 
      • Visited Wittenbergplatz Market
      • Attended a Plenary Session at the Bundestag 
        • Charles gave an address
    • Charles
      • Visited the Ukraine Arrivals Centre, Tegel Refugee Centre
      • Visited Wasserstrassen und Schifffahrtsamt
        • Viewed a static display of a British amphibious bridge and a mechanised infantry vehicle before viewing the completion of the amphibious bridge.
      • Visited Brodowin Organic Farm and toured the dairy and viewed the ripening rooms before meeting members of the farm staff and young farmers.
    • Camilla
      • Visited Refugio Café, Berlin.
      • Visited Komische Oper, Berlin.

    Friday 31st (State Visit to Germany)

    • Joint
      • Viewed the “Kindertransport — the Final Parting” memorial statue, where Her Majesty laid a rose
      • Visited St Nikolai Memorial Church, and listened to “the Coventry Litany of Reconciliation”, read by Bishop Kirsten Fehrs
        • Charles laid a wreath in front of the altar and Camilla laid a flower.
      • Visited Hamburg City Hall and signed the City’s Golden Book 
      • Visited Schuppen 52, Australiastrasse, Hamburg
    • Charles
      • Embarked in MS HAMBURG to travel along the River Elbe, viewing the future site of the Green Energy Hub Hamburg and 100 megawatt electrolyser and hearing about the ongoing transition to a carbon-free port.
    • Camilla
      • Visited Rudolf-Ross-Grundschule, Kurze Strasse, Hamburg.

    April (KC10/QC0/J7)

    Tuesday 4th 

    • Charles
      • Held Council Meeting at Windsor Castle. 
      • Holst Dinner Party at Windsor Castle.
    Wednesday 5th 
    • Joint
      • Visited Talbot Yard Food Court
    • Charles
      • Met with representatives of Local Charitable organizations at York House

    Thursday 6th

    Thursday 13th 
    • Charles
      • Received Anne Jessopp, Chief Executive Officer of the Royal Mint, and Ms Rebecca Morgan, Director, and was presented with coins created in commemoration of His Majesty’s Coronation.
    Friday 14th 
    • Charles
      • Attend 200th Sovereign's Parade at Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. 
        • Presented New Colours to the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst 

    Wednesday 26th

    • Joint
      • Visit M&S Bank Area, the host venue of the 2023 Eurovision Song Contest. 
      • Visit Liverpool Central Library to mark the library's twinning with The Regional Scientific Library in Odesa, Ukraine. 
        • Charles met representatives from The Prince’s Trust and the Professional Teaching Institute.
        • Camilla joined a storytelling session with a class of school children as part of the Liverpool Learning Partnership Creative Writing and Reading Programme.
    • Charles
      • Audience with UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak
      • Audience with Penelope Mordaunt
      • Held a Council Meeting
    Thursday 27th 
    • Joint
      • Presented a new Standard to the Life Guards of the Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment and Presented a new  Colours to the Royal Navy, the Grenadier Guards and the Royal Air Force
      • Received Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba, Anita Neville
      • Received The Lieutenant Governor of Alberta, Salma Lakhani
    Friday 28th 
    • Charles
      • Attended the start of the London leg of the Australian Legacy Centenary Torch Relay in the Quadrangle of Buckingham Palace
      • Received Representatives from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police at Windsor Castle upon His Majesty’s appointment as Commissioner-in-Chief and to mark the Institution’s One Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary.

    May (KC36/QC4/J12)

    Tuesday 2nd

    • Joint
      • Attended a Reception with Members of the House of Lords and the House of Commons at Westminster Hall, Palace of Westminster
    • Charles
      • Audience with Anthony Albanese, Prime Minister of Australia
      • Audience with Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada via video link

    Wednesday 3rd 

    Thursday 4th 

    • Charles
      • Audience with the Governor-General of Canada, Mary Simon and Canadian indigenous leaders Chief Roseanne Archibald, Natan Obed and Natalie Caron
      • Audience with King of The Ashanti, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II
      • Audience with Amazonian indigenous leaders Uyunkar Domingo Peas and Ms. Atossa Soltani 

    Friday 5th 

    • Charles
      • Attend a Realm Governors General and Prime Ministers Lunch at Buckingham Palace
      • Attend a Commonwealth Heads of Government leaders meeting at Marlborough House.
      • Reception at Buckingham Palace for Foreign Guests

    Saturday 6th

    • Joint
    Sunday 7th 
    Monday 8th 
    • Charles
      • Received Peter Gates and invested him with the Insignia of a Lieutenant of the Royal Victorian Order.

    Tuesday 9th 

    • Charles
      • Visited the new Whittle Laboratory at Cambridge University

    Tuesday 16th 

    • Charles
      • Received Teodoro Lopez Locsin, who presented the Letters of Recall of his predecessor and his own Letters of Credence as Ambassador from the Republic of the Philippines to the Court of St. James's.
      • Received João Paulo da Costa Rangel, who presented the Letters of Recall of his predecessor and his own Letters of Credence as Ambassador from the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste to the Court of St. James's.
      • Received Russell Mirasty upon his appointment as Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan (Province in Canada)
      • Received Barbara Baker upon her appointment as Governor of Tasmania (Island state of Australia.)
    Wednesday 17th 
    • Joint
      • Visited Covent Garden and met with various members of the local community, businesses, market traders and art organizations. 
        • Visit St Paul’s Church to mark it's Three Hundred and Ninetieth Anniversary
    • Charles
      • Held a Reception for The Prince’s Trust Awards at Buckingham Palace.
      • Held a Privy Council Meeting
        • Humza Yousaf MSP (First Minister of Scotland) was sworn in
        • Chloe Smith MP made affirmation, kissed hands upon appointment and received the Seal of Office as Secretary of State for Science, Innovation and Technology.
      • Audience with Penelope Mordaunt
      • Audience with Humza Yousaf, First Minister of the Scottish Government
    Thursday 18th 
    • Charles
      • Received Carmen Maria Gallardo Hernández, who presented the Letters of Recall of her predecessor and her own Letters of Credence as Ambassador from the Republic of El Salvador to the Court of St James’s.
      • Received Archbishop Miguel Maury Buendía, who presented the Letters of Recall of his predecessor and his own Letters of Credence as Apostolic Nuncio from the Holy See to the Court of St James’s.
      • Presented the Queen Elizabeth II Design Award for British Design at 180 Studios, 
        • Met recipients of scholarships and designer support schemes, leading figures in the fashion industry and those championing sustainable fashion
    • Camilla
      • Visited Shirehampton Primary School to celebrate the Coronation Libraries Programme (National Literacy Trust)
        • Received Mr Giles Brandreth

    Monday 22nd

    Tuesday 23rd

    • Charles
      • Received  Ralph Goodale, the High Commissioner for Canada in London
      • Received Sir Edward Young, upon relinquishing his appointment as Joint Principal Private Secretary to The King and former Private Secretary to Her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 
        • Charles invested him with the Insignia of a Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath and a Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order.
      • Audience with UK Prime Minister  Rishi Sunak
    • Camilla
      • Held a Meeting for Her Majesty’s Reading Room at Clarence House

    Wednesday 24th

    • Joint
      • Visited Coronation Garden in Hazelbank Park
        • Viewed the Coronation Robe Project and the Coronation Microgreens Horticulture Project.
      • Met Catherine Roulston, Principal of Blythefield Primary School, and pupils from the School who contributed to a winning entry of the School Coronation Bench Competition.
      • Attended an Afternoon Party in the garden of Hillsborough Castle.
    • Charles
      • Received Christopher Heaton-Harris, Secretary of State for Northern Ireland at Hillsborough Castle.
    Thursday 25th 
    • Joint
      • Visited the Market Place Theatre and Arts Centre, Market Street for a Celebration of Culture 
        • Charles met representatives of The Prince’s Trust and The Prince’s Foundation 
        • Camilla met members of the Knit and Natter group and the Community Intercultural Programme group
      • Visited the Coronation Community and Heritage Celebration at Enniskillen Castle
        • Posted letters in the Kindness Postbox before visiting the Big Coronation Lunch.
    • Charles
      • Visited St Patrick’s Cathedral
        • Met Church Leaders and representatives of the parish, community and youth work
    • Camilla
      • Visited Armagh Robinson Library
    Tuesday 30th
    • Charles
      • Presented Honours at Windsor Castle to the Crew of the State Gun Carriage of the Royal Navy at the State Funeral of The late Queen Elizabeth II.
      • Received Nicolas Bramall, who delivered up the Insignia of the Order of the Garter worn by his father, the late Field Marshal the Lord Bramall.
      • Received Mrs Barnes-Yallowley and the Hon Verity Inge, who delivered up the Insignia of the Order of the Garter worn by their father, the late Field Marshal the Lord Inge.
      • Received Reverend Dr David Ison and conferred upon him the honour of Knighthood and invested him with the Insignia of a Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order upon relinquishing his appointment as Dean of St Paul’s Cathedral, and Dean of the Order of St Michael and St George and Dean of the Order of the British Empire.
      • Received Surgeon Captain David Anthony Hett RN upon relinquishing his appointment as Medical Officer to Queen Elizabeth II Abroad, and Tour Doctor to The King, when His Majesty invested him with the Insignia of a Commander of the Royal Victorian Order.
    Wednesday 31st 
    • Charles
      • Received from the Grenadier Guards
        • Major General James Bowder (Regimental Lieutenant Colonel) and Major James Gatehouse (Regimental Adjutant) who presented His Majesty with a sculpture commissioned to celebrate the Coronation.
        • Major Jonathan Hathaway-White (Captain, The King's Company), and Warrant Officer Dean Jones and Warrant Officer Matthew Hall (Company Sergeant Majors).
      • Received Air Chief Marshal Sir Michael Wigston, upon relinquishing his appointment as Chief of the Air Staff.
      • Audience with UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak
    • Camilla
      • Received Ms. Clare Periton at Clarence House upon relinquishing her appointment as Chief Executive Officer of Helen and Douglas House

    June (KC39/QC8/J14)

    Thursday 1st

    • Charles
      • Received Baroness Ashton of Upholland and invested her with the Insignia of a Lady Companion of the Most Noble Order of the Garter.
      • Received Andrew Gomez upon his appointment as High Commissioner for the Commonwealth of the Bahamas in London.
      • Received from The Prince's Trust 
        • Alison Brittain, Chairman of The Prince's Trust Group
        • John Booth, Chairman of The Prince's Trust Council
        • Jonathan Townsend, Chief Executive of The Prince's Trust
        • Shabir Randeree, Chairman ofThe Prince's Trust International
    • Camilla
      • Visited the British Racing School to mark its Fortieth Anniversary 
      • Attended a Reception for the British Sporting Art Trust at Palace House (British Sporting Art Trust)

    Friday 2nd

    • Charles
      • Meeting with the President of Romania at Cotroceni Palace
        • Attend Reception
    Tuesday 6th 
    • Charles
      • Attended a performance of George Frideric Handel's Coronation Anthems and "Dettingen Te Deum" given by the Royal Philharmonic Society and Wigmore Hall to celebrate the Coronation in St. James's Roman Catholic Church
    Wednesday 7th
    • Charles
      • Presented Honours at Buckingham Palace to members of the Army who were involved in the State Funeral of The late Queen Elizabeth II.
      • Received the Bishop of Blackburn, the Right Reverend Philip North, who did homage upon his appointment.
      • Received the Lord Patten of Barnes and invested him with the Insignia of a Knight Companion of the Most Noble Order of the Garter.
      • Received Ben Wallace, Secretary of State for Defence
      • Received Admiral Sir Benjamin Key, First Sea Lord and Chief of the Naval Staff
    Thursday 8th 
    • Charles
      • Held a Meeting at Buckingham Palace for Disasters Emergency Committee member agency Chief Executive Officers and aid workers.
      • Received Garrison Sergeant Major Andrew Stokes (Coldstream Guards) and Ms. Susan Amer.
    • Camilla
      • Opened the British Flowers Week Exhibition at the Garden Museum
      • Host reception at Clarence House for The Royal Lancer's (Queen Elizabeths' Own)
        • Received Colonel Richard Charrington and Lieutenant Colonel William Richmond upon her appointment as Colonel-in-Chief of the Regiment.
    • Joint
      • Held dinner with King Philippe & Queen Mathilde of Belgium at Windsor Castle
    Sunday 11th 
    • Joint
      • Attended a Reception for The Queen's Reading room at Hampton Court Palace
        • Camilla then attended The Queen's Reading Room Literary Festival 
    Monday 12th 
    • Charles
      • Visited Pickering Railway Station to mark the mark the Centenary of the Flying Scotsman and the Fiftieth Anniversary of the North Yorkshire Moors Railway 
      • Visited Market Place and met local shopkeepers before viewing medieval frescoes in St. Peter and St. Paul's Church
    Tuesday 13th 
    • Charles
      • Presented Honours at Buckingham Palace to former and serving members of the Royal Household who were recognised in the Honours List on the Demise of Queen Elizabeth II.
      • Held a Reception for United Kingdom Heads of Mission at St. James's Palace.
    Wednesday 14th 
    • Charles
      • Received Susan Leyden (daughter of the Lord Hunt), Mr Peter Hillary (son of Sir Edmund Hillary) and Mr Jamling Norgay (son of Mr Tenzing Norgay) to mark the Seventieth Anniversary of the Ascent of Mount Everest.
      • Received in audience by The King and kissed hands upon their appointment as His Majesty’s Ambassadors: 
        • Fiona Blyth (Mongolia)
        • Nicholas Bowler (the Kyrgyz Republic)
        • Edward Hobart (the United Arab Emirates) 
        • Michael Nithavrianakis (the Republic of Somalia)
      • Held Council Meeting 
      • Audience with UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak
    • Joint
      • Hold a Reception at Buckingham Palace to celebrate "Windrush: a Pioneering Generation"  to mark the Seventy Fifth Anniversary of the Landing of HMT EMPIRE WINDRUSH at the Port of Tilbury.
        • With Duke & Duchess of Gloucester
        • Unveiled portraits of Windrush elders commissioned by His Majesty.
    • Camilla
      • Received Colonel Ruth Weir, Head of Royal Australian Corps of Military Police
      • Attended a Garden Party at Marlborough House to mark the Thirtieth Anniversary of Bees for Development (Bees for Development)

    Thursday 15th 

    • Charles
      • Attend a Service of Thanksgiving at The Queen's Chapel to mark the 650th anniversary of the Anglo-Portuguese Alliance.
        • Received President of Portugal ahead of service
      • Received new Ambassadors from the UK upon their appointment: 
        • Stephen Conlon (Turkmenistan)
        • John Marshall (the Republic of Guinea)
        • Katharine Ransome (the Republic of Mali and non-resident Ambassador to Burkina Faso)
        • Darren Welch (the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia).
      • Received The Earl of Crawford, who delivered up the Insignia of the Order of the Thistle worn by his father, the late Earl of Crawford and Balcarres.
      • Present the present a new Sovereign’s Standard to The Blues and Royals (Royal Horse Guards and 1st Dragoons)
        • With Princess Anne

    Friday 16th 

    • Charles
      • Received Rodney Williams, Governor-General of Antigua and Barbuda
      • Received Karen Pierce, UK's Ambassador to the United States of America
      • Received Dr. Henry Kissinger, former United States Secretary of State
    • Joint
      • Attend the Senior Colonel's Dinner at Clarence House
        • Hosted by Charles
        • Camilla also attended the Conference earlier hosted by Princess Anne

    Saturday 17th

    • Joint
      • Attend Trooping the Colour 
    Monday 19th 
    Tuesday 20th
    • Charles
      • Received the President of Estonia
      • Held a Reception at St. James's Palace for the Ukraine Recovery Conference.
    • Joint
    Wednesday 21st 
    Thursday 22nd
    • Charles
      • Attend a service at St George’s Chapel, in Celebration of the Seventy Fifth Anniversary of the Landing of HMT Empire Windrush at the Port of Tilbury 
    • Joint
    Friday 23rd
    Saturday 25th 
    Thursday 22nd
    • Charles
      • Attend a service for young people to recognise and celebrate the Windrush 75th anniversary at St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle.
    Tuesday 27th 
    • Joint
      • Visited Poundbury, and viewed bronze reliefs of Their Majesties commissioned to mark the completion of Queen Mother Square. 
      • Opened The Duke of Edinburgh Garden at Pavilion Green an
    • Charles
      • Audience with  Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada via video link. 
      • Held a Reception for recipients of The King’s Award for Enterprise at Buckingham Palace. 
        • With Prince Edward, Duchess Sophie and The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester 
    Wednesday 28th 
    • Charles
      • Received Major General Christopher Ghika upon relinquishing his appointments as General Officer Commanding London District and Major General Commanding Household Division  and Charles invested him with the Insignia of a Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order. 
      • Hold a Reception for Global Leaders on Space Sustainability at Buckingham Palace.
        • Unveiled the Sustainable Markets Initiative’s Astra Carta seal
      • Attended the Climate Innovation Forum at Guildhall
      • Received Dr Hugh Rayment-Pickard upon assuming his appointment as Chief Executive Officer of the Professional Teaching Institute. 
      • Audience with Rishi Sunak, Prime Minister and First Lord of the Treasury
    • Joint
      • Attend the Animal Ball at Lancaster House to mark the 20th anniversary of wildlife conservation charity Elephant Family. 
        • With Annabel Elliot, Camilla's sister
    • Camilla
      • Held an audience at Clarence House for The Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Competition.
    Thursday 29th 
    • Charles
      • Presented Honours at Buckingham Palace to members of the Royal Air Force who were involved in the State Funeral of The late Queen Elizabeth II.
    • Camilla
      • Visited the Royal Free Hospital (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation)

    July (KC29/QC11/J15)

    Monday 3rd

    • Charles
      • Visited Kinneil House to mark the Centenary of Kinneil Estate becoming a public park
      • Ceremony of the Keys in the Forecourt of the Palace of Holyroodhouse. 
        •  presented the new Elizabeth Sword (part of the Honours of Scotland) to The King, which His Majesty returned to him.
      • Received Lord Lyon King of Arms, Dr. Joseph Morrow, who presented the new Elizabeth Sword (part of the Honours of Scotland) to The King, which His Majesty returned to him.
    • Joint/ Charles
      • Attend Reception on the Royal Yacht Britannia to mark 25 years since her arrival in Edinburgh.
    Tuesday 4th 
    • Charles
      • Received Lieutenant Colonel Alastair Colville, winner of the annual shooting event of The King's Body Guard for Scotland, Royal Company of Archers, and presented him with The King's Prize.
      • Received Alison Johnstone, Presiding Officer of the Scottish Parliament
      • Received Humza Yousaf, First Minister of the Scottish Government
    • Camilla
      • Received Edward Russell, winner of the 2022 annual shooting event of The Queen's Body Guard for Scotland, Royal Company of Archers, and presented him with The late Queen's Prize.
      • Received Members of the Worshipful Company of Gardeners when they presented a Bouquet to mark Her Majesty's Coronation.
    • Joint
      • View the Jubilee Gates at the entrance to Abbey Yard, Palace of Holyroodhouse, commissioned last year by the High Constables to mark Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee.
      • Visited the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh to mark the Seventy Fifth Anniversary of the National Health Service (NHS)
      • Attend Garden Party at the Palace of Holyroodhouse to celebrate the coronation year.
        • With Princess Anne
    Wednesday 5th 
    • Charles
      • Hold an Investiture at the Palace of Holyroodhouse
      • Presented the Honours at the Palace of Holyroodhouse to members of the Army who were involved in the Lying at Rest of The late Queen Elizabeth II in St Giles’ Cathedral
      • Received Hamish Macfarlane who delivered up the Badge and Star of the Most Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Thistle worn by his father, the late Lord Macfarlane of Bearsden.
      • Received The Earl of Home, who delivered up the Badge and Star of the Most Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Thistle worn by his father, the late Earl of Home.
    • Camilla
      • Meet weavers at Dovecot Studios. 
    • Joint
      • Attended a Reception for The King’s Body Guard for Scotland, Royal Company of Archers at Archers’ Hall
      • Attend  National Service of Thanksgiving and Dedication at St Giles’ Cathedral following processions on the Royal Mile
        • With Prince William & Princess Kate
    Thursday 6th 
    • Joint
      • Visit the Great Tapestry of Scotland visitor centre in Galashiels to mark Ten Years since the Tapestry was completed and went on public display
      • Tour the Lochcarron of Scotland weaving mill
      • Visited Selkirk, one of the earliest settlements in the Scottish Borders
        • Toured the marketplace, viewing local produce on display, and meeting stallholders and members of the public
        • Viewed a performance of “Casting of the Colours”
    Monday 10th 
    • Charles
      • Received President Biden of the United States of America
      • Received attendees of the Climate Finance Mobilization Forum at Windsor Castle
    Tuesday 11th 
    • Charles
      • Held Investiture at Windsor Castle
      • Received Justice Dias, Justice Hill, Justice Morgan and Justice Stacey upon their appointment as Justices of the High Court and invested them with the Insignia of Dames Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire.
      • Justice Bennathan, Justice Bright, Justice Constable, Justice Fowler, Justice Kinney,  Justice Rajah, Justice Richards, Justice Smith and  Justice Sweeting  upon their appointment as Justices of the High Court and conferred upon them the honour of Knighthood and invested them with the Insignia of Knights Bachelor.
      • Received Captain Jiwan Prasad Gurung, The Royal Gurkha Rifles, and Captain Narendradhoj Gurung, Queen's Gurkha Engineers (The King's Gurkha Orderly Officers) and invested them with the Insignia of Members of the Royal Victorian Order.
    • Camilla
      • Host a reception at Clarence House to celebrate the 15th anniversary of First Story
    Wednesday 12th 
    • Charles
      • Attend a reception to celebrate four decades of the Prince of Wales's Charitable Fund. 
    • Camilla
    Thursday 13th 
    • Joint 
      • Visited the Barbara Hepworth Museum and Sculpture Garden to mark the Thirtieth Anniversary of Tate St Ives, which manages the museum
      • Visited St Ives Harbour
    • Camilla
      • Visited the Oasis Wellbeing Café the Columba Centre
      • Visited the Women’s Centre Cornwall
    Tuesday 18th
    • Joint 
      • Host a reception in the state rooms at Windsor Castle to celebrate the work of William Shakespeare, on the 400th anniversary of the publication of the first Shakespeare Folio
        • With Duchess Sophie and Duke & Duchess of Gloucester
    • Camilla
      • Received Victoria Perrin, Director of the The Queen’s Reading Room, at Windsor Castle.
    Wednesday 19th 
    • Charles
      • Received The Right Reverend David Connor at Windsor Castle upon relinquishing his appointment as Dean of The King’s Free Chapel of St George at Windsor Castle, Domestic Chaplain, and Register of the Order of the Garter, and His Majesty invested him with the Insignia of a Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order.
      • Received Sir Alan Reid (Chairman of the Council of the Duchy of Lancaster) and Mr Nathan Thompson (Chief Executive Officer).
      • Received Penelope Mordaunt
      • Held A Privy Council Meeting
      • Received  UK Prime Ministers Rishi Sunak
    Thursday 20th 
    • Joint 
      • Visited Brecon Cathedral to mark the Centenary of the Diocese & first day of Brecon Choir Festival.
      • Visited Brecknock Agricultural Society’s Show
      • Visited 160 Brigade at Brecon Barracks
    • Camilla
      • Met representatives and staff from Calan DVS domestic abuse charity.
    Monday 24th 
    • Charles
      • Visited Lincolnshire Coronation Coast National Nature Reserve, based at Saltfleetby and Theddlethorpe
      • Visited Lincolnshire Poacher Cheese, Ulceby Grange Farm
      • Visited the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight at Royal Air Force Coningsby to mark the Eightieth Anniversary of Operation Chastise
    • Camilla
      • Visited Redwings Horse Sanctuary
      • Visited Monica Vinader Limited and presented The Queen’s Award for Enterprise in Sustainable Development for 2022 to the company
        • (The award is referencing Queen Elizabeth as it was awarded during Queen Elizabeth II's reign.)
    Tuesday 25th
    • Charles
      • Attended a “Music in Country Churches” Concert at St Mary’s Church
    Wednesday 26th 
    • Joint 
      • Visited Sandringham Flower Show
    Thursday 27th 
    • Charles
      • Received Simon Hickling upon relinquishing his appointment as Deputy Land Agent, Sandringham Estate, when His Majesty invested him with the Insignia of a Member of the Royal Victorian Order.
      • Held a Reception at Sandringham House for Leaders in Agriculture.

    August (KC5/QC2/J3)

    Wednesday 2nd 

    • Charles
      • Officially opened 8 Doors Distillery and toured the still room, tasting room and cask store, and met members of staff.
      • Met members of the John O'Groats business community and local artisan food producers at the Old Forge

    Saturday 5th 

    • Charles
      • Attended the Mey Highland Games

    Tuesday 8th 

    • Charles
      • Visited the Port of Nigg, Cromarty Firth, to mark its recently-awarded Green Freeport status 

    Saturday 26th 

    • Joint
      • Attend presentation of the new Ballater Colour to Headquarters 51 Infantry Brigade and Headquarters Scotland at Balmoral Castle
      • His Majesty presented the colours and received with a Royal Salute and subsequently inspected the Colour.
      • Held a Reception at Windsor Castle.
    • Charles
      • Visited Lonach Highland Gathering and Games at Strathdon celebrating the Gathering’s One Hundred and Eightieth Anniversary and the Lonach Highland and Friendly Society’s Two Hundredth Anniversary

    Tuesday 29th

    • Camilla
      • Attended a Poetry Together recital and tea party at Fielding Primary School
      • Visited the Royal Air Force Club and unveiled a portrait of a Special Operations Executive and named a room for the Executive, Noor-un-Nisa Inayat Khan GC

    September (KC22/QC5/J12)

    Saturday 2nd

    • Joint
      • Attend Braemar Games in Scotland
        • With Princess Anne & Sir Tim
    • Charles
      • Audience with Rishi Sunak, Prime Minister and First Lord of the Treasury

    Tuesday 5th 

    • Camilla
      • Opened Fish Shop restaurant and fishmongers

    Sunday 9th 

      • Charles
        • Audience with Humza Yousaf, the First Minister of the Scottish Government

      Wednesday 13th

      • Charles
        • Visited Scalan Seminary and Mills
        • Visited Tomintoul and Glenlivet Discovery Centre and Museum
        • Visit Tomintoul Village Store
        • Meet with pupils of Tomintoul Primary School and visited a local affordable housing project at Auld School Close
        • Attended Beating Retreat by Balaklava Company, The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, at Balmoral Castle
          • Attended a Reception
      Friday 15th 
      • Charles
        • Visited Broke Not Broken at the Muirs
        • Visited Kinross Day Centre to mark its Fortieth Anniversary 
        • Attended a Reception at Dumfries House to mark the Fifteenth Anniversary of the opening of Dumfries House and Estate to the public.
        • Held a Privy Council meeting at Dumfries House at 5.30 p.m.
          • Grant Shapps MP took the Oath of Office and kissed hands upon appointment as Secretary of State for Defence.
          • Claire Coutinho MP took the Oath of Office, kissed hands upon appointment and received the Seals of Office as Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero.
        • Held audience with Penelope Mordaunt
        • Held audience with  Jeremy Hunt, Chancellor of the Exchequer
      Saturday 16th 
      • Joint
        • Attended St Leger Stakes Day at Doncaster Racecourse, St Leger Way, Doncaster, South Yorkshire.
      • Charles
        • Opened the MacRobert Farming and Rural Skills Centre
      Wednesday 20th (State Visit to France)
      • Joint
        • Attended official welcome at the Arc de Triomphe and were received by The President of the France
          • King Charles was received with a Royal Salute and inspected the Guard of Honour. 
          • King Charles and president Macron laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and rekindled the Eternal Flame, and subsequently signed the Livre d’Or.
          • Ceremonial procession to the Élysée Palace, accompanied by a mounted escort of the Republican Guard.
        • Attended State Banquet at the Palace of Versailles.
      • Charles
        • Planted a Tree, gifted by the President, at the Residence of the British Ambassador to the France
      Thursday 21st (State Visit to France)
      • Joint
        • Visited Saint-Denis, the home of the Rugby World Cup village, and celebrated  the important role sport can play in bringing communities closer together and enriching the lives of young people.
          • The King met representatives and beneficiaries of Association Objectif Emploi
          • The Queen met representatives and beneficiaries of Maison des Femmes
        • Visited Chanel's le 19M a
          •  Viewed the embroidery section of Lesage and met embroiderers and students of the Chanel and The Prince’s Foundation Métiers d’Art Fellowship Programme in partnership with le 19M.
        • Visited the Marché Aux Fleurs meeting florists and representatives of local organisations, before signing the Town Hall Parchment.
        • Visit Notre Dame Cathedral
          • met firefighters involved in the emergency response and representatives of the Cathedral Restoration Team, and viewed the exterior construction site.
        • Attend Banquet at the Élysée Palace this evening by The President of the French Republic and Madame Macron.
      • Charles
        • Visited the French Senate
        • Attended a Reception for the Climate and Nature Finance Mobilisation Forum at Musée National d’Histoire Naturelle and was received by Madame Agnès Pannier-Runacher (French Minister for Energy Transition) and the Rt Hon Claire Coutinho MP (Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero).
        • Re-opened the renovated British Embassy
        • Received Monsieur Bernard Arnault, Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, LVMH
      • Camilla
        • Launched the Entente Littéraire Prize at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France
      Friday 22nd (State Visit to France)
      • Joint
        • Visited Hôtel de Ville
          • Walkabout at Place Pey-Berland.
        • Attended a Reception on board HMS Iron Duke and were received by the Commanding Officer (Commander James Wallington-Smith), the Naval Attaché to the French Republic (Captain Philip Wills) and the Regional South-West Commander Officier Général de la Zone de Défense et de Sécurité du Sud-Ouest (Général de Corps Aérien Laurent Lherbette).
          • Received with a Royal Salute and inspected the Guard of Honour.
        • Visited a Showcase to celebrate the Franco-British relationship at Place de la Bourse, viewing stands and meeting members of the local British and French communities
          • Visited the biodynamic vineyard at Chateau Smith Haut Lafitte
          • Viewed the wine cellars and the cooperage, and met members of staff and winemakers from the Entre-Deux-Mers area.
      • Charles
        • Visited the Forêt Expérimentale de l’Université de Bordeaux
          • Met members of the 2022 Landes wildfire crisis response team and was briefed on elements of the Project, including work on fire resilience strategies and community outreach.
      • Camilla
        • Visited Pain de l’Amitié, Rue Saint-Nicolas, Bordeaux.
      Friday 29th 
      • Charles
        • Visited Global Underwater Hub in Aberdeen
          • viewed a submersible Remotely Operated Vehicle on display and live footage from an underwater vehicle deployed in the North Sea
        • Held a Reception for the Royal Warrant Holders Association at Balmoral Castle.
      • Camilla
        • The Queen this evening attended the Braemar Literary Festival Dinner at the Fife Arms, Ballater, Aberdeenshire.
      Saturday 30th 
      • Camilla
        • Attended a Talk at the Braemar Literary Festival, St Margaret’s Art Centre
      Tuesday 3rd
      • Charles
        • Visited James Jones and Sons Limited, Burnroot Sawmill
      Thursday 5th
      • Charles
        • Visited old Gairnshiel Bridge and officially opened the new Gairnshiel Jubilee Bridge.
          • Received with a Royal Salute by the Lonach Highlanders.

      Wednesday 11th

      • Charles
        • Received in audience upon their appointment as His Majesty’s Ambassadors: 
          • Dr Martin Longden (Libya)
          • Mr Giles Portman (Romania)
          • Mr James Squire (the Swiss Confederation and non-resident Ambassador to the Principality of Liechtenstein).
        • Received Mr Barry Lowen upon his appointment as British High Commissioner to the Republic of Cameroon.
        • Received Nigel Casey upon his appointment as His Majesty’s Ambassador to the Russian Federation.
        • Held a Council at 4.30pm.
          • Michelle Donelan MP received the Seals of Office as Secretary of State for Science, Innovation and Technology, took the Oath of Office
        • Audience with Penelope Mordaunt MP 
        • Meeting with The King of Bahrain
        • Audience with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak
        • Received a Briefing on Accelerating Partnerships, Action and Delivery to Achieve a Sustainable Future.
        • Phone Call with King Abdullah of Jordan
        • Phone Call with President Herzog of Israel
      • Camilla
        • Host a reception at Clarence House to celebrate 30 years of the Forward Arts Foundation, which promotes knowledge and enjoyment of poetry across the UK.
      Thursday 12th 
      • Charles
        • Held a Reception for the The Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering at Buckingham Palace 
        • Received the Chief Rabbi, Sir Ephraim Mirvis
      Monday 16th 
      • Charles
        • Presented Coronation Medals to members of the Lonach and Atholl Highlanders and Gordonstoun Pipers at Balmoral Castle.
        • Laid up the old Ballater Colour at Balmoral Castle, alongside the old Gordon Highlander Colours, and subsequently attended a Reception for Gordon Highlander Veterans.
      Tuesday 17th 
      • Camilla
        • Attended a reception at Leighton House (Royal Osteoporosis Society)
      Wednesday 18th 
      • Charles
        • Attended a Reception for African Business Leaders, convened by The Prince’s Trust International, at the Garrison Chapel
        • Audience with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak
      • Joint 
        • Attend Dinner hosted by the Lord Mayor and the City of London Corporation at Mansion House in honour of Their Majesties’ Coronation at which representatives of Livery Companies and the City’s finance sector were present.
      • Camilla
        • Received Group Captain Gareth Prendergast at Clarence House upon relinquishing his appointment as Station Commander and Group Captain Paul Hamilton upon assuming the appointment. (Royal Air Force Leeming)
      Thursday 19th 
      • Charles
        • Received Ndolamb Ngokwey, who presented the Letters of Recall of his predecessor and his own Letters of Credence as Ambassador from the Democratic Republic of Congo to the Court of St James’s.
        • Received Macenje Mazoka, who presented the Letters of Recall of her predecessor and her own Letters of Commission as High Commissioner for the Republic of Zambia in London.
        • Received Sir Ian Cheshire, Chairman of The Prince of Wales’s Charitable Foundation and Ms Nicola Jeffery, Chief Executive Officer (Prince of Wales’s Charitable Foundation)
      • Joint 
        • Hosted Reception at Buckingham Palace to thank those who contributed to and were involved with the State Funeral of The late Queen Elizabeth II and with the Coronation of Their Majesties.
          • Also attended: 
            • Duchess Sophie
            • Princess Anne
      • Camilla
        • Received the Reverend Canon Michael Parker upon his appointment as Chaplain General to His Majesty’s Land Forces (Royal Army Chaplains’ Department)

      Saturday 21st 

      • Camilla
        •  Attended British Champions Day at Ascot Racecourse

      Tuesday 24th

      • Charles
        • Received the Baroness Scotland of Asthal (Commonwealth Secretary-General) 
        • Received Mr Michael Adamson upon relinquishing his appointment as Chief Executive Officer of the British Red Cross Society and Ms Béatrice Butsana-Sita upon assuming the appointment.
      • Joint 
        • The King and Queen held a Reception to mark the Sixtieth Anniversary of Kenyan Independence at Buckingham Palace

      Wednesday 25th 

      • Charles
        • Held an Investiture at Buckingham Palace
        • Received Air Vice-Marshal Richard Lacey upon relinquishing his appointment as a Gentleman Usher to His Majesty.
        • Received Professor the Hon Hugh Heggie upon his appointment as Administrator of the Northern Territory, Australia.
        • Held audience with upon their appointment as His Majesty’s Ambassadors:
          • Matthew Field (the Czech Republic)
          • Martin Harris (Ukraine)
          • Fern Horine (the Republic of Moldova)
          • Guy Warrington (the Republic of South Sudan)
        • Received Mrs Johanna Churchill MP (Vice-Chamberlain of the Household) and presented Addresses from the House of Commons to which His Majesty was graciously pleased to make reply
        • Received The Crown Prince of the State of Kuwait
        • Audience with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak

      Thursday 26th

      • Charles
        • Meeting with the President of Montenegro
        • Held a Reception for supporters of the Powerlist Black Excellence Awards.
        • Received a briefing on the humanitarian situation in Gaza from representatives of Medical Aid for Palestinians, the British Red Cross, the United Nations Children's Fund UK and Christian Aid.
        • Opened Priscilla Bacon Lodge Hospice

      Tuesday 31st 

      • Joint 
        • Official Welcome at the State House by The President of the Republic of Kenya and Mrs Ruto.
          • King Charles inspected the Guard of Honour.
        • Visited Uhuru Gardens National Monument and Museum
          • King Charles Laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Warrior
        • Visited Mashujaa Museum
        • Visited Eastlands Library, Makadara Huduma Centre.
          • King Charles Joined a Prince’s Trust International Enterprise Challenge Showcase
          • Queen Camilla met winners and judges of the Commonwealth Essay Competition and participated in a reading session with children.
        • Attend State Banquet given by The President of the Republic of Kenya and Mrs Ruto at State House.
      • Charles
        • Visited City Shamba, Mama Lucy Kibaki Hospital
        • Fisited Nairobi Garage and met Youth and Climate Innovators, and workers from start-ups.
      November (KC43/QC9/J16)

      Wednesday 1st

      • Joint 
        • Visited Kariokor World War Two Commonwealth War Graves in Nairobi,
          • Attended an Act of Remembrance and laid wreaths at the Memorial Cross
          •  Presented Kenyan World War Two veterans with campaign medals.
          • Visited Sheldrick Wildlife Trust Elephant Orphanage at Nairobi National Park
        • Charles
          • Visited the United Nations Office in Nairobi 
            • Received briefings on the work of the United Nations Environment Programme, United Nations Habitat and Sustainable Markets Initiative
          • Visited Karura Forest
          • Visited Nairobi Street Kitchen, Nairobi
          • Participated in a Meeting to discuss legacy issues
          • Attended a Reception to mark the Royal Visit given by the British High Commissioner to the Republic of Kenya 
          • Held an Investiture
        • Camilla
          • Visited Brooke Donkey Sanctuary at the Kenya Society for the Protection and Care for Animals

        Thursday 2nd

        • Joint 
          • The King and Queen this afternoon arrived in Mombasa, Kenya, and were received by the Hon Musalia Mudavadi (Prime Cabinet Secretary and Cabinet Secretary for Foreign and Diaspora Affairs).
          • Visited Mtongwe Naval Base
            • Traveled by Admiral's Barge from Mombasa Ferry site
            • Viewed a covert beach insertion by the Kenya Marines at the beach head
        • Charles
          • Visited Nyali Beach
            • Met with Early Birds' Banda and was briefed on beach clean-ups, rehabilitation for youth, mental health and training on lifeguarding
            • visited the turtle conservation site
          • Visited Kuruwitu Locally Managed Marine Area, Vipingo Reach,

        Friday 3rd 

        • Joint 
          • Visited Fort Jesus, Mombasa, and were received by the Principal Curator (Ms Fatma Twahir) and Ms Joyce Nzovu (Arts and Culture Programme Manager, British Council Kenya).
        • Charles
          • Participated in a discussion on the role of interfaith dialogue with the Coast Interfaith Council of Clerics
            • Visited  Mombasa Memorial Cathedral
            • Visited Mandhry Mosque
        • Camilla
          • Visited the Situation Room at Tononoka Social Hall
        Tuesday 7th 
        • Joint 
          • Attend the State Opening of Parliament
          • Attended the Royal Ballet’s performance of Carlos Acosta’s “Don Quixote” at the Royal Opera House, to recognise and thank front line National Health Service workers, and education and arts providers
        Wednesday 8th 
        • Joint 
          • Held a Reception at Buckingham Palace to recognise the United Kingdom’s contribution to humanitarian efforts across the world
            • With The Duke of Gloucester
        • Charles
          • Held Investiture at Buckingham Palace
          • Visited New Malden Methodist Church
            • viewed an exhibition on the One Hundred and Fortieth Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations between the United Kingdom and Korea and met representatives from community, cultural, culinary and faith groups based in New Malden and the surrounding area.
          • Visited a local Korean-owned cake shop and met local young Korean residents.
          • Visited New Malden War Memorial in the High Street and met Korean War veterans.
          • Received Mark Lane and invested him with the Insignia of a Commander of the Royal Victorian Order
          • Audience with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak
        Thursday 9th

        • Charles
          • Received Mr Luis Vayas Valdivieso, who presented the Letters of Recall of his predecessor and his own Letters of Credence as Ambassador from the Republic of Ecuador to the Court of St James’s.
          • Received Mr Osman Topcagic, who presented the Letters of Recall of his predecessor and his own Letters of Commission as High Commissioner for Bosnia and Herzegovina in London.
          • Visited the Central Synagogue to commemorate the Eighty Fifth Anniversary of Kristallnacht
            • met survivors of the Kindertransport.
        • Camilla

        Friday 10th 

          • Charles
            • Received Jennifer Jordan-Saifi upon relinquishing her appointment as Assistant Private Secretary and invested her with the Insignia of a Member of the Royal Victorian Order.
            • Attended a Handover Ceremony in Windsor Home Park for the Cedar of Lebanon gifted by The Pope to Queen Elizabeth II to mark Her late Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee, and was received by the Apostolic Nuncio (His Excellency Archbishop Miguel Maury Buendía) and the Archbishop of Westminster (His Eminence Cardinal Vincent Nichols).

          Saturday 11th 

          • Joint 
          Sunday 12th
          Monday 13th 
          • Charles
            • Host a celebratory event at Highgrove Gardens for individuals and organisations also turning 75 in 2023. 
          Tuesday 14th 
          • Charles
            • Host a reception at Buckingham Palace to celebrate nurses and midwives working in the United Kingdom. 
          • Joint 
            • Launched the Coronation Food Project at South Oxfordshire Food and Education Alliance

          Wednesday 15th 

            • Charles
              • Received the Bishop of Lincoln (the Right Reverend Stephen Conway) who did homage upon his appointment.
              • Received the Bishop of Winchester (the Right Reverend Philip Mounstephen who did homage upon his appointment.
                • King Charles handed to the Bishop of Winchester the Badge and Chain of Office upon his appointment as Prelate of the Most Noble Order of the Garter.
              • Received Reverend James Newcombe upon relinquishing his appointment as Clerk of the Closet 
                • King Charles appointed him a Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order.
              • Received Reverend Richard Jackson (Bishop of Hereford) upon his appointment as Clerk of the Closet and received his Badge of Office.
              • Held a Privy Council meeting
                • Victoria Atkins, Steven Baker, Sir Graham Brady and Mr Craig Williams  were sworn in as members of the Privy Council.
                • James Cleverly received the Seals of Office as Secretary of State for the Home Department, took the Oath of Office and kissed hands on appointment.
                • Victoria Atkins MP received the Seals of Office as Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, took the Oath of Office and kissed hands on appointment.
                • Stephen Barclay MP received the Seals of Office as Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, took the Oath of Office and kissed hands on appointment.
              • Audience with Penelope Mordaunt
              • Audience with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak 
              • Held a Reception at Buckingham Palace for those members of Overseas Territories attending the Joint Ministerial Council.
            • Camilla
              • Attended the Commonwealth Women Leader’s Forum at Marlborough House
            • Joint 
              • Attend Service of Thanksgiving for the late Earl of Airlie held in the Chapel of the Royal Hospital Chelsea
                • Attending 
                  • Duke and Duchess of Gloucester
                  • Other extended family

            Thursday 18th 

            • Charles
              • Received Bernhard Wrabetz, who presented the Letters of Recall of his predecessor and his own Letters of Credence as Ambassador from the Republic of Austria to the Court of St James’s.
              • Received Antonio de Aguiar Patriota was received in audience by The King and presented the Letters of Recall of his predecessor and his own Letters of Credence as Ambassador from the Federative Republic of Brazil to the Court of St James’s.
              • Received in audience by The King and kissed hands upon their appointment as Governors: 
                • Mr Daniel Pruce (the Virgin Islands: Governor designate)
                • Ms Julia Crouch (Anguilla)
              • Received in audience by The King and kissed hands upon their appointment as His Majesty’s Ambassadors: 
                • Ms Melanie Barlow (the Lao People’s Democratic Republic) 
                • Ms Dawn McKen (Montenegro).
              • Visited Lambeth Palace Library, to mark Inter Faith Week 
                • Attended a Reception for Interfaith Leaders.
            • Camilla
              • Host a reception for winners of The Queen's Commonwealth Essay Competition 2023 at Buckingham Palace.
            Monday 20th 
            • Camilla
              • Attended Foreign Press Association (FPA) Awards to celebrate 135 anniversary
            Tuesday 21st
            • Joint 
              • Officially Welcome for South Korea State visit at Horseguards Parade
                • Carriage Procession to Buckingham Palace
              • Luncheon
                • View Items from Royal Collection 
                • Exchange Official Gifts
              • Host State Banquet
            Wednesday 22nd
            • Charles
              • Along with the President & First Lady of South Korea, held an audience with members of BlackPink and invested them with the insignia of a member of the Order of the British Empire
              • Held Privy Council Meeting
                • The Lord Cameron of Chipping Norton (AKA David Cameron) received the Seals of Office as Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, took the Oath of Office and kissed hands on appointment.
              • Audience with Penelope Mordaunt
              • Received Air Chief Marshal Sir Richard Knighton, Chief of the Air Staff
              • Received Chief Inspector James Fishwick and invested him with the Insignia of a Member of the Royal Victorian Order.
              • Received Margareta, Custodian of the Romanian Crown and Prince Radu of Romania.
            Thursday 23rd
            • Joint 
              • Official Goodbye to President Yoon Suk Yeol & Mrs Kim Keon Hee at Buckingham Palace
            • Camilla
              • Host a reception at Clarence House for the Booker Prize Foundation
            Monday 27th 
            • Charles
              • Hold a Reception at Buckingham Palace to mark the Global Investment Summit.
            • Camilla
              • Received Lieutenant Colonel William Richmond of the Royal Lancers upon relinquishing his appointment as Commanding Officer and Lieutenant Colonel Robin Davies upon assuming the appointment.
                • Planted a commemorative oak in Sandringham Estate in celebration of The late Queen Elizabeth II’s Seventy Five Years as Colonel-in-Chief of The Royal Lancers 
            Thursday 30th 
            • Charles
              • Attend COP 28 Summit in United Arab Emirates
                • Met with:
                  • President of the United Arab Emirates (Sheik Mohamed bin Zayed al Nahyan) 
                  • Yang di-Pertuan Agong of Malaysia
                  • Chief Executive Officers of clean energy companies
                  •  The President of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana 
                • Attended a Commonwealth and Nature Reception 
                • Attended a Meeting with Women Climate Leaders.
                • Attended a Reception
            • Camilla
              • Attended the Biennial Rifles’ Awards Dinner at Guildhall

            December (KC 33/QC5/J2

            Friday 1st 

            • Charles
              • Attended the United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP28) in Dubai
                • Met with 
                  • President of the United Arab Emirates
                  • Amir of the State of Qatar 
                  • President of the State of Israel 
                  • President of the Federative Republic of Brazil
                  • President of the French Republic
                • Gave an Opening Address at the Opening Ceremony of the World Climate Action Summit.

            Tuesday 5th 

            • Charles
              • Visited the Coptic Orthodox Church Centre, and attended an Advent Service in the Cathedral
              • Received Gareth Evans and invested him with the Insignia of a Member of the Royal Victorian Order.
            • Joint 
              • Attend the Diplomatic Reception at Buckingham Palace 
                • With William & Kate
            Wednesday 6th 
            • Charles
              • Received Lord Caine, the Lord Evans of Rainow, the Lord Gascoigne, the Lord Harlech and the Lord Roborough upon their appointment as Lords in Waiting to His Majesty
              • Received Baroness Swinburne upon her appointment as Baroness in Waiting to His Majesty.
              • Received Dr Grahame Davies and invested him with the Insignia of a Commander of the Royal Victorian Order.
              • Received Dr Hugo Boyce and Mrs Christine Barling who delivered up the Insignia of the Order of the Garter worn by their father, the late Admiral of the Fleet the Lord Boyce.
              • Audience with Rishi Sunak MP
            • Camilla
              • Host children from Helen Douglas and Roald Dahl's Marvellous Children's Charity at Clarence House to help Decorate Christmas Tree
                • Received Mrs Jane Long at Clarence House upon assuming her appointment as Chief Executive.
              • Visited Ashiana Refuge in London
            Thursday 7th 
            • Charles
              • Received Roy Leonardo Barreras Montealegre, who presented the Letters of Recall of his predecessor and his own Letters of Credence as Ambassador from the Republic of Colombia 
              • Received Tore Hattrem, who presented the Letters of Recall of his predecessor and his own Letters of Credence as Ambassador from the Kingdom of Norway
              • Visited Ealing Broadway Shopping Centre
                • His Majesty toured the Christmas Market in the Town Square and met local business owners before meeting winners of The King’s and Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service.
                • Viewed performances by a Polish choir and the Impact Theatre group
              • Visited Pitzhanger Manor and Gallery,
                • Viewed restoration works that have been carried out inside and outside the house and met craftsmen and women and stonemasons involved.
            • Camilla
              • Opened Winter Flowers Week at the Garden Museum

            Friday 8th

            • Charles
              • Attend a festive themed ‘Celebration of Craft’ reception at Highgrove House
              • Received Dr John Sorabji upon relinquishing his appointment as Deputy Private Secretary to His Majesty.
            Monday 11th 
            • Charles
              • Planted a commemorative tree at Westonbirt, the National Arboretum, as part of the Wollemi pine conservation project
            Tuesday 12th 
            • Charles
              • Held an Investiture at Windsor Castle
              • Received the winners of the Defence Operational Shooting Competition at Windsor Castle and presented with The King’s Medal.
              • Received Professor the Hon Margaret Gardner was received in audience by The King and kissed hands upon her appointment as Governor of Victoria.
            Wednesday 13th
            • Charles
              • Host a gathering of UK community and faith leaders at Buckingham Palace.
              • Received Stefan Gullgren was received and presented the Letters of Recall of his predecessor and his own Letters of Credence as Ambassador from the Kingdom of Sweden to the Court of St James's.
              • Received General Cheikh Wade was received in audience by The King and presented the Letters of Recall of his predecessor and his own Letters of Credence as Ambassador from the Republic of Senegal to the Court of St James's.
              • Received Rachér Croney was received upon her appointment as British High Commissioner to Grenada.
              • The King held a Privy Council Meeting
                • Mr Richard Holden MP and Ms Laura Trott MP were sworn in as members of His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council.
              • Audience with Penelope Mordaunt 
              • Audience with Rt Hon Rishi Sunak MP (Prime Minister and First Lord of the Treasury) had an audience of The King.
            Thursday 14th 
            • Charles
              • Received representatives of the Weston Girls (a group of fifty Canadian women who visited the United Kingdom in 1953 to witness the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II).
              • Received Senior Representatives from His Majesty’s former and newly appointed Military Affiliations.
              • Visited the Royal Courts of Justice
                • Met Diversity and Community Relations Judges and Magistrates and school pupils who had participated in a mock trial.
            • Camilla
            Friday 15th 
            • Charles
              • Received Dr Anton Borg and when His Majesty invested him with the Insignia of a Lieutenant of the Royal Victorian Order. 
            Monday 18th 
            • Charles
              • Received Secretary John Kerry (United States Special Presidential Envoy for Climate) at Windsor Castle.
            Tuesday 19th 
            • Charles
              • Held an Investiture at Windsor Castle
              • Received Major Grant Baker upon relinquishing his appointment as a Gentleman Usher
              • Received Hannah Howard upon relinquishing her appointment as Communications Secretary, and invested her with the Insignia of a Commander of the Royal Victorian Order.
            Wednesday 20th 
            • Joint 
              • Attend reception for the military at Windsor Castle